n0psn0ps / web-mapviewer

The viewer application for maps and geodata

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Branch Status Deployed version
develop Build Status https://sys-map.dev.bgdi.ch/
master Build Status https://sys-map.int.bgdi.ch/

The next generation map viewer application of geo.admin.ch: Digital data can be viewed, printed out, ordered and supplied by means of web-mapviewer. The required data is available in the form of digital maps and imagery, vector data and also as online services.

Table of Contents





Project structure

This is a Vue app that is served through src/main.js, using Vuex as a state manager. The app is divided into modules (or chunks) that are stored into src/modules. The goal is for each of these modules to be able to be externalized if needed. They should explicitly state their dependencies to other modules' component or store element in their README.md (dependency to the main store's modules is not required to be stated)

Each module should have a root component, called {Name of the module}Module.vue that loads all needed component into the template. It should also have a README.md file at the root explaining what this module is about.

To make the code easier to navigate and maintain we consolidated the complete state in one place (src/store/). The store is divided into modules that mostly correspond to the application modules but also include modules for state that is used by multiple modules or would be too big for a single file.

Store plugins can be used to react to store changes. See the store read-me for more information.

Here's a sample of what project folder structure looks like :

├── adr
│   └── all architectural decisions made over the course of this project
├── tests
│   └── all test files
├── public
│   └── all files that don't need pre processing before going public
│       (index.html, favicon, etc...)
├── scripts
│   └── NodeJS scripts useful for dev tools or for deploy
│       (used by NPM targets)
├── src
│   ├── main.js
│   ├── App.vue
│   ├── modules
│   │   ├── <Module name>
│   │   │   ├── index.js
│   │   │   └── other moduleName related files such as
│   │           a components folder or a store folder
│   ├── store
│   │   ├── modules
│   │   │   ├── <Module name>.js

Architectural decisions

All project related architectural decision will be described in the folder /adr (ADR stands for "Architectural Decision Report"). For all more macro decisions (like the CI we use or other broad subjects), please refer to the /adr folder on the project doc-guidelines.

Store module

As there can be only one instance of a Vuex's store per app, the store module is there for that. It as the responsibility to instantiate Vuex, and add any module related state data to the store. See its README.md for more details.


Unit testing is done through the VueCLI unit test helper, and integration testing is done with Cypress.io. All things related to tests are in the /tests folder. See TESTING.md for more documentation on testing in this project.

Project setup


The followings programs/tools are required in order to develop on web-mapviewer

  • Nodejs 14
  • npm 8


npm install

Environment variables

Environment variables are defined in the following files

  • .env.development
  • .env.integration
  • .env.prodcution

The first one is used by npm run serve as well as for all development modes. The second is used to build for and deploy to our integration server. Otherwise .env.production is used by default. For more information about loading environment variables see Vue - Modes and Environment Variables

Tooling for translation update

Our translation master is hosted in a Google Spreadsheet, thus if you want to update translations you will need a valid Google API Key. One can be found in our gopass store infra-gopass-bgdi.

For this purpose you will need to install gopass, and to be more efficient use it with summon.

In order for them to function together, they need to be linked with

mkdir /usr/local/lib/summon
ln -s $(which gopass) /usr/local/lib/summon/gopass

Translations can then be updated with

summon -p gopass npm run update:translations

The file secrets.yml will tell summon which keys to get from gopass.

List of npm scripts

command what it does
npm run serve Compiles and hot-reloads for development. Will serve the project under http://localhost:8080 (or the next available port if 8080 is already used, see console output). You can change port number by using env variable PORT (for example PORT=9999 npm run serve)
npm run build:dev Compiles all file without bundling and minification
npm run build:prod Compiles and minifies for production
npm run lint Lints and fixes files
npm run test:unit Runs unit tests from cypress (equivalent to npm run cypress:run).
npm run test:e2e Opens up the cypress app that lets you run tests with Chrome (or Firefox, but support is still in beta)
npm run test:headless Starts a local server, using npm run serve, and run cypress tests on the served URL (this used by the CI to run tests)
npm run test:ci Runs both npm run test:unit and npm run test:headless, this is a shortcut for the CI to run all tests at once
npm run deploy:#target# Target can be dev, int or prod. Build the app and deploys it on the target S3 Bucket. You need to have an AWS profile that has writing rights on the bucket. If you need to use another profile than the default one, use AWS_PROFILE=another_profile_name npm run deploy:#target#. For more information on what the deploy script does, see below.
npm run update:translations Update translation files according to our Google Spreadsheet. See above for required tools.

All script commands starting a webserver or using one (serve and all things related to cypress) will determine the port to use by looking for the next one available starting at 8080.

What about package-lock.json file?

The CI uses this file to ensure it will not stumble upon a minor version of a library that breaks the app. So this file needs to be versioned, and kept up to date (each time a new library or version of a library is added to package.json, npm install will update package-lock.json accordingly).

The CI will use npm ci, which act like npm install but it ignores the file package.json and loads all libraries versions found in package-lock.json (which are not volatile, e.g. ^1.0.0 or ~1.0.0., but fixed).

What does the deploy script do?

Depending on the target (dev|int|prod) it will build and bundle/minify the app (for int and prod) or simply build the app without minification (for dev). Then it will detect on which git branch you are, and deploy in a subfolder in the bucket if you are not on either master or develop (master and develop are deployed at the root of the bucket).

The target bucket will be defined by the target you've specified (npm run deploy:dev|int).

  • Only develop branch can be deployed at the root of the dev bucket.
  • Only master branch can be deployed at the root of int and prod buckets.


The viewer application for maps and geodata



Language:JavaScript 65.8%Language:Vue 32.6%Language:SCSS 0.9%Language:TypeScript 0.4%Language:HTML 0.2%Language:Shell 0.1%