nageshever / workshop-betterreads

Clone of Good Reads using Spring and Cassandra

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Workshops πŸ“˜ Better Reads πŸ“˜ !

Gitpod ready-to-code License Apache2 Discord

⚠️ Difficulty: Intermediate, we expect you to already know Java and Spring.

Learn how to build an app end-to-end application with Spring ecosystem (boot, mvc, security, data, test, thymeleaf) and Apache Cassandraβ„’.

🏁 Access HANDS-ON

πŸ“‹ Table of content

  1. Objectives
  2. Acknowledgements
  3. Frequently asked questions
  4. Materials for the Session
  5. Create your Database
  6. Create your Token
  7. Start and setup Gitpod
  8. Work with CqlSh
  9. Load Data with DSBulk
  10. Use Application as anonymous
  11. Setup Authentication
  12. Authenticate and use application
  13. Homeworks

1. Objectives

  • Discover how to use the following technologies:
    • Spring Data: the Object Mapping layer of Spring
    • Spring Data Cassandra: what traps to avoid
    • Spring Security: how to handle authentication with OAuth2
    • Spring MVC: how to expose REST API and controllers
    • Spring Webflux: how to use the new WebClient
    • Thymeleaf: how to build a user interface with Spring
    • Spring Test: How to run tests
    • Astra DB (a Database-as-a-service built on Apache Cassandra)
  • Han fun with an interactive session

2. Acknowledgements

This application has been built based on the work of Java Brains, a famous youtuber (500k+ subscribers). On his channel you can find the full Code with me Series, 16 episodes for building this application step-by-step. The link to each episode is provided at the end of this readme.

3. Frequently asked questions

1️⃣ Can I run this workshop on my computer?

There is nothing preventing you from running the workshop on your own machine, If you do so, you will need the following

  1. git installed on your local system
  2. JDK 8+ installed on your local system
  3. Maven 3.6+ installed on your local system

In this readme, we try to provide instructions for local development as well - but keep in mind that the main focus is development on Gitpod, hence We can't guarantee live support about local development in order to keep on track with the schedule. However, we will do our best to give you the info you need to succeed.

2️⃣ What other prerequisites are required?
  • You will need an enough *real estate* on screen, we will ask you to open a few windows and it does not file mobiles (tablets should be OK)
  • You will need a GitHub account eventually a google account for the Google Authentication (optional)
  • You will need an Astra account: don't worry, we'll work through that in the following
  • As Intermediate level we expect you to know what java and Spring are.

3️⃣ Do I need to pay for anything for this workshop?
No. All tools and services we provide here are FREE. FREE not only during the session but also after.

4️⃣ Will I get a certificate if I attend this workshop?
Attending the session is not enough. You need to complete the homeworks detailed below and you will get a nice badge that you can share on linkedin or anywhere else *(open api badge)*

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4. Materials for the Session

It doesn't matter if you join our workshop live or you prefer to work at your own pace, we have you covered. In this repository, you'll find everything you need for this workshop:

🏁 Start Hands-on

5. Create Astra DB Instance

Leveraging Database creation guide create a database. Right-Click the button with Open in a new TAB.

Field Value
Database Name workshops
Keyspace Name better_reads

ℹ️ Notes:

  • If you already have a DB, you may need to resume it using the Resuming Guide.
  • If yout already have an active DB, simply add a keyspace better_reads using the Add Keyspace button on the bottom right hand corner of db dashboard page.

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6. Create Astra Token

Leveraging Token creation guide create a token. (AstraCS:blablablabla)

Field Value
Role Database Administrator

ℹ️ Notes:

  • If you already have a token from previous session you can use it. A token is not related to a particular DB by default but to organization.

7. Start and setup Gitpod

  • Start gitpod with the button below (right-click open in new tab)

Open in Gitpod

  • Wait for the environment to initialize until you are asked to provide your token:
βœ” Please paste the Database Admin Token here
  • Enter your token AstraCS;blahblahblah and press enter. Wait for all the operations to complete.
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  18.676 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2022-02-14T13:00:07Z
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

8. Work with CqlSh

βœ… 8a. Open new Terminal

It would be handy to have access to this CQLSH while doing the exercises and check the content of the database.

  • Open a new terminal with the icon looking like a small table on top right hand corner of the Terminal Panel in gitpod (as shown below)


... zooming in:


βœ… 8b. Enter the interactive Cqlsh (it is a script we have created for you)

  • It should look like
Connected to cndb at
[cqlsh 6.8.0 | Cassandra | CQL spec 3.4.5 | Native protocol v4]
Use HELP for help.
  • List Keyspaces with
describe keyspaces;
  • Check that our keyspace better_reads is there
token@cqlsh> describe keyspaces;

system_virtual_schema  system_auth   data_endpoint_auth  system_traces
temporal_visibility    system_views  better_reads        ecommerce    
netflix                system        spring_petclinic    todos        
system_schema          datastax_sla  native_java         feeds_reader 

  • List better_reads tables
use better_reads;
describe tables;
  • Check that expected tables are there
token@cqlsh:better_reads> describe tables;

author_by_id  books_by_user  book_by_id  book_by_user_and_bookid
  • Let this panel opened but for following command we will be back to the termimal

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9. Load Data with DSBulk

  • Check you have the dataset ready. In the BASH terminal (⚠️ = NOT the cqlsh). You should see the cql file book_by_id_0.csv.
ls -l /workspace/workshop-betterreads/dataset/
  • Check how many rows. It should have more than 250k.
wc -l /workspace/workshop-betterreads/dataset/book_by_id_0.csv
  • Check that Datastax bulk loader is properly installed (It has been installed for you at startup)
/workspace/workshop-betterreads/tools/dsbulk-1.8.0/bin/dsbulk --version
  • Import the DataSet with the following command
/workspace/workshop-betterreads/tools/dsbulk-1.8.0/bin/dsbulk load \
   -c csv \
   -k better_reads \
   -t book_by_id \
   -u token \
   -maxErrors -1 \
   -b /home/gitpod/.astra/scb_${ASTRA_DB_ID}_${ASTRA_DB_REGION}.zip \
   -url /workspace/workshop-betterreads/dataset/book_by_id_0.csv
  • The batch is running and should be able to see the throughput at ~3k records per second.
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS:  -Xmx2576m
Username and password provided but auth provider not specified, inferring PlainTextAuthProvider
A cloud secure connect bundle was provided: ignoring all explicit contact points.
A cloud secure connect bundle was provided and selected operation performs writes: changing default consistency level to LOCAL_QUORUM.
Operation directory: /workspace/workshop-betterreads/logs/LOAD_20220214-132501-509314
 total | failed | rows/s | p50ms | p99ms | p999ms | batches
17,152 |      0 |  3,074 | 22.68 | 58.98 | 103.81 |    1.00
  • The operation should take about 1 minute to complete. The file can have some errors like invalid title with special characters. IT IS NOT A PROBLEM the dataset is not perfect we will have some failed rows.
  total | failed | rows/s | p50ms | p99ms | p999ms | batches
250,000 |    183 |  3,684 | 21.44 | 56.10 |  66.32 |    1.00
Operation LOAD_20220214-185449-001328 completed with 183 errors in 1 minute and 7 seconds.
  • In the same way - you can also now import book_by_id_1.csv.

  • Count Records in the table book_by_id

/workspace/workshop-betterreads/tools/dsbulk-1.8.0/bin/dsbulk count \
   -k better_reads \
   -t book_by_id \
   -u token \
   -b /home/gitpod/.astra/scb_${ASTRA_DB_ID}_${ASTRA_DB_REGION}.zip
  • Expected output (about 500.000k), during the live speaker will have more because he imported way more files.
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS:  -Xmx2576m
Username and password provided but auth provider not specified, inferring PlainTextAuthProvider
A cloud secure connect bundle was provided: ignoring all explicit contact points.
Operation directory: /workspace/workshop-betterreads/logs/COUNT_20220214-190203-775866
  total | failed | rows/s |  p50ms |    p99ms |   p999ms
499,679 |      0 | 57,806 | 210.15 | 6,207.57 | 6,207.57
Operation COUNT_20220214-190203-775866 completed successfully in 8 seconds.

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10. Use Application as anonymous

  • It would be handy to know the URL of the application
gp url 8080
  • Start the app
cd /workspace/workshop-betterreads/better-reads-webapp
mvn spring-boot:run
  • Output
 ________          __                   __                  ________                     .__                                     
 \______ \ _____ _/  |______    _______/  |______  ___  ___ \______ \   _______  __ ____ |  |   ____ ______   ___________  ______
  |    |  \\__  \\   __\__  \  /  ___/\   __\__  \ \  \/  /  |    |  \_/ __ \  \/ // __ \|  |  /  _ \\____ \_/ __ \_  __ \/  ___/
  |    `   \/ __ \|  |  / __ \_\___ \  |  |  / __ \_>    <   |    `   \  ___/\   /\  ___/|  |_(  <_> )  |_> >  ___/|  | \/\___ \ 
 /_______  (____  /__| (____  /____  > |__| (____  /__/\_ \ /_______  /\___  >\_/  \___  >____/\____/|   __/ \___  >__|  /____  >
         \/     \/          \/     \/            \/      \/         \/     \/          \/            |__|        \/           \/ 

 BetterReads with Spring Boot, String Data, Spring NVC, Spring security
 An application by JabaBrains.
 The application will start at http://localhost:8080

13:37:20.276 INFO  com.datastax.astra.sdk.AstraClient              : Setup of AstraClient from application.yml
13:37:20.280 INFO  com.datastax.astra.sdk.config.AstraClientConfig : Initializing [AstraClient]
13:37:20.459 INFO  com.datastax.astra.sdk.AstraClient              : + API(s) Devops     [ENABLED]
13:37:20.459 INFO  com.datastax.astra.sdk.AstraClient              : + Db: id [3ed83de7-d97f-4fb6-bf9f-82e9f7eafa23] and region [eu-west-1]
13:37:20.460 INFO  com.datastax.astra.sdk.AstraClient              : + Downloading bundles in: [/home/gitpod/.astra]
13:37:21.124 INFO  com.datastax.astra.sdk.databases.DatabaseClient : + SecureBundle found :
13:37:21.124 INFO  com.datastax.astra.sdk.databases.DatabaseClient : + SecureBundle found :
13:37:23.041 INFO  com.datastax.astra.sdk.AstraClient              : [AstraClient] has been initialized.
  • Open a new terminal (yes a 3rd one again, 2 previous are busy, same icon) and enter the command.
gp preview $(gp url 8080)


  • In the search item look for Glimpses of ancient Sowams you can search to whatever you want it will request open library ut during this workshop you only imported a subset of books, let us pick one you imported.


  • Select the first item, if you select the second you will hit the page book not found as this book is not in the DB.


This is only what we can do at this point. To mark the book as read we will need to authenticate with Google or Github.

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11. Setup Authentication

βœ… 11a. Setup Google OAuth2 (optional)

  • Connect to Google Cloud Platform

  • Create a new project if needed, on the screens i put BetterReadsDemoApps and click [CREATE]]


  • Select [ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES] in menu


  • Search for Gmail and Google Analytics Apis and add them to your project.



  • Select [OAuth consent screen] in the menu on the left. Provide your application name, a support email and the application logo.


  • Check External (or internal as you prefer to limit scope).


  • On menu in the left select Credentials and use the button on top [CREATE CREDENTIALS]/ OAuth ClientID.


  • Select Web Application and provide it a name


  • Add the URL home page. It will the result of gp url 8080 command on gitpod or http://localhost:8080 if you work locally.

The screenshots below show Google authentication when the app is running on localhost. Carefully adjust the URLs accordingly to the Gitpod URL when application is running on Gitpod.


  • A new page will open with your clientId and client Secret. Make sure you copy them locallym you will need to setup your application with it.


You are now doomed we will now mine cryptos with your google account.

Just kidding ^_^


  • Open file src/main/resources/application.yml in your project
gp open /workspace/workshop-betterreads/better-reads-webapp/src/main/resources/application.yml
  • Changes keys client-id and client-secret with your values for the provider Google.
            client-id: change
            client-secret: change

βœ… 11b. Setup up Github

As each attendee has a different URL in gitpod, you will have to create your own github `OAuth Apps - Let's do this together.

  • For github settings we will have to enter a callback URL. To know which one enter use the following command
echo $(gp url 8080)/login/oauth2/code/github
  • Login to your github account and go to Organizations


  • There scroll down to locate the last item of the menu Developer Settings (hopefully you have not as many organizations as me), There pick OAuth Apps (we are using OAuth)


  • Click button [New OAuth Apps] on the page


  • You will be asked to login again for security reasons, then fill the form to register a new Github App. Thre Register your application
Name Value
Application name The application name shown to user
Homepage URL Can be anything, just the app (gp url 8080)
Authorization Callback URL Call back url the one listed above ${homepage}/login/oauth2/code/github
  • Click [Register Application]


  • The application is created. You got your clientId. You will have to generate a clientSecret now. Once you get both save them on a text file in your machine we will need them later


  • When everything is set you can upload am image for your application and save the change with [Update Application].


  • Open application.yml

  • Open file src/main/resources/application.yml in your project

gp open /workspace/workshop-betterreads/better-reads-webapp/src/main/resources/application.yml
  • Changes keys client-id and client-secret with your values for the provider Github.
            client-id: change
            client-secret: change

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12. Authenticate and use application

  • After setting up the connection you can now start the application again :
cd /workspace/workshop-betterreads/better-reads-webapp
mvn spring-boot:run

βœ… 12a. Authenticate with Github

  • On homepage click on Authenticate with Github


  • Eventually you get the SSO screen for you organization


  • Then you authorize the application again



  • More seriously, Your are in !


βœ… 12b. Authenticate with Google.

  • Use the button [Login via Google]


  • Validate with the familiar Google Screen


  • You are in !


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13. Homeworks

Don't forget to complete your assignment and get your verified skill badge! Finish and submit your homework!

  1. Complete the practice steps as described below until you have your own app running in Gitpod. (up to step 11)

  2. Answer the technical questions in the form (We promise, it is NOT difficult if you follow the workshop).

  3. Take a screenshot of you authenticated in the app with a few books

  4. Submit your homework here

  5. (totally optional) Watch the full course on


Clone of Good Reads using Spring and Cassandra


Language:Java 73.1%Language:HTML 26.5%Language:Shell 0.4%