n-epifanov / geo_task_tracker

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Geo-based tasks tracker. This is a solution to a task explained here.

Simplifications due to the nature of the job application:

  • no API documentation;
  • auth tokens are plain strings stored in DB;
  • path to task assumed to be a straight line.


  • decent test coverage;
  • describe error in respond on request failure;
  • setup prod environment and deploy configs;
  • fix compile warnings;
  • make sure DB index works alright;
  • make all migrations reversible;
  • send metrics (e.g. to InfluxDB);
  • report errors (e.g. to Sentry);
  • setup logging to file for prod environment;
  • tighten DB column data types;
  • see a possible simplification with accessing geometry fields as a struct instead of PostGIS getters;
  • probably a Phoenix bug: Ecto.Enum error message is not supported by default ErrorHelpers.translate_error/1;

Dev setup:

  • Setup DB with PostGIS:
    sudo apt-get install postgresql-13-postgis-3
    mix ecto.create
    sudo -u postgres psql geo_task_tracker_dev
    # In psql:
    create extension if not exists plpgsql;
    create extension postgis;
    mix ecto.migrate
    mix run priv/repo/seeds.exs
  • (Optional) install GUI application for viewing Geo data:
    sudo apt install qgis
  • (Optional) install httpie to use with examples in "API usage" section:
    sudo apt install httpie

API usage


List nearby (1 km) tasks:

http localhost:4000/api/v1/tasks Authorization:"Bearer some_valid_driver_token" lon==55 lat==56

Change task status:

http PATCH localhost:4000/api/v1/tasks/1 Authorization:"Bearer some_valid_driver_token" status=done


Create task:

http post localhost:4000/api/v1/tasks Authorization:"Bearer some_valid_manager_token" pickup:='{"lon": 55, "lat": 56}' delivery:='{"lon": 66, "lat": 67}'

Tokens provided with seeds:




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