namuol / grep-ast

CLI tool to grep files for AST patterns using css-like selector strings

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


CLI tool that searches your codebase for AST patterns using @babel-parser and esquery.


# For example, to find all `module.exports = `:
npx grep-ast 'AssignmentExpression > MemberExpression[][]'
# Or to find all dynamic requires:
npx grep-ast 'CallExpression[]:not([arguments.0.type=StringLiteral])'

To get an idea of the AST format you need to grep over, you can use AST Explorer. To match the default parser and parser options for grep-ast, choose JavaScript, babylon7, and then press the gear next to babylon7 to open its settings, and uncheck "estree".

CLI Options

  --help           Show help                                           [boolean]
  --version        Show version number                                 [boolean]
  --selector       CSS-like selector string to search AST for           [string]
  --patterns       Space-separated list of glob patterns matching which files to
                   look in. Defaults to './**/*.{js,jsx}'.              [string]
  --ignore         Comma-separated list of glob patterns to ignore      [string]
  --gitignore      Whether to omit files listed in your .gitignore file(s).
                   Defaults to 'true'.                 [boolean] [default: true]
  --encoding       The encoding to read your files as. Defaults to 'utf-8'.
  --parser         The name of a parser module to use to parse your files. It
                   should have a parse function on it. Defaults to
                   '@babel/parser'.                                     [string]
  --parserOptions  Options to pass to your parser's parse function, encoded as a
                   JSON string.                                         [string]
  --getLoc         Function that receives an AST node and returns an object
                   describing the node's location. Defaults to 'node =>
                   node.loc'.                                           [string]




CLI tool to grep files for AST patterns using css-like selector strings


Language:JavaScript 100.0%