n0rdlicht / osc-organisation

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This document outlines the core activities of the os.construction initiative. We organise our activities as projects and track the progress with this document.

Purpose and Objectives

/ about

our mission: making open collaboration successful opensource.construction creates a center of gravity for open source projects and open collaboration in the real estate & construction industry. The association operates as a non-profit organisation based in Switzerland.

Interesting read: https://livablesoftware.com/study-open-source-foundations/


  • managing director: Maximilian Vomhof
  • lead website: Thorben Westerhuys
  • lead trainings: Christian Kongsgaard
  • lead marketplace: Karim Daw
  • lead stories: Lukas Fuhrimann
  • lead resources: Yashar Moradi

goals until GA in february 2025: VISIBILITY & CREATING AWARENESS FOR OS

  • marketplace (people can publish their project, 50 projects online)
  • trainings (people can publish their training, 50 trainings online)
  • newsletter (1 x per month from june)
  • community meet-ups (ifc openshell / BIM: BIMtank / Computational Designer: Open Digital House?)
  • events (framing: Hackathon Munich / Poland, full programm: Zurich)


  • bank account & opencollective up and running
  • fundings collected to compensate administration and infrastructure (around CHF 20'000 for 2024)

/ to dos:

  • update manifesto

Website and social media


  • AWS non-profit program (Yashar) Fiscal year starting at july 1st / checking first what google offers
  • gitlab non-profit
  • matomo for analytics
  • markdownfiles + tailwindcss / next.ui
  • podia as platform for trainings
  • 15.05.2024: no CRM tool but setup from Yashar > database to collect data from members / supporters and classify them into different categories

/ to dos:

  • decide on CRM (hubspot / brolio / espocrm) we need the CRM primarily to manage member details (form to collect them on the website / database to store them / automatically push them to the accounting software for the bills)
  • decide on mailing tool for newsletter and event invitations etc.

project "FAQ" (Thorben)

/ about We clarify the basics of OS by answering the most relevant questions in a FAQ

/ deliverables

  • development of feature to implement in the website

/ to dos:

  • mark down file to collect content on GitHub (due date:
  • prototyping feature

projects "Marketplace" (Karim)

/ about We foster open source and innovation by highlighting existing open source solutions in the AECO space and functioning as a launch pad to build new solutions and communities.

Not the core team of os.construction will setup the content in the marketplace. Ideally, projects do this themselves. Projects either reach out or are approached by members of os.construction – either way, people fill out (and update) the project's card by themselve.

Early stage projects should also provide a simple "hello world" document (e.g. readme in their repo + reference template) to facilitate onboarding of new users. Can also be a description in notion / medium or anything else


/ deliverables

  • feature on website to publish projects

/ to dos

  • prototyping feature for website
  • setting up a list for existing and potential projects, that we can use to coordinate our efforts
  • improve project template with description of requirements and the tech process to provide information (manually with markdown template on GH or automated by providing a "special link"

project "case studies" (Lukas F.)

/ about We regularly post new case studies of successful collaborations or stories about other associations / people for a better understanding of the potential and collaboration principles behind open source.

/ deliverables

  • post on website
  • 30 min online call over lunch for presentations

/ to dos:

  • list of possible topics
  • definition of setup to present stories on website (due date: / ...)
  • definition of setup to run events
  • calendar entries on the website
  • advertisment on linkedin

/ archive

  • simple coda structure to collect organisations and technology which is used (View 1: Organisationen (mit welcher Tech arbeiten sie?) / View 2: Technology solutions (welche Organisationen arbeiten mit der Technologie?)
  • entry organisation: name of organisation / website / contact person (mail) / tools they use / one description field (max.2000 / three guiding questions: motivation / three key take aways from working with open source solutions)
  • entry tool: name of organisation / website / contact person (mail) / problem they adress / one description field (max.2000 / three guiding questions: problem adressed / licence model / about the team)
  • vision: case studies with interviews and videos, project based financing
  • idea: short video to introduce people (only one question: introduction + motivation)
  • old project brief: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16Sg_zUKv6IMSYERHd8TGpSp9rsZBa7zWRt5YlcuByHE/edit#heading=h.5e60ddgpw6zy

project "Newsletter" (Lukas)

/ about we communicate once a month about:

  • Events (recap / preview)
  • Case Studies / Community Calls / new projects / new trainings
  • updates from os scene in AECO
  • updates from os scene in general

/ deliverables

  • template

/ to dos

  • what tool to use to send out the mails'
  • markdown file, published on website, used as template for mails, copy paste newsletter linkedin


project "templates" (Yashar)

/ about

/ deliverables

  • CI/CD, unit testing, how to use git
  • notebook with compas and sample project
  • monetization > service for integration into individual tech stacks

/ to dos

  • define templates (speckle, thatopencompany, compas)
  • updates? done by the maintainer of the template
  • support? github issues

project "Data Management for AEC Professionals" (Max)

/ about Data is becoming more and more important in our professional lives. At the same time, most practitioners in the AECO industry do not have a background in data or software engineering. To give people a help for a better understanding, we bring together the most relevant concepts of data management and enrich it with practical tips from industry experts. The project can grow over time by continously adding examples and practical tips. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jDg9FZw5zTEpOzjjWpPd0i4izGALYIJKuyGYE_RFfHo/edit?usp=sharing

/ deliverables

  • github page for publication
  • sup pages with practical tips / examples

/ to dos

  • setup github page for testing
  • onboard more contributors
  • define publication date

Trainings (Christian)

/ about We offer people from the community the possibility to publish their training offers on our website. Trainings have to be related to openly available tools. People can use our templates to build and publish their courses or simply link to their own infrastructure.

/ deliverables

  • feature on website to publish trainings
  • template for advertising a training (#landing page)
  • template for building the course

/ to dos

  • ...


/ about The aim of our events is to give those who design, build and maintain our built environment the opportunity to work with cutting-edge technologies and their developers. We want to achieve a good mix of AECO professionals and others, non-coders and coders. We want to adress the needs of decision makers and non-digital people.

hackathon Zurich (Max)

07.-09.2025 Hackathon Zurich Link to description: hackathon

/ to dos

  • start communications after summer break
  • define pre event (Workshops?)
  • invite speaker
  • organise sponsors

hackathon Munich (Yashar)

potential collaboration with TUM (Yashar)

  • credit points for students
  • collaboration with TU Dresden, Berlin, Uni Stuttgart
  • focus on Symposium / focus on entire event
  • our role: creating awareness for open source / growth hacking for opensource.construction

/ to dos

  • define date
  • define input from os.construction

community event London (Karim)

/ about

  • Intro event with Foundation (making open collaboration successful) & Organisation OSPO (os pyramid > open source, inner source, closed source) & Hypar (why open source)
  • topic: why sharing?

/ to dos

  • setup document to outline the event (topic, agenda) to organise location and approach community
  • sponsorship by Genssler: list of arguments (saving costs on maintenance / attracting talent / os.c as platform to take the first steps and get visibility by doing so)
