Steps to Install Poplar SDK on a IPU POD (provided you have access to IPU Hardware)
Connect to the IPU POD via SSH
This will log you into your user space
You will have to manually install the Poplar SDK in the IPU POD to further experiment with codes or take Poplar for a test run
Head to
You’ll be asked to sign in (you can do so if you have access to the GraphCore hardware)
Select the relevant Poplar SDK version based on the Platform and version you need
You need to download the compressed tarball file to the host PC and then transfer it to the remote server via SCP
Use the following piece of code to do so successfully
scp [OPTION] [user@]SRC_HOST:]file1 [user@]DEST_HOST:]file2:.
scp /Users/narenkhatwani/Downloads/poplar_sdk-ubuntu_18_04-2.4.0-d16ca54529.tar.gz
Use the following command to unpack the tarball file
tar -xvzf poplar_sdk-[os]-[ver].tar.gz
To use the Graphcore tools and Poplar libraries use the following commands
cd poplar_sdk-[os]-[ver]
source poplar-[os]-[ver]/
source popart-[os]-[ver]/
popc --version
poprun --num-instances 2 --num-replicas 2 --offline-mode=1 echo "Hello world!"
If the installation is done properly you should get Hello World printed two times as there are two instances running
Hello world!
Hello world!