nashley / dotfiles

Configuration for i3, URxvt/Xresources, zsh, vim, etc.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Configuration files

  • .zshrc
  • config/i3/config
  • .Xresources


  • sudo rmmod iwlifi && sudo modprobe iwlwifi
  • Start keepassxc, virtualbox, blueman-manager
  • Rice i3
    • Dim inactive windows (or other noticable difference; see note on borders)
    • Fix i3 not working with titles (remove completely? or get to work and add back?)
    • Remove icons from i3blocks (assuming they can be prevented from being created in the first place)
    • Add increment/decrement workspace to i3 ($mod+alt+hjkl/arrows?)
    • Rice i3lock
    • Run i3lock when user is idle for 5 minutes (and suspend if on battery power)
    • Run i3lock when suspending/hibernating
    • Have i3, gtk, qt, slack, and .Xresources colors decided based upon wallpaper?
    • Use rofi instead of dmenu for open window, file manager, and ssh support
  • Make gtk colors go to qt
    • Fix gtk (3?) theme not working with intellij
  • Rice Xorg/urxvt
  • Sign in to Spotify
  • Install/enable hardware 2D and 3D acceleration
  • Tweak libinput/xinput touchpad and mouse (viz., australian scrolling, tap to click; middle click scroll)
  • Use urxvtd
  • Enable colors in zsh
    • Have $PS1 include color background
  • Fix i3blocks statusbar (volume, mem, and swap are wrong; network? causes resize; make font smaller)


Configuration for i3, URxvt/Xresources, zsh, vim, etc.

License:MIT License


Language:Shell 87.6%Language:Vim Script 12.4%