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This is a basic introduction to Milvus by milvus-sdk-node. The all functions will return a promise, so we can use async await to get the result.


Milvus: v1.x Node: v14+


   npm install @zilliz/milvus-sdk-node


Before we start, there are some prerequisites.

Make sure that:

  • You have a running Milvus instance.
  • milvus-sdk-node is correctly installed.

Connect to Milvus

  1. First of all, we need to import @zilliz/milvus-sdk-node.
import { MilvusNode } from "@zilliz/milvus-sdk-node";
  1. Then, we can make connection with Milvus server. By default Milvus runs on localhost in port 19530, so you can use default value to connect to Milvus.
const IP = "";
const milvusClient = new MilvusNode(IP);
  1. After connecting, we can communicate with Milvus in the following ways. If you are confused about the terminology, see Milvus Terminology for explanations.


Now let's create a new collection. Before we start, we can list all the collections already exist. For a brand new Milvus running instance, the result should be empty.

const collections = await milvusClient.showCollections();
// return data
// {
//   collection_names: [ 'test_01' ],
//   status: { error_code: 'SUCCESS', reason: 'OK' }
// }

Create Collection

To create collection, we need to provide collection parameters. CollectionSchema consists of 4 components, they are collection_name, dimension, index_file_size and metric_type.

  1. collection_name: The name of collection should be a unique string to collections already exist.

  2. dimension: For a float vector, dimension should be equal to the length of a vector; for a binary vector, dimension should be equal to bit size of a vector.

  3. index_file_size: Milvus controls the size of data segment according to the index_file_size, you can refer to Storage Concepts for more information about segments and index_file_size.

  4. metric_type: We can use getMetricType function to get all metricTypes. Milvus compute distance between two vectors, you can refer to Distance Metrics for more information.

Now we can create a collection:

const metricTypes = milvusClient.getMetricType();
const res = await milvusClient.createCollection({
  collection_name: "demo_milvus_tutorial",
  dimension: 8,
  metric_type: metricTypes.IP,
  index_file_size: 1024,
// { error_code: 'SUCCESS', reason: 'OK' }

Then you can list collections and 'demo_film_tutorial' will be in the result.

You can also get info of the collection.

const collectionInfo = await milvusClient.showCollectionsInfo({
  collection_name: COLLECTION_NAME,
// {
//   status: { error_code: 'SUCCESS', reason: 'OK' },
//   json_info: '{"partitions":[{"row_count":0,"segments":null,"tag":"_default"}],"row_count":0}'
// }

This tutorial is a basic intro tutorial, building index won't be covered by this tutorial.

If you want to go further into Milvus with indexes, it's recommended to check our Full examples

Further more, if you want to get a thorough view of indexes, check our official website for Vector Index.

Create Partition

If you don't create a partition, there will be a default one called "_default", all the entities will be inserted into the "_default" partition. You can check it by `list_partitions

const partitions = await milvusClient.showPartitions({
  collection_name: COLLECTION_NAME,
// {
//   partition_tag_array: [ '_default' ],
//   status: { error_code: 'SUCCESS', reason: 'OK' }
// }

You can provide a partition tag to create a new partition.

const res = await milvusClient.createPartition({
  collection_name: COLLECTION_NAME,
// { error_code: 'SUCCESS', reason: 'OK' }


An entity is a group of fields that corresponds to real world objects. In current version, Milvus only contains a vector field.

  1. List 3 Entities
const entities = new Array(3).fill(new Array(8).fill(Math.random() * 100));
  1. Insert Entities If the entities inserted successfully, ids we provided will be returned.
const res = await milvusClient.insert({
  collection_name: COLLECTION_NAME,
  partition_tag: PARTITION_TAG,
  records:, i) => ({
    value: v,
  record_type: "float",
// {
//   vector_id_array: [
//     '1618818108058974000',
//     '1618818108058974001',
//     '1618818108058974002'
//   ],
//   status: { error_code: 'SUCCESS', reason: 'OK' }
// }

Or you can also provide entity ids

const res = await milvusClient.insert({
  collection_name: COLLECTION_NAME,
  partition_tag: PARTITION_TAG,
  records:, i) => ({
    id: i + 1,
    value: v,
  record_type: "float",
// {
//   vector_id_array: [
//     '1',
//     '2',
//     '3'
//   ],
//   status: { error_code: 'SUCCESS', reason: 'OK' }
// }


If the first time when insert() is invoked id is not passed into this method, each of the rest time when insert() is invoked id is not permitted to pass, otherwise server will return an error and the insertion process will fail. And vice versa.


If partition_tag isn't provided, these entities will be inserted into the "_default" partition. otherwise, them will be inserted into specified partition.


After successfully inserting 3 entities into Milvus, we can Flush data from memory to disk so that we can retrieve them. Milvus also performs an automatic flush with a fixed interval(configurable, default 1 second), see Data Flushing

You can flush multiple collections at one time, so be aware the parameter is a list.

const res = await milvusClient.flush({
  collection_name_array: [COLLECTION_NAME],
// { error_code: 'SUCCESS', reason: 'OK' }

Count Entities

We can also count how many entities are there in the collection.

const count = await milvusClient.countCollection({
  collection_name: COLLECTION_NAME,
// {
//   status: { error_code: 'SUCCESS', reason: 'OK' },
//   collection_row_count: '6'
// }

Get Entities by ID

You can get entities by their ids.

const res = await milvusClient.getVectorsByID({
  collection_name: COLLECTION_NAME,
  id_array: [1, 2],
console.log("--- get vectors by id ---", count);

If id exists, an entity will be returned. If id doesn't exist, [] will be return. For the example above, the result demo_milvus_tutorial will only have one entity, the other is [].

Search Entities by Vector Similarity

You can get entities by vector similarity. Assuming we have a film_A like below, and we want to get top 2 films that are most similar with it.

const films_a = new Array(2).fill(new Array(8).fill(Math.random() * 100));


  1. If the collection is index-built, user need to specify search param, and pass parameter params like:, params={...}).

  2. If parameter partition_tags is specified, milvus executes search request on these partition instead of whole collection.

  3. Because vectors are randomly generated, so the retrieved vector id and distance may differ.

const res = await{
  collection_name: COLLECTION_NAME,
  topk: 1,
  extra_params: { nprobe: 16 },
  query_record_array: => ({
    float_data: v,
// {
//   ids: [
//     '1618819557627387001',
//     '1618819557627387000',

//   ],
//   distances: [
//     7.619400501251221,
//     7.619400501251221,
//   ],
//   status: { error_code: 'SUCCESS', reason: 'OK' },
//   row_num: '2',
//   data: [
//    [
//      { id: '1618819557627387001', distance: 7.619400501251221 },
//    ],
//    [
//      { id: '1618819557627387000', distance: 7.619400501251221 }
//    ],
//   ]
// }


Finally, let's move on to deletion in Milvus. We can delete entities by ids, drop a whole partition, or drop the entire collection.

Delete Entities by id

You can delete entities by their ids.

const res = await milvusClient.deleteByIds({
  id_array: [1, 2],
  collection_name: COLLECTION_NAME,
// { error_code: 'SUCCESS', reason: 'OK' }


If one entity corresponding to a specified id doesn't exist, milvus ignore it and execute next deletion. In this case, client always return ok status except any exception occurs.

Drop a Partition

You can also drop a partition.


Once you drop a partition, all the data in this partition will be deleted too.

const res = await milvusClient.dropPartition({
  collection_name: COLLECTION_NAME,
// { error_code: 'SUCCESS', reason: 'OK' }

Drop a Collection

Finally, you can drop an entire collection.


Once you drop a collection, all the data in this collection will be deleted too.

await milvusClient.dropCollection({
  collection_name: COLLECTION_NAME,
// { error_code: 'SUCCESS', reason: 'OK' }



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