n-elia / algobet

"AlgoBet" project for International School on Algorand Smart Contracts - Authors: Group #5

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Background picture

AlgoBet - A decentralized bet system powered by Algorand

Authors: Nicola Elia, Alessandro Parenti, Domenico Tortola

Current state: the project won the 3rd prize. A tutorial about deploying this smart contract has been published by the authors here (Algorand Developer Portal). Some other features have been implemented on top of this smart contract in this repository.

This repository contains the deliverables related to the project work developed by Group #5 during the International School on Algorand Smart Contracts held online on September 27 - October 18, 2022.

Table of contents

Project’s Goals

AlgoBet project addresses the definition of a basic decentralized bet system, and its implementation by means of an Algorand smart contract.


AlgoBet builds a decentralized bet system, in which many unknown participants may bet on the result of a particular event. The smart contract would collect the bids and - at the end of the event - it will automatically distribute the payouts between the winning participants.

At creation time, a manager and an oracle accounts are chosen, such that they have different permissions among the smart contract functionalities. The smart contract instances are disposable, and each one of them represents a particular event. In other words, one may instantiate an AlgoBet contract per each event to bet on.

The current implementation allows the participants to place bets by paying a fixed rate (140 milliAlgos). Participants are not allowed to place a bet with a higher stake, nor to bet twice. They also cannot place multiple bets with different options.

The account creator has also to specify the Unix timestamps of the event start and end, and an amount of time - since event end - in which participants are allowed to request the payout while the manager will not be able to delete the smart contract.

To support Algorand ecosystem development, particular focus has been given to the usage of the beaker development framework and to the implementation of smart contract tests over the sandbox dev environment using pytest framework.

State-of-the-art and arisen technical challenges

This section will discuss the state-of-the-art and the technical challenges arisen during the project development.

Similar use-cases implementations

A post exists on the Algorand Forum, regarding the realization of a bet system DApp. The project seems dismissed.

The only reference we could find to a working decentralized bet system based on Algorand is represented by AlgoBets, a teal-based project currently running at https://lucasvanmol.github.io/algobets/ (it seems non-active).
Based on the project description on the GitHub repository, we could compare the AlgoBets project features to our owns:

Features Algobets Our project
Autonomous payment transactions management
Undefined number of participants
Custom Oracle for event result
High-level language
Tests implementations

Smart contract development framework

PyTeal is the most common Python development framework for writing contracts and compiling them into TEAL code. Despite its great support for almost all the AVM functionalities, its usage appears pretty unfriendly and non-pythonic. To support Algorand development ecosystem, beaker was born as a smart contract development framework for PyTeal. Its goal is to provide a better development experience, improving the less user-friendly aspects of PyTeal and, for such reason, we believe it to be an important step for the evolution and expansion of Algorand ecosystem.

As of today, Beaker is in pre-alpha development status (beaker-pyteal 0.2.2 package, released on Oct 12, 2022) and even though the repository already contains a good amount of examples, the documentation is still insufficient to cover all its functionalities.

Our project aims at covering a new use-case, providing a ready-to-go Beaker-based deployable example with a thorough test set implementation on top of pytest framework.

Interfacing with real-world data: oracles

The proposed use-case requires our smart contract to deal with data injection from the real world. The actor which will push data from real-world to blockchain is often referred to as oracle.

AlgoBet smart contract allows to set an address as oracle address, thus authorizing it for executing the application calls which deal with data injection. In the current implementation, the oracle address will be the only account address authorized for executing the transaction intended to publish the event result into the smart contract, named set_event_result. Therefore, the oracle acts as a trusted third party in charge of injecting off-chain data - events results, in this case - into the AlgoBet instance.

The proposed demo and tests make use of an account to act as oracle. Future implementations may refer an external smart contract to act as oracle. Indeed, a C2C transaction may be triggered by the authorized oracle smart contract account to notify an event result.

A state-of-the-art oracle provider is Goracle. It aims to implement Algorand oracles as data feeds from real-world data providers, such as weather services and sport results providers. Indeed, References to sports decentralized bet systems may be found on its blog.

Smart contract testing: issues and workarounds

Features testing requirements

Often, when linking a smart contract to real-world events, it is necessary to provide the smart contract and real-world with a common timeline. Transactions will therefore be able to make time comparisons against the common current time.
Algorand, as most of the blockchains, includes a UTC timestamp in each forged block. Therefore, within the context of an Algorand smart contract, the safe way of comparing a timestamp with current time is to consider the timestamp of the last forged block as current timestamp. It is clear that, due to the time interval between the creation of blocks, the precision of the last forged timestamp will depend on the amount of time elapsed since the last block creation.
It is then clear that transactions that make use of timestamps must be automatically tested to ensure that the time-based mechanisms are well-implemented.

If a smart contract deals with payment transactions, then the transactions which take care of transferring Algos or tokens must be automatically tested to ensure that the payment-related mechanisms are well-implemented.
For instance, our smart contract must be secured against multiple payouts to the same participant, wrong computation of payouts, or close-out transaction correctness. It is then clear that applications that make use of payment transactions must be automatically tested to ensure that the transfer mechanisms are well-implemented.
Those kind of transactions may be tested by checking the accounts balances before and after the possible application workflows, asserting that the balances have been correctly affected by the running application.

State-of-the-art testing environment issues

sandbox is the state-of-the-art Algorand environment used for deploying and testing smart contracts. It offers a dev configuration which is extremely useful for fast testing of an application. Indeed, the dev configuration starts a private network in which every transaction being sent to the node automatically generates a new block, rather than wait for a new round in real time. This allows instant transactions to happen, with almost no time wait for consensus to be applied.

Unfortunately, the current sandbox implementation makes developers face some issues:

  • As documented by this GitHub pull request and this GitHub issue, even though since approximately May, 14th the Mainnet has had the reward rate set to 0 (in favor of the application of governance rewards mechanism), the default sandbox dev network continues to give rewards to its accounts.

  • As documented by this GitHub issue, the default sandbox dev network keeps the time in sync only for about 25s after the last block creation.

  • The default sandbox dev network does not create any block without a transaction being triggered.

Implications on tests and proposed workarounds

Considering the features testing requirements, it's possible to derive that the issues described in the previous subsection cause, respectively, the following problems during tests:

  • Account balances may be altered by network rewards, thus they are not reliable for checking transactions correctness.

  • If time-dependent workflows need to wait more than 25s, then the network will exhibit an inconsistent behaviour.

  • If a transaction needs to compare a timestamp with the current time, and thus it retrieves the last block timestamp from the blockchain, then the retrieved timestamp will be as old as the last executed transaction.

The workarounds proposed by us and applied within this repository project are, respectively:

  • Make tests and assertions by looking at transaction details, rather than account balances. In this way, we prevent the rewards from altering the test results. Example extracted from test/test_contract.py:

    def test_request_payout_winners(app_addr, participant_client):
      res = participant_client.call(App.payout)
      tx_amount = res.tx_info["inner-txns"][0]["txn"]["txn"]["amt"]
      tx_fee = res.tx_info["inner-txns"][0]["txn"]["txn"]["fee"]
      # This assertion can't be affected by network rewards
      assert tx_amount == (140000 * 3 / 2 - tx_fee)
  • Make tests flows such that no more than 25s elapse between any transaction and the next one.

  • Make the test environment to create a dummy transaction, which will be triggered whenever a new block is needed for making timestamp comparisons. When using pytest as test framework, a fixture may be used to dynamically configure a client ready to ping the dummy transaction. A snippet extracted from test/test_contract.py follows.

      from contract import AlgoBet as App
      # Workaround for https://github.com/algorand/go-algorand/issues/3192 .
      # Add a dummy transaction to the smart contract. This transaction may be used for triggering
      # the creation of a new block when using a sandbox in dev mode. In this way, transactions
      # which depend on the timestamp of last forged block will be able to retrieve a recent block
      # for current timestamp estimation.
      def dummy(self):
          return Approve()
      App.dummy = dummy
      def ping_sandbox(self, get_client):
          """Require a dummy transaction for triggering the creation of a new sandbox block.
          Workaround for https://github.com/algorand/go-algorand/issues/3192 .
          c = get_client()
          def _call_dummy(client=c):
          return _call_dummy

Smart Contract Specifications

In our bet contract participants can bet on the result of a particular, pre-defined event.
To enrich this section with a real-world this example, we took inspiration from main team sports’ matches, such as football or basketball, which can have three possible general results: team1 win, team2 win, tie.

The bet stake is predefined. After the end of the event, winning participants can have the payout transferred to his or her wallet by calling the relative function. Non-winning participants would not be able to claim any reward.

Following we have an overview of the main elements and features.

Global and Local state variables

  • Involved actors:

    • Manager (M): creates an event.
    • Px, Py, ... : participants that place bets on the event.
    • Oracle (O): at the end of the event, sets the final result.
  • Application state variables:

    • manager: stores the creator address.
    • oracle_addr: stores the oracle address set by the manager.
    • event_result: stores the match result, updated by the oracle.
    • bet_amount: stores the fixed stake amount necessary for the bet.
    • counter_opt_0, counter_opt_1, counter_opt_2: store the number of bids on result 0, 1 and 2.
    • stake_amount: stores the whole stake amount collected by the contract through the bets.
    • winning_count: stores the number of winning accounts.
    • winning_payout: stores the amount of Algos constituting the payout.
    • event_start_timestamp: stores the event start time, expressed as Unix timestamp.
    • event_end_timestamp: stores the event end time, expressed as Unix timestamp.
    • payout_time_window_s: stores the timeframe in which participants can claim their winnings.
  • Account Variables:

    • chosen_opt: stores the forecast bet by the participant.
    • has_placed_bet: flag that activates when after the bet is placed. Precludes the possibility of multiple bets.
    • has_requested_payout: flag activated after payout has been claimed. Precludes the reclaim of the same payout.


The smart contract features private methods, exclusively accessible from the contract itself, indicated with the @internal notation, and a set of exposed transactions indicated by the @external notation which can be called by external clients.

  • Exposed Transactions:

    • create (Smart Contract creation): may be used by the Manager only, to issue the creation of a new Smart Contract related to a particular event (disposable Smart Contract fashion). At creation time, M sets the oracle address, the timestamps of start and end of the match and the time window granted to winning participants after the event for claiming their winnings.
    • opt_in (Smart Contract opt-in): may be used by each participant, to opt-in the Smart Contract.
    • bet: may be used by any participant Px to place a bet on the smart contract event. In placing the bet, the participant may bid on one of the three predefined possible forecasts (1, X or 2 = 1, 0 or 2). The stake amount is fixed and predefined.
    • set_event_result: may be called by the authorized Oracle only, to inject the event results into the smart contract. According to the aforementioned constraint, it cannot be called before the end of the event.
    • payout: may be called by winning participants to redeem their winnings. When successfully executed, this function triggers a flag in the calling participant local state, precluding him/her to reclaim the same payout.
    • delete: may be called by the Manager only after the time_window has expired. It deletes the bet event and closes the smart contract account. The balance left in the contract is sent to the manager.
  • Internal Methods:

    • set_manager: sets the manager address upon creation
    • set_oracle: sets the oracle address upon creation
    • set_event_start_time: sets the event start time
    • set_event_end_time: sets the event end time
    • set_payout_time: sets the time frame within which payouts can be requested.

How to deploy and run

First, clone the repository. If you are going to use your own sandbox deployment, you can avoid recursing submodules. On the other hand, if you want to use the sandbox that we included as a submodule, clone using:

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/n-elia/algobet.git

Environment setup

A Python 3 installation is required to run the demo or tests.

Prepare a virtual environment and install the project requirements with:

python3 -m venv venv
cd src

pip install -r src/requirements.txt
pip install -r src/test/requirements.txt

Run a Demo

To run a demo of this smart contract, provided that a sandbox network is up and running, just execute the smart contract as python script:

cd src
python contract.py

The demo() method inside src/contract.py will be executed.

Run the demo using the testnet

The tests can be run deploying the sandbox and attaching it to the testnet: ./sandbox up testnet. From test/sandbox folder, create a wallet and populate it with two accounts:

./sandbox enter algod
goal wallet new mywallet
goal account new -w mywallet
goal account new -w mywallet

Then, fund those accounts using the testnet bank faucet.

To make beaker.sandbox client able to access your wallet, edit the contract.py/demo() method as follows:

# Pop an account from sandbox accounts
wallet_name = "mywalletname"
wallet_password = "mywalletpassword"
sandbox_accounts = sandbox.get_accounts(

Then, you will be able to run the demo script as explained in the previous subsection.

Run tests using sandbox in dev configuration

Tests are implemented using the pytest test framework for Python. To run tests, the sandbox in devmode must be up and running. Therefore, we provided the test suite with the possibility to set up and teardown the sandbox network during each test session.

If you want to use the sandbox included into the repository, just skip to next step. Otherwise, depending on your configuration, set up the src/test/sandbox-scripts/sandbox_setup.sh and src/test/sandbox-scripts/sandbox_teardown.sh shell scripts to point to your sandbox folder. Then, you can enable automatic execution of those scripts at each run by using the --sandbox parameter on the pytest CLI.

To run the test suite with default settings, just issue:

make test

The report will be located at src/test/reports/pytest_report.html. You can find a sample report there.

Run tests using sandbox to connect to devnet

To run tests deploying the contract on devnet, you have to implement the snippet shown in "Run the demo using the testnet" section into test_contract.py/TestBase.accounts(). Be sure to create enough accounts before running the tests.

Compile to TEAL

Beaker framework can also be used for exporting TEAL code of the developed application. The script src/teal/compile.py can be run to generate the Aprroval Program, Clear Program and transactions json:

cd src/teal/
python compile.py

Future works and improvements

  • Implement an always-on parent contract, which can be used to spawn AlgoBet child contracts, using the approach suggested in algorand-devrel/parent-child-contracts.

  • Implement custom bet stake for each participant, thus adapting the payout system to more complex situations.

  • Attach a state-of-the-art oracle smart contract, implementing a strategy for uniquely identifying the events.

  • Develop a mechanism to make the contract account hold enough Algos to pay transaction fees in variable transaction fees scenarios.

Live showcase

To showcase our DApp, we set up an AlgoBet contract, created on testnet on Mon, 17 October 2022 20:00:25 (TX ID: MQDBOYVMJETEL5KTVUYUAMLKRAXF2GE2KNEUOQIQQ773OV555RQQ).
You can browse the AlgoBet contract account here on Dappflow.

Dappflow screenshot

The event end has been set on: Tuesday 18 October 2022 17:00:00 (GMT).

Feel free to test it, placing your bets. You will have 24h since the end of the event to request your payout. Good luck!

Update: the event ended, so the result has been set by the oracle and the winner participants have been allowed for payout!


"AlgoBet" project for International School on Algorand Smart Contracts - Authors: Group #5

License:MIT License


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