n4ryn / namaste-react

Namaste React a course By Akshay Saini. This repository contains the react code and assignment of the Namaste-React course

Home Page:https://namaste-react-five.vercel.app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Namaste React πŸš€

Assignments πŸ“–

S.No Topic Tags Link
1. Inception react react-dom react element Code | Assignment
2. Igniting Our App bundler parcel Code | Assignment
3. Laying the foundation jsx babel components Code | Assignment
4. Talk is cheap, Show me the code Reconciliation Virtual DOM config driven UI Code | Assignment
5. Let's get hooked useState data binding name & default export Code | Assignment
6. Exploring the world useEffect conditional rendering shimmer Code | Assignment
7. Finding the path Routing create-router-dom Formik Code | Assignment
8. Let's get Classy class components Code | Assignment
9. Optimizing our App custom hooks lazy loading Code | Assignment
10. Jo dikhta hai, Wo bikta hai tailwind css Code | Assignment
11. Data is the new Oil props drilling useContext Code | Assignment
12. Lets build our Store redux-tool-kit Code | Assignment
13. Time for the test React Testing Library jest Code | Assignment


Namaste React a course By Akshay Saini. This repository contains the react code and assignment of the Namaste-React course



Language:JavaScript 98.3%Language:HTML 1.1%Language:CSS 0.6%