myst-templates / physical_review_journals

A template for easily creating pretty, nicely formatted Physical Review Journal articles in Myst Markdown

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Physical Review Journals

Template for Physical Review Journals

Steps to creating your own template!

  • 🆕 Create this repository. Nailed it. 🚀
  • 📑 Replace the template.tex with your existing LaTeX template/article
  • 👯‍♀️ Copy in any other style, definitions or images necessary for the template
  • 👩‍🔬 Add the files necessary into files list in the template.yml (documentation)
  • 🧙‍♀️ Start replacing template values with [-options.my_value-] and put in [# if parts.abstract #] conditions to toggle sections on and off (documentation)
  • 👩🏿‍💻 Install jtex (npm install -g jtex) and run jtex check (documentation)
  • 🪄 Continue to improve the options in your template for parts and options (documentation)
  • 💾 When ready, save your template.yml and run jtex check --fix, this will add various packages that are auto detected and fix document options (documentation)
  • 🧪 Test with real content: myst build --template ../path/to/template (documentation)
  • 📸 Create a thumbnail.png with an accurate screenshot of the template
  • 🧭 Update this README, and check all values in the template.yml
  • 🚀 Push to GitHub, and contribute to the community templates repository

Options provided by Physical Review Journals myst-Template

The RevTex documentation used to setup this template can be found here:

This is a table of options the template provides based on the REVTeX 4.2e release:

Option Type Default Required Functionality
draft boolean false false Marks the document as draft (preprint)
preprint string false Institutional report numbers can be specified using this (see preprint revtex4-2 documentation).
linenumbers boolean false false Allows adding line numbers to the generated article.
superscriptaddress boolean false false A major way of displaying authors and affiliations information is to use superscripts on the authors and affiliations. It should be mentioned that the affiliations for the superscriptaddress are presented and numbered in the order that they are encountered.
groupedaddress boolean true false To group authors with the same affiliation together this option can be chosen. This is the default behavior for most journals.
unsortedaddress boolean false false Grouping of authors into specific groups (see groupedaddress) is disabled.
runinaddress boolean false false Like groupedaddress, but joins multiple affiliations together into a single sequence separated by commas.
footinbib boolean false false The footnote text can either appear at the bottom of a page or as part of the bibliography. This option results it in only showing up in the bibliography. This can be used to override the default behavior of the journal.
nofootinbib boolean false false The footnote text can either appear at the bottom of a page or as part of the bibliography. This option results it in only showing up on the bottom of the page. This can be used to override the default behavior of the journal.
bibnotes boolean false false Specifies whether additional author information such as email or homepage are put on the first page or at the start of the bibliography. For instance, the prb option puts all such footnotes at the start of the bibliography while the prl journal styles displays them on the first page. One can override a journal style’s default behavior by specifying explicitly the class option bibnotes (puts the footnotes at the start of the bibliography) or nobibnotes (puts them on the first page).
nobibnotes boolean false false Specifies whether additional author information such as email or homepage are put on the first page or at the start of the bibliography. For instance, the prb option puts all such footnotes at the start of the bibliography while the prl journal styles displays them on the first page. One can override a journal style’s default behavior by specifying explicitly the class option bibnotes (puts the footnotes at the start of the bibliography) or nobibnotes (puts them on the first page).
reprint boolean false false Closely approximate a given journal’s style. Can be either single or two-column formatting depending on the journal.
footnote_title boolean false false Adds footnote for the article title.
styling choice aps true Allows choosing the type of American Physical Society journal. The following choices are available:
  • American Physical Society (aps),
  • American Institute of Physics (aip),
  • American Association of Physicists in Medicine (aapm),
  • Society of Rheology (sor)
aps_journal_type choice pra false Allows choosing the type of APS Journal. The following choices are available:
  • Physical Review Letter (prl),
  • Physical Review A (pra),
  • Physical Review B (prb),
  • Physical Review C (prc)
  • Physical Review D (prd)
  • Physical Review E (pre)
  • Physical Review Accelerators and Beams (prab)
  • Physical Review Physics Education Research (prper)
  • Physical Review X (prx)
  • Physical Review Applied (prapplied)
  • Physical Review Fluids (prfluids)
  • Physical Review Materials (prmaterials)
  • Physical Review (physrev, unified option for Physical Review journal style (the Phys. Rev. journals have no or few variations)
  • Review of Modern Physics (rmp)
aip_journal_type choice apl false Allows to choose the AIP Journal type. The following choices are available:
  • Applied Physics Letters (apl),
  • Biomicrofluids (bmf),
  • Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science (cha),
  • Journal of Applied Physics (jap)
  • Journal of Chemical Physics (jcp)
  • Journal of Mathematical Physics (jmp)
  • Journal of Renewable & Sustainable Energy (rse)
  • Physics of Fluids (pof)
  • Physics of Plasmas (pop)
  • Review of Scientific Instruments (rsi)
  • APL Materials (apm)
  • AIP Advances (adv)
  • Structural Dynamics (sd)
aapm_journal_type choice mph false Allows choosing the American Association of Physicists in Medicine journal type. The following choices are available:
  • ??? (mph)
sor_journal_type choice jor false Allows choosing the Society of Rheology journal type. The following choices are available:
  • Journal of Rheology (jor)
formatting choice onecolumn false Allows choosing the type of column formatting (one- or two-column article). The following choices are available:
  • onecolumn
  • twocolumn


A template for easily creating pretty, nicely formatted Physical Review Journal articles in Myst Markdown


Language:TeX 99.8%Language:PostScript 0.2%