narendrajavatech / Oauth2-Stateless-Authentication-with-Spring-and-JWT-Token

Oauth2 Stateless Authentication with Spring and JWT Token

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Oauth2 Stateless Authentication with Spring and JWT Token

This project uses Spring Security to authenticate and protect some Rest resources. It uses withAuthorizationServerConfigurerAdapter, ResourceServerConfigurerAdapter and WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter combined with @PreAuthorize to configure the security. It also uses an H2 embeded database to authenticate the users.

Article on the project


External references

This project was inspired by all these references.
  • Using JWT with Spring Security OAuth
  • JWT authentication with Spring Web
  • JWT Authentication Tutorial: An example using Spring Boot
  • Spring Oauth2 with JWT Sample
  • OAuth2 in depth: A step-by-step introduction for enterprises
  • spring-auth-example

    To Build and Run

    Go to the cloned directory and run mvn spring-boot:run or build with your chosen IDE.

    Curl Commands

    You should install ./JQ before running these Curl commands.
    To get a new token
    curl trusted-app:secret@localhost:8080/oauth/token -d "grant_type=password&username=user&password=password" | jq
    To get a refresh token
    curl trusted-app:secret@localhost:8080/oauth/token -d "grant_type=access_token&access_tokem=[ACCESS_TOKEN]" | jq
    To access a protected resource
    curl -H "Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]" localhost:8080/api/hello

    Register new Account
    curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $(curl register-app:secret@localhost:8080/oauth/token -d "grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=register-app" | jq --raw-output ."access_token")" localhost:8080/api/register -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"username":"new-user","password":"password","firstName":"First","lastName":"Last","email":""}' | jq

    Curl sample commands api/me curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $(curl trusted-app:secret@localhost:8080/oauth/token -d "grant_type=password&username=user&password=password" | jq --raw-output ."access_token")" localhost:8080/api/me | jq

  • About

    Oauth2 Stateless Authentication with Spring and JWT Token

    License:MIT License


    Language:Java 100.0%