GCP Datastore is a library for querying Google Datastore, naturally (default) or through GQL (Google Query Language) or even with GQL Aggregation
- Access the link below and generate your access code with "Read Package Permission": https://github.com/settings/tokens
- Edit your .npmrc file and add the following lines with your shortcode generated above:
vi ~/.npmrc
Use the package manager npm to install GCP Datastore.
npm i @n4w-web-solutions/gcp-datastore@1.0.2
* @type Filter = {field, operator, value}
* @param {string} kind
* @param {Array<Filter>} filters
* @param {string} orderby
* @param {string} sort
* @param {string} start
* @param {number} limit
* @returns
const gcpDatastore = require("@N4W-Web-Solutions/gcp-datastore")
const gcpDS = new gcpDatastore({projectId: '[PROJECT_ID]', keyFilename: '[/PATH/TO/KEYFILE.json]'})
async function run () {
const res = await gcpDS.query('[KIND_NAME]', null, null, null, null, 1)
Results in res[0]
Pagination information in res[1]
* @type Bindings = {
* varName: {
* value: {
* (integerValue | stringValue | booleanValue): "value" | 676 | true
* },
* varName: {
* value: {
* (integerValue | stringValue | booleanValue): "value" | 676 | true
* },
* ...
* }
* @param {string} sql
* @param {Bindings} bindings
* @returns
const gcpDatastore = require("@N4W-Web-Solutions/gcp-datastore")
const gcpDS = new gcpDatastore({projectId: '[PROJECT_ID]', keyFilename: '[/PATH/TO/KEYFILE.json]'})
async function run () {
const entities = await ds.gqlQuery("SELECT * FROM `[KIND_NAME]` LIMIT @limit", {
limit: {
value: {
integerValue: 786
Results in entities.batch.entityResults
* @type Bindings = {
* varName: {
* value: {
* (integerValue | stringValue | booleanValue): "value" | 676 | true
* },
* varName: {
* value: {
* (integerValue | stringValue | booleanValue): "value" | 676 | true
* },
* ...
* }
* @param {string} sql
* @param {Bindings} bindings
* @returns
const gcpDatastore = require("@N4W-Web-Solutions/gcp-datastore")
const gcpDS = new gcpDatastore({projectId: '[PROJECT_ID]', keyFilename: '[/PATH/TO/KEYFILE.json]'})
async function run () {
const entities = await ds.gqlQuery("AGGREGATE COUNT(*) AS total OVER (SELECT * FROM `[KIND_NAME]` WHERE param1 = @param1 AND param2 = @param2 LIMIT @limit OFFSET @offset)", {
param1: {
value: {
stringValue: "test"
param2: {
value: {
integerValue: 5
offset: {
value: {
integerValue: 10
limit: {
value: {
integerValue: 1
Results in entities.batch.aggregationResults
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.