mykter / mediagoblin_docker

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A docker image for mediagoblin with the gmg_localfiles plugin.

A quick way to serve up HTML5 browsing of media stored on a server.

Getting the container


This image is not on the docker hub yet.


$ git clone

Building the container

$ docker-compose build
$ docker images
REPOSITORY                      TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE
mediagoblindocker_mediagoblin   latest              772169736ac3        4 minutes ago       882.4 MB
postgres                        latest              0e9ef8dc211f        3 days ago          213.9 MB

Running the container

Set up the database:

$ docker-compose run --rm mediagoblin gmg dbupdate

Create a user:

$ docker-compose run --rm mediagoblin gmg adduser --username <user> --password <password> --email <email>

Run the site:

$ docker-compose up



If you change the database name / user / etc from the postresql docker defaults, modify the sql_engine entry in mediagoblin_local.ini appropriately.

The data is stored in the postgres image's volume - you can start a container with volumes-from to back it up, or remove it with docker rm -v mediagoblindocker_db_1 to delete the data.

Local Files

This instance is configured to use the gmg_localfiles plugin to serve existing media from the filesystem without copying it. This means that you can't upload files, only import existing files on the server.

By default the media is served from ./media - this can be a symlink. Change this in the volume specified in docker-compose.yml.

To perform the import run:

$ docker-compose run --rm mediagoblin python -m mediagoblin.plugins.gmg_localfiles.import_files

To stop using localfiles, just remove the [[gmg_localfiles]] entry from mediagoblin_local.ini, and revert the storage settings in the same file to the mediagoblin defaults.


docker-compose.yml specifies the port that the web server is exposed on, 6543 by default.


To add additional plugins, add their dependencies to the Dockerfile, and an entry in mediagoblin_local.ini. Rebuild ($ docker-compose build) and update the database ($ docker-compose run --rm mediagoblin gmg dbupdate)


To Mediatemple, for the original version


Copyright 2015 Michael Macnair

Copyright 2013 Media Temple, Inc.

This work is licensed under the MIT license.


License:MIT License


Language:Diff 100.0%