n8mauer / govtrack.us-web

The Django source code for the GovTrack.us website.

Home Page:http://www.govtrack.us

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

GovTrack website frontend

This repo contains the source code of the front-end for www.GovTrack.us. The data-gathering scripts are elsewhere.


GovTrack.us runs on Ubuntu 12.10.

  • Install dependencies via OS package manager:

    apt-get install git python-virtualenv python-lxml python-openid python-oauth2 \
        python-iso8601 python-numpy python-scipy
  • Clone the source code. Besides this project, you'll also need @unitedstates/congress-legislators which is where legislator and committee information come from.

    git clone https://github.com/unitedstates/congress-legislators   
    git clone --recursive https://github.com/govtrack/govtrack.us-web.git
  • Change directory to the source code root:

    cd ./govtrack.us-web/
  • Run the build script to install additional dependencies into a virtual environment:

  • Create a local settings file based on the example file:

    cp settings_local.example.py settings_local.py
  • Edit settings_local.py to set up your database. The default configuration uses SQLite as the database and no database configuration is required. Fill in SECRET_KEY though. Here's how you can generate a SECRET_KEY:

    ./manage.py generate_secret_key
  • To enable search (for which complete instructions haven't been provided, so really skip this):

  • Initialize the database and minify some files:

    ./manage.py syncdb
  • Load some data:

    wget http://www.govtrack.us/data/db/django-fixture-{people,usc_sections,billterms}.json
    ./manage.py loaddata django-fixture-people.json
    ./manage.py loaddata django-fixture-usc_sections.json
    ./manage.py loaddata django-fixture-billterms.json
    ./parse.py committee # fails b/c meeting data not available
    ./parse.py bill --congress=113 --disable-index --disable-events
    ./parse.py vote --congress=113 --disable-index --disable-events

If you configured Solr, you can remove --disable-index. For the sake of speed, --disable-events will skip the creation of the events table for bills, which is the basis for feeds and tracking, so that will be nonfunctional.

  • Check the site works by running the development server and visiting the URL specified by the runserver process.

    ./manage.py runserver
  • To update the data in the future, first git-pull the congress-legislators repo to get the latest legislator information. Then:

    ./parse.py person
    ./parse.py committee --congress=113
    ./parse.py bill --congress=113
    ./parse.py vote --congress=113
  • TODO: We haven't set up any search indexing, so all of the search pages will come up empty.


The Django source code for the GovTrack.us website.
