mytin-design / bsalphathree

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Obj 1

Create Btn -

Onclick - opens the create account page in a new tab

Obj 2

create an exam database

--- To include

  • Select options - used to search

  • Main question is - What happens when a certain search criteria is passed

What happens

  • Example (exIndex) - If ----Criteria
  1. Grade 1
  2. X
  3. 2023
  4. II
  5. Midterm

--- Then, we must have this data, in order to display it

-- Option one

  • Have a table with titles of each of the criteria -so that if a search parameter meets the title in a table, the title is highlighted, and if clicked, gives the user more options

--Option two - Best Version Display the results of the class requested

--The How -Create the display container - virtual -- Have all the files in the root directory or a folder in the root directory

--Use ids to target files -That is, if (exIndex), Show fileX, else if (another grade, year, etc), Show fileY, else, and so on

and how do I search

Modify site for Consolata Primary School

Bein data - 10th July 2023

Stage 1

Rename current index file to directories.php

Create an index file

bug xx

The carousel was being affected by a .fade class connected to an animation. Problem was - The fade was too fast and only connected to one of the carousel divs Therefore, the first 2 carousel divs functioned as set, however, the last moved faster

Hide previous and next buttons until pcard is hovered onto

  • Let prev and next buttons remain hidden in the main header carousel

make the pcard a flex container - image, left, text, right

  • In flexpcard Have a heading, some text and call to action button or sth

modify the create account log in and sign in section

after logging in

A system Each user with their own account I suggest using wordpress for now - try If user creates an account, create a similar but personalized account Admins should have priviledges

Sign up and Login

To login -Use the username and passowrd set during sign in - This means it should be stored somewhere we can access it

-If no username or passowrd set, use default, admin and password to login

//Now how do we store username and password so as to retrieve it later for use in login?


Two tabs for the login/sign up page

-One tab, student, other staff

-completed for login

Redesign sign in page to reflect that of the login page.


reg-form bug 001 Tabs script does not hide one of the tabcontents

Solved - add "display: none;" to tabcontents, and open a tab by default;


How can we uplodad results for parents?

12/10/2023 Profiles updated

13/10/2023 upload Joining the staff form

create this

//JobApplication PHP

registration box media query for 400px and below corrected

25/10/2023 - Updates

When a profile is clicked, it should appear as a dialog box showing extra information.

Before moving, have a goal

Without a goal you wander aimlesslessly

GOAL - Repair the carousel in the mentorship page

Bug: It a script in the main js file "script.js" interferes with the running of this script;

Solution -Move the script to another separate file - "mentorship.js" -Adjust the script in accordance to W3Schools recommendations

:Status - Completed

  • Works locally -Not functional on the server.

reduce font-size for input elements in the job application form for smaller devices <400

Afternoon Updates

The Job Application form

  • Padding-left of .5pc added for inputs and option values and placeholders
  • Font-size change - media query for varying devices

Updates 26 oct 2023

  • Border radius for most elements in landing and about us page

  • changes in design for login page esp the create acc button and also border radius effects

  • Google sign in API installation --- Credentials created at

  • Client ID set up for portal-login.php ----googleSignIn.js created and attached to portal-login.php

-- Portal login for staff is not Javascript enabled Idea --Use the same script used for learners, but change the classes and id's

// Completed

Now the students and the staff can log in using separate channels



//The function of the search engine is to provide relevant search results based on the user's search criteria;

For this to function as intended, the engine must have access to multiple resource materials, and multiple probable search keywords //The general format of the algorith is:

if(probable keyword matches available predefined relevant results) { return relevant result; }

//Notice ; we need relevant keyword matches for example: Say fee structure

A user may search for 'Fee Structure' using the following keywords: fee, f, fii, school fees, school money, structure, pesa, money, amount, school amount, total, pay

The above are all possible search keywords

The next step is to define what should be returned;

Obviously, the first result is the fee structure;

However, we could also provide relevant results such as: how to pay, where to pay, school account numbers, who to pay, boarding services, precautions, etc

Basically that is how it will work

Indexing means that we need to list all possible search items AVAILABLE in the website;keyword - available However we may provide an option to search on the web; using this :'https://www/', '_blank');

12 NOVEMBER 2023

Create a registration module for online application


When a user clicks a broken link or button, aquick dialog box will appear Not working for now


I think its best we handle all issues - add functionality to the landing page before we proceed to other pages

  1. Search Functionality Objective

when a word is searched, it should list all the available important links on a new search page

Task No.1: Design a search page - Use AccountsPlaceKenya for mockup

13/nov/2023 //Christmass / Holiday changes - a few images added

  • Working on feedback.php for sending messages to email



DATE 7/12/2023

Changes on the CPS WEBSITE, as from today, 7th DEC 2023, will be done from this endpoint.

Initial change - Search functionality

  • The search functionality is inherited from C:\Users\denis\desktop\code\buildingprojects\cpssearch dir NB: Functionality functions as intended in the original dir

NB: Search function integrated successfuly and working as intended!

Second change - When a staff clicks their 'space', a dialog box appears with additional information.

Indicate the contents of each js file attached on every file, esp the landing page

Enter marks page

Page added -

18-DEC -2023 // CHANGES

-Profile images in cpsmarksystem page html changed

################################## MAJOR UPDATE


  • When upload button is clicked, the main app is hidden, and a section with mutliple upload options is displayed;

----Functions as expected;


username is the unique determiner - primary key

  • Can be modified to email


---User data is retrieved from db to recognize user! Great Achievement!!!!! - 18-12-2023!!!

--User can reset password, but must remember email used during registration

The email may be used to receive the reset token link, but since I faced a problem with the mail servers, I am displaying the it on the page - not secure.


Dashboard template - may be tuned to meet specific user needs

--Logout capability intalled


Find a way to dynamically change the profile of user too.

##### ============END OF TODAY'S SESSION --------

19 - 12 -2023

Files added: reset_password.php savestudentsettings.php settings.php studentrecords.php studentsresgister.php reset.php loggerout.php update_password.php delet_row.php

Files changed cpsmarkssystem.php cpsdashboard.html

AS AT 14:23 - 19-12-2023,

A user can: Register - data is stored in a database

Login: Data is retrieved from a database

Reset password Change password.

Change preferences in dashboard.


Register student - STORES DATA IN A DB

Show records stored in the db



After deleting a record, the page redirects to studentsrecords.php page


LOGOUT BTN on cpsmarksystem.php functionality added -It links to the logger.php to log out session - however, there is no login directed to this page-

Again: It should be set that students, when the login, they will not access some information, accessed by teachers;

Basicaly, teachers and students should have different dashboards.

A learner's dashboard may consist of simple functions such as checking and uploading assignments; checking and downloading exams/notes.past papers, etc

Teacher, Register student - esp the senior teacher Or Basicaly each teacher should have specify the class they are the class teacher, and they will have functionality for that class; Such as Uploding marks, exams, marking students in, and much more;

Check finances Check uploaded assignments, and homeworks check student details-information - including phone numbers and much more

Uploading image is not working


uploads directory added/ -NOTE

Error was in form definition;

############ VERY IMPORTANT @2222222222222222222222


Apparently the attribute : enctype="mutlipart/form-data" must be embedded in the form opening tags for any upload to take place!

Update the records table to reflect changes in profile uploads

############################## IMPORTANT CHANGE @@@@@@@@@@@

One id must be used for the entire database, as the primary key if I want an easy time;

This means, the teachers and students will have different tables

However, for now, the username is set as the primary key; It can remain the same, however, the user as they enter data, they should be requested for regno or staffid, whatever is suitable for each;

STUDENT'S REGNO column name CHANGED to username;

This means we will receive the regno, but the database will store it in the username column, and will be referenced as such;

-- Plcaholders in forms changed;


was heavily relying on the registration number All the regno names have been changed to username

NOTE BETTER ========================================

NB: regno or staffid are being inputted, but it is being used as the user's username


Currently, there is a users table, and students table;

I do not think this is right;

The intended users of the system - are

  1. Teachers
  2. Students
  3. Subordinate staff

During registration - we get the main info, that is firstname, lastname, regno or staffid, and password

But in the system, there is a way to register a student afresh.



Ama - what if we eliminate the need to register

So that the student or teachers are put into the system by an admin - IT admin

I think this is better, because the school is a controlled setting;

If it were a website being used by so many users, then the idea above would not be feasible;


So, we need to include an area to register teachers;

So teachers, or students, or subordinate staff, when they get hired, their info taken in hardcopies will be used to create an account for them - so that they get a school email, and a password they can change later if they so wish;


Therefore, the cpsmarkssystem.php will serve very important functions and will be accessed only byt the administrators and IT department.


SYSTEM NAME AS OF 21-12-2023


LATEST VERSION OF consolata website Upload on 21-12-2-23 0337am -cps ictlab

Connection to webhost database successfull;

Settings for db configuration located in './wp-config.php' file in server root dir

22nd DEC 2023 - HOMe - IN MY CRIB


Registration function removed

If a student clicks register, should be notified to visit the admin or IT

Students will be registered by senior teacher or IT department, or anyone with access to the registration panel

During registration, the above personell will create an account with a default registration number and a password;

The student may change the password later

Details taken from new student

id - auto registration number - username in db stream or class entrymarks healthstatus profileimg gender dateofbirth feebalance parentphone language status nationality password confirmpass

16 rows


Adjust the resgister container to autofit new additions

Student data can now be entered successfully into the database!

Changes made in cpsmarkssystem.php and studentsregister.php to reflect the same;

-- Login should check students table and not users

In fact, delete users table

The login - should check the username, and check if the username is that of a student or a teacher, and redirect accordingly;

//So we have to define, how do I know that this is a username of a student?

We have two login in platforms, that of students and that of teachers, and each is processed differently

This means students have their own table and teachers or staff their own table

That of students have already been defined,

Now what data do we need from the staff:

CREATE TABLE teachers ( staffid varchar(255) NOT NULL, name varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, dateofbirth datetime DEFAULT NULL, role varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, basicpay decimal(19,4) DEFAULT 0.0000, department varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, subjects varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, email varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, phone varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, nextofkin varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, remedialallocation varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, maritalstatus varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, yearofemployment datetime DEFAULT NULL, status varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, gender varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, nhifno varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, nssfno varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, tscno varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, bankname varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, bankaccno varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, password varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, confpassword varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL


There should be a html table to help IT and secretary to add staff


02-JAN-2024 The panel can NOW be used by IT and secretary to add new teachers Data is successfully uploaded to database;

staffid and password may be used to login staff to their predefined dashboard;

Update functionality is currently absent;




staffrecords.php created to handle staff records

delete_staff.php added to handle editing functions

delete_student.php edited -regno changed to username


NOTES TABLE TO contain the following fields

  1. notesid
  2. filename
  3. dateuploaded
  4. deadline
  5. teacher
  6. instructions


Assignments TABLE TO contain the following fields

  1. assignmentid
  2. filename
  3. dateuploaded
  4. deadline
  5. teacher
  6. instructions


Past papers TABLE TO contain the following fields

  1. pastpaperid
  2. filename
  3. dateuploaded
  4. grade
  5. year
  6. teacher
  7. instructions


Changes in css and Javascript may not reflect immediately as the browser uses the cached styles and scripts - However, to view immediate changes, press Ctrl + F5 to force refresh and see the updated version.

3rd jan 2023 -10:44pm

stafflogin.php and studentlogin.php created

The number of variables must match the number of parameters in the prepared statement

The number of elements in the type definition string must match the number of bind variables

bug setsssxxx

It seems img displayed is the same for all users - php does not pick the uploaded image

AS AT 4TH JAN 2024

A teacher may upload and view the following: Announcements Exams/past papers assignment Notes

NB:Discussion capability not enabled;


4TH JAN 2023

examresults.html page created This will be used to search and display results based on student class, exam type, year, etc;

However for this to happen

Data will be obtained from the already registered students;

NOTE, we are assuming all students are already enrolled in the students table, thus, from this table, we create a query, i.e, anytime the search button is clicked, a new query is performed, requesting data for the specified students;

Before that, we need to have marks for students - which means we need a way to input them

When a teacher wants to enter marks, they will click a grade; Once clicked, a query will be created, requesting for all students in the specified class and stream;

NOTE, the students table has all the data of a student needed, and so, the query will return the student's assessment no., full name, and for each, create a table with all subjects, with inputs fields where the teacher can enter marks for each student;

new file entermarks.htm - we start as htm them php

This file will enable teachers to click on a certain grade, and stream, and a table is generated for them with input fields to fill marks for their students;

Not working:

Fatal error: Uncaught mysqli_sql_exception: No data supplied for parameters in prepared statement in C:\xampp\htdocs\bsalphathree\exresults.php:26 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\bsalphathree\exresults.php(26): mysqli_stmt->execute() #1 {main} thrown in C:\xampp\htdocs\bsalphathree\exresults.php on line 26

Currently the php returns all the records in the database, and creates inputs for all the students in the db;

This can be used, however, if we have a school of a thousand students, it would be very difficult to keep looking for a student of a specific grade and stream;

Thus, the script has to select students whose grade and stream is passed when the button is clicked;

So, the script kinda picks students who matches the criteria passed, and returns their name, and asssess. no.

Thus, create a script that takes the inputs grade and stream, and use them as criteria for which the db is searched for students who fit the same;


The teacher can now search their students by their grade and stream and fill their marks;

Next, how do we upload the marks to db when save btn is clicked?

Solution one

Enclose the table in a form;

Perfect idea!

One prob though, how do we upload the username, assess no. and name

Using a form causes an error!


Issue - A teacher can now get students from their grade and stream and fill marks for them;

However, we do not have a way to upload these marks;

Issue 2 The uploaded items include assess no. name stream - not required all subjects--

Now, we may save these in a 'grades' table

that will have the following fields; assess no - primary key name stream all subject names

However, to display marks, the following items are required; grade stream year term eg 1st term level -eg opener

Now, where should these be? a new table? in in grades table

solution A

we may provide a way to input the year, term and level for every student

so that when getting results from table, we create a query where the above fields will be used as parameters;

But this is tedious;

I want a teacher to select year, select exam term eg and exam level/type eg opener, then use the grade and stream query to get students from the specific class

Solution b

Using the grades, straeam, year, term, and level filter function, use it as an input - i.e when button is clicked, it should check whether there is an input with all these parameters, if not, save in the grades table the grades table will therefore have the following fields: assess no. name stream grade year term type/level all subjnames

so that, when btn is clicked, the year, term, grade and stream are saved - saying if they do not exist already, save,

And then, very key - generates a table with assess no, name, with students of grade x and stream y - where x and y rep any;

6TH JAN 2024 = 0542hrs

Modifying e-learning section So that each grade shows specific exams, notes, or assignments for their grade

Remove action buttons for students/parents

The action buttons deletes and edits the files, -we do not want a student deleting an assignment once they have downloaded theirs do we?

In the exams tab, create two tabs one - for showing available past papers Two - provides a link to view (parents and students) or enter marks (teachers)


For teachers - Include it in the teacher's dashboard

Create a link in the students dashboard redirecting to each of these grades

teachers too

Exams section tabs status complete


The original version of the e-learning is for students and parents


Use this template and append it in teacher's dashboard - modify to increase priviledges - eg modify files

Option 2

Take fragments of the e-learning and append them to teacher's dashboard- e.g enter marks

I think option one is best as it provides the teacher with a comprehensive platform to modify whatever is required;


Must be in teacher's dashboard;

Before working on exresults - work on a previous bug



It seems the code does not get the img of each user that is logged in,

Code now works perfectly and as intended; Profile pictures are updated dynamically

Assignments, exams, etc

I think these should have the staff id of the one who uploaded either of these

This will help in displaying uploaded work only for the logged in staff

Right now, the code displays all uploaded work, which is great yes, but not relevant

Anyway, provide a way to view all assignments on a different page


Currently the system allows for this function:

If user wants to enter marks, they will go to 'entermarks.php' Here, they will select grade and stream

This will go to the students table - get the students who match the grade and stream passed return them and create a table for the subjects the student is taking -should be like this - but creates a table for all subjects;

Now - Say user enters marks, how is this data record in the db

Do we create another table What fields will it have?


It selects students of grade and stream specified

Creates a table for each, containing input fields to enter marks

A save button when clicked sends data to savemarks.php

It saves marks to the passed username


this is not happening


for processing

error - invalid request

The network - request section shows that the data is sent, but it seems this file does not process it - that is - put it into db
