narfman0 / GDXWorld

2D world editor for libGDX. Has an overhead map/level layout designer, which may drill into a level and intelligently place physics bodies, enemies and pathing, and other objects.

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GDXWorld is a 2D world editor for libGDX. The intention is to provide not only a framework to provide physics information to populate box2d worlds, but also give parameters for the interaction of the shapes therein through the use of joints, define NPC information with pathing, overworld map, and quests.


We have moved to jitpack, so ensure it is added:

repositories {
    maven { url '' }

Then bring in the dependency with:

dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.narfman0:GDXWorld:1.0.4'


GDXWorld is not simply a level editor, but a world and environment creator. It starts off in a overworld type editor, defining the number of levels, their relative locations as 2D world coordinates, and the required level progression before reaching particular levels. In world editor mode, one may save or load the world in a java serialized fashion.

The level editor has a number of modes focused on effective and efficient world creation. The user would click on the check box representing the mode to be in, then use it appropriately. In some cases, a window will come up immediately, otherwise the user may have to click around to invoke a window.

[GDXWorld car demo] (

World Editor

The world editor is what is first seen after deciding to build a new world. A conspicuously black screen meets the user, and after clicking in the void, the user is presented with the overworld level editor window. Here, one may redefine the levels world coordinate location by clicking on the map. After hitting accept, the level is "committed" to the current world and the node shows up in the black.

To edit a level, click the node within the radius of the circle. The level editor will pop up again. The user may now delete it, causing the node to disappear, edit, going into level edit mode, cancel changes, or accept current changes.

A level that is currently being moved around or otherwise edited is in light gray, whereas a level that has been saved is in white. One may edit a levels properties or location by left clicking on it, or one may immediately move the level by holding left shift and click and dragging the level to a new desired location. During this process the edited level is a gray instead of white to indicate its fluidity. When the changes are accepted, the level changes to a single white circle representing its new location.

The world editor has a basic camera to manage navigation lest the users worlds grow past the meager extents of a 1080p screen. To pan the camera, use the left/right/up/down arrow keys. To zoom out, roll back on the mouse wheel. To zoom in, roll in on the mouse wheel.

Level Editor

After selecting a level node to edit, thus entering the level editor screen, the user will not a window in the top left labeled "Level Editor" with a number of check boxes. These check boxes represent the mode of the level editor.


Polygon mode is the most basic type of mode. The user may create, edit, or delete polygons in this mode. From a clean level, start clicking on the void to start populating the world. Note while clicking vertices are being added to a yet unknown polygon. While a polygon is being edited, it is a lighter color green, and after accepting the changes or editing a finished polygon, the polygon will be a lighter green. After finishing a polygon, either by creating a new polygon or by editing a pre-existing polygon, explore the options.

Dynamic, Static, and Kinematic (as are other parameters) are Box2d specific attributes defining mobility. I feel they are self describing and shall thus cop out and link you to the official manual, which a swarm of brilliant folks likely put together for this expressed purpose:

Take special note of the Name parameter, as you may use it to connect joints. Accepting the changes adds the polygon, deleting removes the polygon from the level, and cancel eradicates changes, bringing the user back to a clean state before the editor was brought up.

A polygon is composed of a set of vertices and a center point around which these vertices orient. One may move a whole polygon by holding down the left shift key (while the edit window is NOT active), left clicking a vertex which is part of the polygon, and dragging to a new location. Note that while the vertex was selected, the center of the polygon will be moved (which is likely different from the specific vertex selected) and the whole polygon will then be shifted around the center (rather than the selected vertex).

Alternatively, if the user wishes to move just one vertex in a polygon, first select the polygon by clicking one of its vertices, then hold left shift and left click the vertex to be moved, and drag it to its new desired location. When in polygon edit mode, with the polygon window up showing the many vertices in a windows, one may more easily shift certain vertices.


See Polygon above, but this time in circles


Background mode is the interface through which the user may put down images that do not get loaded into the physics world upon level load. It is up to the user to render these, and a reference GDXRenderer is included for using backgrounds faster.

Background supports parallax scrolling This is handled primarily through the "depth" attribute. This attribute will scale the texture in size and will offset it linearly according to camera position. A depth of 0 is on the camera (and this invalid/never visible), 0-1 is the foreground up to the physics plane, 1 is the physics plane a.k.a. midground, and greater than 1 means the object is being drawn in the background.

To shift the backgrounds, again hold left shift while left click and dragging the background to move it around freely. Upon releasing left click, the image will plant in its new home to forever be (hopefully attractively) centered on the last clicked coordinates.


NPC editor defines what we view as "keys" to other properties. After naming said npc, the behavior could be used as a reference to the a.i. (in my case behavior tree), strictly up to the client. The path is used to denote to the NPC where they should traverse within the level. The path is defined in the next mode, and this is simply a named reference. Resource was intended to be the animation set, model, or otherwise ui/graphics resource one will use to render or visually represent the NPC. Faction is an open-ended string, to be interpreted by the client, ideally indicating friend, foe, and any level in between.

One may, in a similar fashion, move NPC nodes by holding left shift and dragging towards its new intended location. Upon releasing the mouse, the NPC should be moved the the new location.


Path indicates the route an NPC should work in-game. It is a named reference and referred to by NPC


Joints are a more advanced tool used to define the interaction of two bodies. Again I will refer you to Chapter 8 on joints. The joint editor window will pop up, listing the possible joints. Currently, only revolute, distance, and weld joints are available. After clicking one of these, then hitting the new button, the specific editor type window will pop up.

If the specific type window demands a body, then use the named reference you used for the circle/polygon. Often, clicking on the map will fill in anchor coordinates or similar as a convenience method. Clicking create will commit the joint to the world, while delete removes the joint currently being edited.

Example: a commonly requested feature is the car motor. A car motor may be accomplished by first creating a dynamic car body, two dynamic car wheels, and a platform beneath the car on which it may drive. Following this, the user should take special note of the RevoluteJoint, which may provide motor capabilities. Attach two revolute joints to each wheel, for RWD, the back wheel may have the motor with the unique revolute joint properties "enable motor", "max torque", and "motor speed" set to some reasonable figures. At this point, (when 3 dynamic bodies have been "joined" using two revolute joints), you have a simple motor drive RWD vehicle. Click live mode to demonstrate the capabilities of your sweet ride in gdxworld real time.

Advanced Example: For the slightly more advanced GDXWorlder, you may wish to employ a quest which takes a trigger "Input" (to grab when the user inputs an accelerate keyboard button) and a manifestation "Physics" that causes the motor to turn on/off. This could yield a dynamic vehicle, and of course it is left up to the implementing IQuestManifestationExecutor to what degree the car handles.


Each level has a set of quests. The intent is that any number of quests may be active simultaneously, as seen in the reference GDXQuestManager and corresponding unit test. Please take note of that while reading the following.

A quest is composed of four parts: 1 Name, being the primary index other quests use to refer to prerequisites 2 Prerequisites, which are dependent quests that must be finished before the current quest is active, 3 Trigger, which indicates the quest should go from active to complete 4 Manifestation, which describes the manner in which the transition from active to complete is represented, be it visually, in the physics environment, or in another similarly stealthy and cool manner.

A quest may be repeatable, which could be useful for what some may consider "scripting," such that you have some sort of environmental trigger and repeatable physics manifestation. An example could be a distance based trigger which manifests in a motor turning on for an elevator or similar behavior.


Light mode creates a world editor interface for the box2dlights extension to libgdx. This allows you to create three different types of lights, Directional, Point, and Cone. The populated ray handler is in the CreateLevelReturnStruct, so caching the result, updating the matrix, and rendering (after the objects you want affected have been rendered). Quick example here:

One may use opengl 1 or 2 es, however, due to the shading centric nature of opengl 2, 2.0 is the preferred lighting method. It is strongly encouraged that the client uses opengl 2 es, so as to take advantage of hardware shader mastery for great justice.


Group mode is designed to batch move, import, and export related objects. A group is composed of polygons, circles, and joints. In the editor, one may simply refer to them by name, but when exporting and importing special attention must be paid to the "center" attribute. When exporting, all pertinent vertices, anchors, centers, etc, are saved relative to the center. This means when the user loads the group again, it will load at 0,0 and may be shifted after that.

To create a group, first click the group mode and "add" button. Next, name the group and list which polygons, circles, and joints are in the group by name, comma delimited. For a car, one may make a rectangular body named "body", two wheels names "front" and "back", and two revolute joints, one with a motor, named "w1joint" and "w2joint". In the group editor, then, you could name it "car", in the polygon text field type "body", in the circles text field type "w1, w2", and in the joints field type "w1joint, w2joint".

To export, hit the export button from the editor window. Select which serializer you wish to use, then navigate to a file and hit save. If using the XML or JSON serializer, you could open that file and note the contents, but for now make a new level in which you may import. Again in group mode, click the import button and navigate to the file to load in the same group. Note that the names are not changed, so you may not currently load multiples of the same body without odd repercussions since the editor assumes unique names.


Animation mode works in concert with group and quest modes to bring easy modification of groups of items. The approach at a high level is similar to flash, using keyframes to denote points of action, though lower level this is simply timed in ms. As the time reaches the next point of manifestation, it will trigger, and upon reaching the end of the animation, will loop (if repeatable) or stop and go to the default animation.

PhysicsManifestation will be the common case here, but any manifestation could be used. One may prefer to use 'hard' position/angle setting or the 'soft' but more error-prone application of physics methods like velocity, impulse, torque, and the like. Other manifestations may work reasonably well, like joint remove or various motor/joint manifestations. To this end, one may construct a complicated beast to be exported using one of the built in serializers.


Chain mode can string together multiple shapes connected by revolute joints to form long lines of dynamic objects. One may build bridges, tank tracks, ropes, or any similar such objects. All objects will share physical properties. First click the "start" point, then "end", then create should build a default chain. Note that currently, the start/end fields are populated by finding the carat position and changing whatever field's carat isn't at 0, so when selecting, it must be nonzero, and the other field must be 0.


Particle mode is a simple mode through which a level designer may add particles at level creation. It is intended to be a two step process, firstly, creating the particles at startup, secondly, adding a mechanism in the Quest mode to remove/add other particles dynamically. These particles will be available to each level and are to be handled by the client.


GDXWorld supports a variety of serializer plugins. By default, there are three available. These may be used when serializing items to a file, for instance when saving the world or exporting a group.

Java Serializer

The java serializer will save items in a .ser file and and must be used with things implementing Serializable. This is a binary format and therefore small, but is less prone to gracefully recovering from slight changes in the classes it is serializing. Thus if a world is saved with one version of GDXWorld, and a later version adds a field, an exception will be thrown and it will be tough to recover. Be forewarned..!

XML Serializer

The XML serializer uses reflection to go over every field in the class to be serialized and will make a node for each. If it is a complex element, it will in turn reflect that class, and so on (recursively). As a result the worlds are saved with minimal code. This format is more text, but can be hand edited or viewed outside of the world editor.

JSON serializer

Operates the same was as XML, see above

Project setup/Cold Start

Designed to be managed from eclipse, preferably in Fedora 22+ with the egit plugin, but should work under any gradle environment.

  1. From "Gradle Tasks" right click root "GDXWorld" and click "Run Default Gradle Tasks"
  2. This will run the eclipse file generator, tests, create a build directory, and the enclosed lib against which you may link. Congrats!
  3. To run, navigate to GDXWorldEditor, right click, Run As, Java Application.

Refer to LICENSE for (admittedly lacking) licensing information


2D world editor for libGDX. Has an overhead map/level layout designer, which may drill into a level and intelligently place physics bodies, enemies and pathing, and other objects.



Language:Java 100.0%