n0rdlicht / streetwise-app

Crowdsourced image classification

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Streetwise App

Mobile web application for the Streetwise project. For background information, please visit https://streetwise.space

Vue Logo Flask Logo

This project uses Flask & Flask-RestPlus to create a REST-style API, accessed through Vue.js to handle the frontend and asset pipeline. Data from the Python server to the Vue application is passed by making Ajax requests.

  • The API is served using a Flask blueprint at /api/ using Flask RestPlus class-based resource routing.
  • A Flask view is used to serve the index.html as an entry point into the Vue app at the endpoint /.
  • Additional endpoints currently include: /tour /wise /complete

The easiest way to deploy this project is currently using this button (see Production details below):

Deploy on Heroku


  • 0.2 6.5.2020: Patch release
  • 0.1 29.4.2020: Initial release


Project structure

Location Content
/streetwise Main application
/streetwise/api Flask REST API (/api)
/streetwise/client.py Flask Client (/)
/src Vue App .
/src/main.js JS Application Entry Point
/public/index.html Html Application Entry Point (/)
/public/static Static Assets
/dist/ Bundled Assets Output (yarn build)


First, clone this repository and make sure to set up the following dependencies:

Setup a virtual environment, install dependencies, and activate it:

$ poetry install
$ poetry shell

Create a file called .flaskenv in the root folder and add development settings:

# Production Enviroment should be set to 'production'
FLASK_ENV = "development"
FLASK_APP = "streetwise"

# Uncomment this to debug:

Prepare your database using the Flask Migrate upgrade command:

flask db upgrade

Import the image files, defaulting from the ch_data.csv file in the data folder:

./manage.py images

Dependency management

We are using poetry (and GitHub bots) to keep this project up to date. To check if you have the latest versions of upstream libraries, run:

poetry update

Heroku's buildpack currently does not support loading Python dependencies from poetry automatically. We're working on it ... in the meantime, please remember to run this command after upgrading dependencies:

poetry export -f requirements.txt > requirements.txt

Frontend setup

Install JS dependencies:

$ yarn

Run the test suite to make sure we're up to scratch (do it at this point, since it will expect frontend set up to be complete):

$ pytest

Start the Webpack dev server:

$ yarn serve

The template uses vue-cli 3 and assumes Vue Cli & Webpack will manage front-end resources and assets, so it does overwrite template delimiter. The Vue instance is preconfigured with Filters, Vue-Router, Vuex; each of these can easilly removed if they are not desired.

Start the development server (in a separate tab from Webpack):

$ flask run


The dual dev-server setup allows you to take advantage of Webpack's development server with hot module replacement.

Proxy config in vue.config.js is used to route the requests back to Flask's API on port 5000.

If you would rather run a single dev server, you can run Flask's development server only on :5000, but you have to build build the Vue app first, and the page will not reload on changes:

$ yarn build
$ flask run

See additional deploy tasks with:

python manage.py


Deploy on Heroku

This template is configured to work with Heroku + Gunicorn and is pre-configured to have Heroku build the application before releasing it. The command to test this locally is:

gunicorn manage:app

Or using Heroku's cli:

heroku local

Heroku's nodejs buildpack will handle install for all the dependencies from the packages.json file. It will then trigger the postinstall command which calls yarn build. This will create the bundled dist folder which will be served by whitenoise.

For a good introduction to production Flask apps, see freecodecamp article by Greg Obinna.


This project was started with parts of smartuse/platform and gtalarico/flask-vuejs-template.


Crowdsourced image classification

License:MIT License


Language:Python 47.5%Language:Vue 42.9%Language:JavaScript 7.1%Language:HTML 0.9%Language:Shell 0.8%Language:Mako 0.8%