n1k0 / SublimeHighlight

A humble SublimeText package for exporting highlighted code as RTF or HTML

Home Page:https://github.com/n1k0/SublimeHighlight

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Always unclickable

chongxi opened this issue · comments

I click [Edit] -> [Highlight] -> [...]
And all those command such as "copy to clipboard as rtf" is grey, I am not allowed to click. Could you please tell me why is that?

I can't reproduce this issue. What version of the plugin? Of SublimeText? What OS?

I'm experiencing the same issue. I'm using latest Sublime Text 3, on Windows 7 x64.


I downloaded a zip snapshot of the python3 branch, renamed to .sublime-package, and replaced the Package Control-installed version with the python3 snapshot and am still having the same issue.

I use sublime 2, under Mac OS X. Is it something to do with python, I use canopy.

Sent from my iPad

On Oct 28, 2013, at 4:20 AM, Nicolas Perriault notifications@github.com wrote:

I can't reproduce this issue. What version of the plugin? Of SublimeText? What OS?

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

What about this issue, I still can not address it.

As I can't reproduce the issue it's a bit hard to investigate

Also was experiencing this issue. Fresh install of Sublime Text 2 Version 2.0.2, Build 2221 on a new rMBP, OSX 10.9 Build 13A3017

I was able to resolve it, and I suspect it is a permissions or config issue with Sublime and how I initially installed the package, which was:

  1. Download .zip to Downloads folder
  2. Extract to Downloads
  3. Drag & Drop SublimeHighlight-master to Packages
  4. Restart Sublime

...had the all-disabled menus as reported by earlier posters. However, was also unable to edit the Default & User settings file through Sublime. A clue! They both came up as blank and I got an error when trying to save them that I couldn't.


  1. Installed Package Control
  2. Uninstalled SublimeHighlight with Package Control
  3. Installed SublimeHighlight with Package Control
  4. Restarted Sublime

Menus are now enabled, config files now editable.

(thanks n1k0 for making this very useful package!)

A version of those instructions fixed my problem (ST3, Win7-64). For Sublime Text 3, and the SublimeHighlight python3 branch:

  1. Remove the package, if installed, using Package Control.
  2. Add a repository: https://github.com/n1k0/SublimeHighlight/tree/python3
  3. Install SublimeHighlight with Package Control. It should pull the correct branch from Github.
  4. I didn't need to restart Sublime, but it may not be a terrible idea at this point.

Seems like I somehow initially botched the manual package install, the code is clearly working fine.

@aaronkeck thanks for the update, I've updated the README accordingly

Hi there, same issue for me,
OSX Stinky Lion that ditched my "save as" feature,
ans ST2

here's what the console says :

found 1 files for base name Default.sublime-theme
Reloading plugin /Users/RK/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/SublimeHighlight/SublimeHighlight.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./sublime_plugin.py", line 62, in reload_plugin
  File "./SublimeHighlight.py", line 15, in 
    import pygments.formatters
  File "./HighlightLib/pygments/formatters/__init__.py", line 14, in 
    from pygments.formatters._mapping import FORMATTERS
  File "./HighlightLib/pygments/formatters/_mapping.py", line 18, in 
    from pygments.formatters.html import HtmlFormatter
  File "./HighlightLib/pygments/formatters/html.py", line 509
    'using current directory as base for the CSS file name', file=sys.stderr)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
found 4 files for base name Main.sublime-menu
theme loaded

Same problem here
OSX 10.10, SublimeText 2, version 2.0.2, build 2221.

Installed via Package Manager, restarted ST — menu items are still inactive. Also default settings file is empty and uneditable.

I seem to be having the same problem. I installed via package control after adding repo https://github.com/n1k0/SublimeHighlight/tree/python3. I also quit and restarted sublime.

Sublime Text 2 v 2.0.2 build 2221on OS x 10.10.1 (Yosemite)

I also uninstalled via PC and Reinstalled. Same problem.


Hello, I am also experiencing the same problem, menu items grayed out. I followed the instructions on github and mentioned her. Windows 7 Enterprise SP1, Sublime Text Build 3065. None of the plugin files shown in the menu (README, user settings or default settings) show any content.

In case someone here uses Sublime Text 2 and the menu is greyed out, try this:

The repo https://github.com/n1k0/SublimeHighlight/tree/python3 is for Sublime Text 3 users, not 2.

@afilina solution worked for me. However, when looking for the package it appears as Highlight and not SublimeHighlight, in my case anyway.

Thanks @afilina - solved my issue. Didn't even consider that I was adding the wrong repo...

Great package @n1k0 - very useful when I'm taking notes with code that can use a little syntax flavor

@afilina great thank you!


I'm using Sublime Text 3 Build 3065 on Fedora Linux. I have the greyed out issue as well.

I installed using Package Control and https://github.com/n1k0/SublimeHighlight/tree/python3 repo.

Installed the SFTP plugin from Package Control and it works fine. Tried re-installed SublimeHighlight a couple of times, same issue.

n1k0 if you want any more info about the issue just give me a shout.

@afilina Thanks for the add repo tip! Worked great.

Hi. I have the same issue but the strange thing is that when I installed it at first it was working OK for a couple of days and then suddenly the Highlight options in the menu are greyed out (can't use them).
I've tried all what has been said here but nothing changes.
I hope someone finds a solution for this issue because it's a great pluggin, very useful for me. Thanks n1k0.
I use Linux Mint 17 Qiana and Sublime Text 3. But I also tried with ST2 and had the same issue.

Any updates on that? I've just installed it on Ubuntu, Sublime 3, using the https://github.com/n1k0/SublimeHighlight/tree/python3 repo and all sublimehighlight menus are greyed.