n05tr0m0 / mattermost-darcula-theme

Darcula color scheme based on jetBrains for MatterMost

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Darcula color scheme based on jetBrains for MatterMost

To install, go to Setings -> Display -> Themes, click edit, select Custom Theme and paste this code

    "sidebarBg": "#3e434c",
    "sidebarText": "#bbbbbb",
    "sidebarUnreadText": "#a4c262",
    "sidebarTextHoverBg": "#3064ca",
    "sidebarTextActiveBorder": "#ffffff",
    "sidebarTextActiveColor": "#ffffff",
    "sidebarHeaderBg": "#3d3f41",
    "sidebarHeaderTextColor": "#6e6f70",
    "onlineIndicator": "#98c379",
    "awayIndicator": "#d19a66",
    "dndIndicator": "#be5046",
    "mentionBj": "#303030",
    "mentionColor": "#ffffff",
    "centerChannelBg": "#2b2b2b",
    "centerChannelColor": "#a8b7c5",
    "newMessageSeparator": "#94558d",
    "linkColor": "#569cf1",
    "buttonBg": "#375880",
    "buttonColor": "#a0a6af",
    "errorTextColor": "#aa4926",
    "mentionHighlightBg": "#2b2b2b",
    "mentionHighlightLink": "#ffc66d",
    "codeTheme": "monokai",
    "mentionBg": "#303030",
    "sidebarTeamBarBg": "#303030",


Darcula color scheme based on jetBrains for MatterMost

License:MIT License