nadamakram / Data-Science-Portofolio

This is Nada Makram's Portfolio.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Data Science Portofolio

Machine Learning

Unsupervised learning

Anomaly detector: An anomaly detector for server performance analysis based on logs using Apache server error logs.

Supervised learning

Disease Prediction: Multi-class classifier for predicting disease from different symptoms.

Natural Language Processing

Kaggle CORD-19 Challenge: This project aims to make searching a question related to COVID-19 (especially COVID-19 risk factors) easier by finding the most similar scientific paper and presenting it to the searcher in a chatbot GUI. Fake News Classifier: A project to detect fake news using CountVectorizer and TfidfVectorizer for text classification, and Naive Bayes.

A/B Testing

Pages A/B Testing: Analysis of an A/B experiment for two landing pages in a website.

Web Scraping

Scrape Egyptian addresses: Program to scrape Egyptian restaurant areas from a famous food delivery app using Scrapy spiders.
Scrape Wikipedia: Using Scrapy and beautifulsoup python libraries to check the "Getting to Philosophy" law by scraping wikipedia links.
Scrape courses information from a website: Using Scrapy library to collect titles of courses and chapters titles in each course of the datacamp courses website.


SQL Solutions: SQL solutions of some leetcode problems.


Docker courses flask app: Deplpying a flask app using Docker and minikube Kubernetes cluster.


This is Nada Makram's Portfolio.