mysqludf / lib_mysqludf_str

A UDF library with additional string functions for MySQL

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

MySQL already supports a number of string functions natively. However, these string functions are not exhaustive and other string functions can ease the development of MySQL-based applications. Users coming from a PHP or Perl background, for instance, may expect to find their entire set of string functions in MySQL. lib_mysqludf_str aims to offer a library of string functions which complement the native ones.

The following functions are currently supported in the lib_mysqludf_str library:

  • str_numtowords – converts a number to a string.
  • str_rot13 – performs the ROT13 transform on a string.
  • str_shuffle – randomly shuffles the characters of a string.
  • str_translate – replaces characters contained in srcchar with the corresponding ones in dstchar.
  • str_ucfirst – uppercases the first character of a string.
  • str_ucwords – transforms to uppercase the first character of each word in a string.
  • str_xor – performs a byte-wise exclusive OR (XOR) of two strings.
  • str_srand – generates a string of cryptographically secure pseudo-random bytes.

Use lib_mysqludf_str_info() to obtain information about the currently-installed version of lib_mysqludf_str.



Binaries are provided for 32-bit and 64-bit MySQL, Intel/x86 architecture:

Please verify the GPG signature. If you are not used to the command-line interface of gpg, an excellent GPG GUI for Windows is GnuPT.

Alternatively, lib_mysqludf_str may be built from source using the provided Visual Studio solution. Install an edition of Visual Studio 2012 for Windows Desktop (Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop is fine) and then double-click on lib_mysqludf_str.sln.

To complete the installation, refer to README.win_x86.txt, or README.win_x64.txt for 64-bit lib_mysqludf_str.


lib_mysqludf_str uses an Autoconf build system, so the standard ./configure and make procedure applies:

./configure --prefix=/usr/local/lib_mysqludf_str-0.5
make && make install

The listed prefix is just a suggestion; it can, of course, be changed to some other installation location.

Custom configure options supported by the project include:

                          Set the maximum number of bytes that can be
                          generated with a single call to str_srand [4096]
  --with-mysql=[ARG]      use MySQL client library [default=yes], optionally
                          specify path to mysql_config

The shared object (SO file) must be copied to MySQL's plugin directory, which can be determined by executing the following SQL:


To then load the functions:

mysql -u root -p < installdb.sql


  • In MySQL, source uninstalldb.sql as root.
  • Delete the plugin from MySQL's plugin folder.



str_numtowords converts numbers to English word(s). All integers in the range [-263, 263 - 1] are supported.

Parameter and Return Value

num : The integer number to be converted to a string. If num is not an integer type or it is NULL, an error will be returned.

returns : The string spelling the given number in English.


Converting 123456 to a string:

SELECT str_numtowords(123456) AS price;

yields this result:

| price                                                    |
| one hundred twenty-three thousand four hundred fifty-six |


str_rot13 performs the ROT13 transform on a string, shifting each character by 13 places in the alphabet, and wrapping back to the beginning if necessary. Non-alphabetic characters are not modified.

Parameter and Return Value

subject : The string to be transformed. If subject is not a string type or it is NULL, an error will be returned.

returns : The original string with each letter shifted by 13 places in the alphabet.


Applying the ROT13 transform:

SELECT str_rot13('secret message') AS crypted;

yields this result:

| crypted        |
| frperg zrffntr |

Reversing the ROT13 transform (applying ROT13 again, as the transform is its own inverse):

SELECT str_rot13('frperg zrffntr') AS decrypted;

yields this result:

| decrypted      |
| secret message |


The str_shuffle function takes a string and randomly shuffles its characters, returning one of the possible permutations.

Parameter and Return Value

subject : A string value to be shuffled. If subject is not a string type or it is NULL, an error will be returned.

returns : A string value representing one of the possible permutations of the characters of subject.


Shuffling a string:

SELECT str_shuffle('shake me!') AS nonsense;

yields a result like this:

| nonsense  |
| esm a!khe |


The str_translate function scans each character in the subject string and replaces every occurrence of a character that is contained in srcchar with the corresponding char in dstchar.

str_translate(subject, srcchar, dstchar)
Parameters and Return Value

subject : A string value whose characters have to be transformed. If subject is not a string type or it is NULL, an error will be returned.

srcchar : A string value containing the characters to be searched and replaced. If srcchar is not a string type or it is NULL, an error will be returned. srcchar must contain the same number of characters as dstchar.

dstchar : A string value containing the characters which will replace the corresponding ones in srcchar. If dstchar is not a string type or it is NULL, an error will be returned. dstchar must contain the same number of characters as srcchar.

returns : A string value that is a copy of subject but in which each character present in srcchar replaced with the corresponding character in dstchar.


Replacing 'a' with 'x' and 'b' with 'y':

SELECT str_translate('a big string', 'ab', 'xy') AS translated;

yields this result:

| translated   |
| x yig string |


The str_ucfirst function is the MySQL equivalent of PHP's ucfirst(). It takes a string and uppercases the first character.

Parameter and Return Value

subject : A string value whose first character will be transformed into uppercase. If subject is not a string type or it is NULL, an error will be returned.

returns : A string value with the first character of subject capitalized, if that character is alphabetic.

SELECT str_ucfirst('sample string') AS capitalized;

yields this result:

| capitalized   |
| Sample string |
See Also
  • str_ucwords


The str_ucwords function is the MySQL equivalent of PHP's ucwords(). It takes a string and transforms the first character of each of word into uppercase.

Parameter and Return Value

subject : A string value where the first character of each string will be transformed into uppercase. If subject is not a string type or it is NULL, an error will be returned.

returns : A string value with the first character of each word in subject capitalized, if such characters are alphabetic.

SELECT str_ucwords('a string composed of many words') AS capitalized;

yields this result:

| capitalized                     |
| A String Composed Of Many Words |
See Also
  • str_ucfirst


The str_xor function performs a byte-wise exclusive OR (XOR) of two strings.

str_xor(string1, string2)
Parameters and Return Value

string1 : The first string. If string1 is not a string or is NULL, then an error is returned.

string2 : The second string. If string2 is not a string or is NULL, then an error is returned.

returns : The string value that is obtained by XORing each byte of string1 with the corresponding byte of string2.

Note that if string1 or string2 is longer than the other, then the shorter string is considered to be padded with enough trailing NUL bytes (0x00) for the two strings to have the same length.

SELECT HEX(str_xor(UNHEX('0E33'), UNHEX('E0'))) AS result;

yields this result:

| result |
| EE33   |
SELECT HEX(str_xor('Wiki', UNHEX('F3F3F3F3'))) AS result;

yields this result:

| result   |
| A49A989A |

Version 0.2

See Also


The str_srand function generates a string of random bytes from a cryptographically secure pseudo random number generator (CSPRNG).

Parameter and Return Value

length : The number of pseudo-random bytes to generate, and the length of the string. If length is not a non-negative integer or is NULL, then an error is returned. Note: To prevent denial of service, length is limited to the compile-time constant MAX_RANDOM_BYTES. By default, MAX_RANDOM_BYTES is 4096 (4 KiB).

returns : A string value comprised of length cryptographically secure pseudo-random bytes.

SELECT str_srand(5) AS result;

yields a random string containing 5 bytes.

mysql> SELECT LENGTH(str_srand(5)) as len;
| len |
|   5 |

Version 0.3

See Also


The lib_mysqludf_str_info function returns information about the currently-installed version of lib_mysqludf_str.

Return Value

returns : A string value containing the version of lib_mysqludf_str that is installed.

SELECT lib_mysqludf_str_info() AS info;

yields this result:

| info                         |
| lib_mysqludf_str version 0.5 |


A UDF library with additional string functions for MySQL

License:GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1


Language:Shell 90.0%Language:C 6.7%Language:C++ 3.3%