nancyelsh / TASK-Django-M9-DTL

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Let's make some ice cream!


  1. Fork and clone this repository.
  2. Install the requirements using pip install -r requirements.txt.
  3. Run the migrations, create a superuser, and create some ice cream using the admin site.


Detail View

  1. Go to shops/ and add a get_ice_cream view function that takes in a request and ice_cream_id, and renders a template named ice_cream_detail.html (you might find this link useful).
    • Fetch the ice cream object based on the id received in the parameter.
    • Add the following context to be injected into your template:
      • name: the ice cream's name as a string.
      • shop: the ice cream's shop name as a string.
      • stock: the ice cream's current stock as an integer.
  2. Add your get_ice_cream view to bareed/
    • Name it ice-cream-detail, and make sure to add ice_cream_id to the path.
  3. Create a templates folder inside of shops and add an ice_cream_detail.html file.
    • The template should render the entire context passed to it.
  4. Run the server and check out your beautiful ice creams.
  5. Run the tests using pytest -m detail and pass all tests.
  6. Commit your code and push.

Detail View Bonus

  1. In the detail view, wrap your fetch in a try-except block and raise an Http404 if the ice cream id does not exist.
  2. Run the tests using pytest -m detail_bonus and pass all tests.
  3. Commit your code and push.

List View

  1. Go to shops/ and add a get_ice_creams view function that takes in a request and renders a template named ice_cream_list.html.
    • Your context should include the names, flavors (as a list of strings), and shop names of all ice creams.
  2. Add your get_ice_creams view to bareed/ and name it ice-cream-list.
  3. Create a templates folder inside of shops and add an ice_cream_list.html file.
    • The template should render the entire context passed to it.
    • Use this link to see how to loop over objects in DTL.
  4. Run the server and check out your beautiful ice creams.
  5. Run the tests using pytest -m list and pass all tests.
  6. Commit your code and push.

List View Bonus

Add a button that links each ice cream in the list view that redirects the user to the detail page.



Language:Python 100.0%