n8chur / AUTUserNotifications

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Handle your local and remote notifications using ReactiveCocoa.

Getting Started:

  • Conform your UIApplicationDelegate to the AUTUserNotificationHandler protocol.

  • Create a class to represent each of your notifications.

@objc class TimerLocalNotification: AUTLocalUserNotification {
    var timer: MyTimer?

    // Configure notifications
    override func createSystemNotification() -> UILocalNotification? {
        guard let notification = super.createSystemNotification() else { return nil }
        guard let timer = timer else { return nil }
        notification.alertBody = "Your timer expired!"
        notification.fireDate = timer.expirationDate
        return notification
    // Implement actions for your notifications
    override class func systemActionsForContext(context: UIUserNotificationActionContext) -> [UIUserNotificationAction]? {
        let action = UIMutableUserNotificationAction()

        action.identifier = "snooze"
        action.title = "Snooze"
        action.activationMode = .Background

        return [action]

Register notification settings

let viewModel = AUTUserNotificationsViewModel()

let settings = UIUserNotificationSettings.aut_synthesizedSettingsForTypes([.Alert, .Badge, .Sound])

Schedule notifications

let viewModel = AUTUserNotificationsViewModel()

let didCreateTimer: RACSignal = ...

    .flattenMap { timer in
        let notification = TimerLocalNotification()
        notification.timer = timer

        return viewModel.scheduleLocalNotification(notification)
    .subscribeCompleted {}

Subscribe to notifications

let viewModel = AUTUserNotificationsViewModel()

viewModel.receivedNotificationsOfClass(TimerLocalNotification.self).subscribeNext { notification in
    guard let notification = notification as? TimerLocalNotification else { return }
    // Show the timer

Receive action callbacks

let viewModel = AUTUserNotificationsViewModel()

viewModel.registerActionHandler(self, forNotificationsOfClass: TimerLocalNotification.self)

func performActionForNotification(notification: AUTUserNotification) -> RACSignal {
    guard let notification = notification as? TimerLocalNotification else { return RACSignal.empty() }
    // Snooze the timer   


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Objective-C 98.5%Language:Ruby 0.9%Language:C 0.3%Language:C++ 0.2%