A simple tools for helping generate text file which is formatted as Aplikasi Persediaan Importer.
String Replacer
USAGE: http://<your_host>/replacer.php?needles=list.txt&data=source.txt
@needles a list of string with format "to be replaced;replace with" ended by newline placed in same folder as replacer.php
@data a bunch of string which has string to be replaced ended by newline placed in same folder as replacer.php
OUTPUT: A file named "replaced_data.txt" will be created in same folder as this file located
BMN-SIMAK Bridging-Converter
USAGE: http://<your_host>/bridge.php?source=src.csv&thn=2017&satker=PLKP&bln=03&counter=500
@source a csv file generated from c_nilai_report.xls (output by Aplikasi Persediaan) placed in same folder as replacer.php
@thn year of document
@bln month of document
@satker name of Satuan Kerja, will be used as output filename
@counter start of counter (last counter of previous file), usually used when month is not January
OUTPUT: A file named "TXT_.txt" will be created in same folder as this file located
HPT to FIFO TXT-Converter
USAGE: http://<your_host>/txt2fifo.php?source=TXT_HPT.txt
@source a text file with format as per bridging BMN standard
OUTPUT: A file named "_FIFO.txt" will be created in same folder as this file located