nafeger / learnosity-sdk-java

Learnosity SDK for Java

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Learnosity SDK - Java

Include this library into your own codebase to ease integration with any of the Learnosity APIs. Requires Java 7 or higher. The newest version v0.4 should also work with Java 6.


Installation can be done in three ways:

1.) Download LearnositySdkJavaAll.jar and add to your build path. All the required libraries are included in this jar.

2.) Download LearnositySdkJavaLight.jar and add to your build path. This requires the external libraries which can be found in Dist/Light/RequiredJars

3.) Download the source code and integrate into your project. This requires the external libraries which can be found in Dist/Light/RequiredJars


In order to check that you've added the required code correctly, you can download src/LearnositySdk/Test and try to run the test file. If it runs successfully, all should be fine.

The class also gives some examples on how to use the sdk.



The Init class is used to create the necessary security and request details used to integrate with a Learnosity API. Most often this will be a JavaScript object.

The Init constructor takes either 3 arguments:

  • String service type
  • Object security details (no secret)
  • String secret

or 4 arguments:

  • String service type
  • Object security details (no secret)
  • String secret
  • Object request details

The security and request Object can be of any type that can be parsed into a org.json.JSONObject. Examples are org.json.JSONOBject, a valid JSON String or a map. (See for examples). Learnosity recommends that you pass the request details as a JSONObject, or a String generated from a JSONObject to the constructor. This way, issues arising from adding/removing whitespace can be avoided.

If you have to set an action attribute (for calls to data api, if not using the DatApi class), you can use the setAction method of class Init.

// Create a security Map
Map securityMap = new HashMap();
securityMap.put("consumer_key", "yis0TYCu7U9V4o7M");
securityMap.put("user_id", "12345678");
securityMap.put("domain", "localhost"

// Create some data for the questions api
JSONObject req = new JSONObject();
req.put("type", "local_practice");
req.put("state", "initial");

// Create a questions JSONArrray
JSONArray questions = new JSONArray();

// Create a question
JSONObject question = new JSONObject();
question.put("response_id", "60005");
question.put("type", "association");
question.put("stimulus", "Match the cities to the parent nation");

// Add stimulus list
JSONArray stimList = new JSONArray();
stimList.put(0, "London");
stimList.put(1, "Dublin");
stimList.put(2, "Paris");
stimList.put(3, "Sydney");
question.put("stimulus_list", stimList);

// Add possible responses
JSONArray possibleResp = new JSONArray();
possibleResp.put(0, "Australia");
possibleResp.put(1, "France");
possibleResp.put(2, "Ireland");
possibleResp.put(3, "England");
question.put("possible_responses", possibleResp);

// Add validation
JSONObject validation = new JSONObject();
JSONArray validResp = new JSONArray();
validResp.put(0, "England");
validResp.put(1, "Ireland");
validResp.put(2, "France");
validResp.put(3, "Australia");
validation.put("valid_responses", validResp);
question.put("validation", validation);

// Add questions to questions array
questions.put(0, question);

// Finally add questions to request
req.put("questions", questions);

// Instantiate the SDK Init class with your security and request data:
init = new Init("questions", sec, consumerSecret, req);

// Call the generate() method to retrieve a JavaScript object
String questionJson = Init.generate();

// Pass the object to the initialisation of any Learnosity API

// Let's initialise with JSON Strings
 String secString = "{\"consumer_key\":\"yis0TYCu7U9V4o7M\","
         + "\"domain\": \"\""
         +   "\"user_id\": \"12345678\"}";
 String reqString = "{\"state\":\"initial\","
         +  "\"type\":\"local_practice\","
         +  "\"timestamp\":\"20140617-0533\","
         +  "\"response_id\":\"60005\","
         +  "\"questions\":"
         +   "[{\"stimulus_list\":"
         +     "[\"London\","
         +        "\"Dublin\","
         +        "\"Paris\","
         +      "\"Sydney\"],"
         + "\"stimulus\":\"Match the cities to the parent nation\","
         +   "\"type\":\"association\","
         +   "\"possible_responses\":"
         +   "[\"Australia\","
         +     "\"France\","
         +     "\"Ireland\","
         +       "\"England\"],"
         +   "\"validation\":"
         +   "{\"valid_responses\":"
         +       "[\"England\","
         +             "\"Ireland\","
         +       "\"France\","
         +       "\"Australia\"]}}]
 init = new Init("questions", sec, consumerSecret, new JSONObject(reqString));
 questionJson = init.generate();


A string representing the Learnosity service (API) you want to integrate with. Valid options are:

  • assess
  • author
  • data
  • items
  • questions
  • reports

An Object that includes your consumer_key but does not include your secret. The SDK sets defaults for you, but valid options are:

  • consumer_key
  • domain (optional)
  • timestamp (optional)
  • user_id (optional)

^Note – the SDK accepts all Objects which can be parsed into a org.json.JSONObject (e.g. a map, a JSONString, JSONOBject or a Java bean).

Your secret key, as provided by Learnosity.

An optional associative Object of data relevant to the API being used. This will be any data minus the security details that you would normally use to initialise an API.

^Note – the SDK accepts all Objects which can be parsed into a org.json.JSONObject (e.g. a map, a JSONString, JSONOBject or a Java bean).

An optional string used only if integrating with the Data API. Valid options are:

  • get
  • set
  • update
  • delete


The Remote class is used to make server side, cross domain requests. Think of it as a cURL wrapper.

You'll call either get() or post() with the following arguments:

  • [String] URL
  • [Map<String,Object>] Data payload
// Instantiate the SDK Remote class:
Remote remote = new Remote();

// Instantiate the SDK Remote class with a RequestConfig -
RequestConfig requestConfig = RequestConfig.custom().setSocketTimeout(1000).build();

Remote remote = new Remote(requestConfig);
// Call get() or post() with a URL:

// getBody() gives you to body of the request
String body = response.getBody();


A string URL, including schema and path. Eg:

An optional array of data to be sent as a payload. For GET it will be a URL encoded query string.

Remote methods

The following methods are available after making a get() or post().

Returns the body of the response payload.

Returns an array that includes the error code and message (if an error was thrown)

Currently only returns the content_type header of the response.

Returns the HTTP status code of the response.


This is a helper class for use with the Data API. It creates the initialisation packet and sends a request to the Data API, returning a JSONObject with the response data. There is also a requestRecursive function which can be called with a class implementing The execute() function will be called for each response.

The DataApi Constructor can handle either 3 arguments;

  • url
  • securityPacket
  • secret

or 4 arguments:

  • url
  • securityPacket
  • secret
  • action

or 5 arguments:

  • url
  • securityPacket
  • secret
  • requestPacket
  • action
Map<String,String> sec = new HashMap<String, String>();
sec.put("consumer_key", "yis0TYCu7U9V4o7M");

reqData = new HashMap<String,String>();
reqData.put("limit", "10");

DataApi dataApi = new DataApi("", sec, consumerSecret, reqData, "get");

// you can also configure the Data API with a requestConfig as above
RequestConfig requestConfig = RequestConfig.custom().setSocketTimeout(1000).build();


JSONObject response = dataApi.requestJSONObject();
JSONObject res = new JSONObject(response.getString("body"));

// You can also get a Remote object like this:
Remote remote = dataApi.request();
String body = remote.getBody();


We recommend that you use the Java JSON implementation which comes packaged in the sdk. In the past, we had several issues which were due to incompatible JSON implementations.

Creating jar files (using Eclipse Luna Release 4.4.0)

The 'light' jar:

Just run ./gradlew clean build and in build/libs a jar file will be emitted.

The 'all' jar:

Just run ./gradlew clean shadowjar and build/libs will contains an 'all' jar with a dependencies already inside.


Learnosity SDK for Java

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 97.7%Language:Groovy 2.3%