Margaret Afua Quansah's repositories
SQL was used to create database which determined the number of retiring employees per title, and identify employees who are eligible to participate in a mentorship program. Data modeling, Engineering, analysis, and application was established to forecast and prepare for the upcoming shifts in the company's employees.
Created and style worksheets, dashboards, and stories in tableau to visualize Citi Bike data. The data analysis created portrayed how to create a profitable bike-sharing business in Des Moines.
Understanding Machine Learning and Bitcoin
Personal SQL project
Statistical analysis and visualizations was written in R programming, Load, clean up, reshape datasets using Tidyverse. visualize datasets with basic plots such as line, bar, scatter plots using ggplot2, Implemented and evaluated one-sample t-Tests, two-sample t-Tests, and analysis of variance (ANOVA) models for the dataset.
Used Plotly.js, a JavaScript data visualization library, to create an interactive data for the web to identify the 10 top bacterial species in their belly buttons and visualize bacterial data for each volunteer.
Used Jupiter and Pandas to inspect ride sharing data, merged data sets, calculated mean, median, mode using Pandas, NumPy, and SciPy statistics. Python 2- dimensional plotting library matplotlib was used to create line, bar scatter, bubble, pie and box-whisker plots. The visualization portrayed how to make profits on the new ride-sharing app.
My personal HTML, Linked to Heroku
Presented at Final Bootcamp Project
Common factors that causes Heart and Stroke diseases
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