Jayant Kumar (nameisjayant)


Geek Repo

Company:Senior Android Engineer at @antinolabs

Location:New Delhi, India

Home Page:https://nameisjayant.com


Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Jayant Kumar's repositories


so In this project we will check our application is connected with internet or not through Live data , if the application is connected with Internet , we will update the textview with "connect with internet" or if it's not connected we will update with No Network


we are going to build a simple project with the help of Room Database , ViewModal , LiveData and Retrofit. So, What is the agenda of this project? First we will send a retrofit request to the web server for json data, then after fetching json data from the server , we will store that data into Room Database and then shows into the recyclerview. Alright!



This is a simple piano application, where you can play with that, whenever you will free. it makes your mind fresh :)



This is a simple music player application for begineers , i have used room database to store all the songs in it and also used kotlin coroutines to work in background



Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. Most people who fall sick with COVID-19 will experience mild to moderate symptoms and recover without special treatment.



This is a simple piano application, where you can play with that, whenever you will free. it makes your mind fresh :)



This project is all about workmanager.. Hence the description of this project is , we will build a simple image blur application , that will blur your image and store that image into local storage (local device) so we see .Alright !!! All the process will happens in background :)



so here we are going to make a simple application on Rx java and Rx Android with Retrofit and RecyclerView , first we will send a retrofit request to the server for some json data then fetch those data into background and store inside Observables then Observer will Observe those data and will pass to the adapter then adapter will shows into RecyclerView :)



The ViewModel class is designed to store and manage UI-related data in a lifecycle conscious way. The ViewModel class allows data to survive configuration changes such as screen rotations.



This login page based on koltin-xml , i have used drawable to design each part of this project , hope you will like it



This is a simple website based on php-bootstrap and mysql database, i have used xampp server and phpmyadmin to keep track of my database query



we will build a simple project with the help of Room Database and Firebase firestore to understand the concept how it's work.The description of this project is first we will take some inputs like name , age , experience of the person then store that informations into Firebase Firestore database and then fetch those data from firestore and store into Room Database and we will see data through RecyclerView.Alright!,Hope the below image will clear your doubts :)



What is DataStore 🤷‍♀️? Jetpack DataStore is a data storage solution. It allows us to store key-value pairs (like SharedPreferences) or typed objects with protocol buffers . DataStore uses Kotlin, Coroutines and Flow to store data asynchronously with consistency and transaction support 😍. In short, it’s the new data storage solution which is the replacement of SharedPreferences.



What is DataStore 🤷‍♀️? Jetpack DataStore is a data storage solution. It allows us to store key-value pairs (like SharedPreferences) or typed objects with protocol buffers DataStore uses Kotlin, Coroutines and Flow to store data asynchronously with consistency and transaction support 😍. In short, it’s the new data storage solution which is the replacement of SharedPreferences.



we will make a Note Application through Mvvm with Room Database and Kotlin Coroutines , The description of this project is first we will store data into room database and then shows into RecyclerView , Hope you will enjoy and learn something new from the video series :)



In this project we will make a simple application with the help of ViewModel , where we provide communication between two fragments using ViewModel and LiveData



i am creating a simple quiz application , where data will store in your local storage in the form of array , and you are fetching those data one by one , In each correct answer you will be reward score and promote to next question , keep playing



This is just a simple workout application based on java-android , when you open this application you will get some workout task based of the day or week , while doing workout , music will play on the background :)



This application is based on Tic-tac-toe, noughts and crosses, or Xs and Os is a paper-and-pencil game for two players, X and O, who take turns marking the spaces in a 3 3 grid. The player who succeeds in placing three of their marks in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row is the winner.



So in this project we will make a simple application with the help of Coroutines and Retrofit . Where we will fetch some data from server through Retrofit, and fetching data will be on background through Coroutines after that we will show that data in Ui.



Create swipe views with tabs using ViewPager. Swipe views allow you to navigate between sibling screens, such as tabs, with a horizontal finger gesture, or swipe. This navigation pattern is also referred to as horizontal paging. This topic teaches you how to create swipe views for switching between tabs, along with how to show a title strip instead of tabs.



In this project we will how and where we can use ViewModelProvider.Factory class in Android kotlin



This Project is Based on C programming Graphics Animation , when you press any key , the animation will start for few seconds and after that it will stop the car as well as animation



Coil is a new android library for image loading it has following features are as follow :-1). fast 2).less boiler plate code than piccaso and Glide library 3).made up of kotlin Coroutines 4).modern



so here we will make a simple application , where we can use dark and light mode in one application, switching to dark mode will change your application to night mode and switching to light mode will change to light mode



This application is based on firebase, The description of this project is first we will add data through input form in firebase database then will fetch same data in the form of recyclerView :)



This is a simple counter app in flutter , when you click on plus button , it will start incrementing the number, and when you click on minus button it will start decrementing the number



I am creating quiz app from volley library in android, where quiz data will fetch from Api and store in a TextView , In each correct answer you will be promoted to next question and will be reward score .. keep playing and test your IQ level



This application is a simple ToDo List , here user can type any item in TextField and when he/she will click on floating action button , items will store in list and then ListView will shows those items , you can delete any items, clicking on the delete button



This application application is just based on simple layout of travelling , you can use this type of layout while making this type of application , i have used constraints layout
