nanderoo / shodan-rest-api-wrapper

Up-to-date Shodan REST API wrapper.

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Shodan REST API Wrapper

Up-to-date Shodan REST API wrapper.


  • Each function's return type can be changed by defining RETURN_TYPE to your liking (true = object; false = array)
  • Each function is appropriately documented with php-documentor formatting.
  • If you're in search of better and more thorough documentation, please refer to Shodan's REST API documentation (
  • For the functions that require subscriptions (banners(), geo() and ports()), refer to Shodan's STREAM API documentation (


Search Shodan
$shodan = new Shodan('apikey');
$search = $shodan->host_search('NASA');
$search = $shodan->host_search('NASA', 2); // Retrieves results from page 2.
Return all services that have been found on the given host IP.
$shodan = new Shodan('apikey');
$host_info = $shodan->host('');
Return the total number of results that match the query and any facet information.
$shodan = new Shodan('apikey');
$count = $shodan->host_count('');
Determine which filters are being used by the query string and what parameters were provided to the filters.
$shodan = new Shodan('apikey');
$search = token_search('xxx');
Return an object containing all the services that the Shodan crawlers look at.
$shodan = new Shodan('apikey');
$services = $shodan->services();
Look up the IP address for the provided list of hostnames.
$shodan = new Shodan('apikey');
$resolve = $shodan->dns_resolve('');
Look up the hostnames that have been defined for the given list of IP addresses.
$shodan = new Shodan('apikey');
$reverse = $shodan->dns_reverse('');
Return your current IP address as seen from the Internet.
$shodan = new Shodan('apikey');
$ip = $shodan->myip();
Return information about the API plan belonging to the given API key.
$shodan = new Shodan('apikey');
$info = $shodan->api_info();
Return all of the data that Shodan collects.
$shodan = new Shodan('apikey');
$banners = $shodan->banners();
Return geolocation data for all of the collected data by Shodan.
$shodan = new Shodan('apikey');
$geo = $shodan->geo();
Return banner data for the list of specified hosts.
$shodan = new Shodan('apikey');
$ports = $shodan->ports();


Up-to-date Shodan REST API wrapper.