mxssl / http-cache

Pretty fast (~35k rps) in-memory cache with REST interface

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A pretty fast (~35k rps on my old macbook) KEY/VALUE cache with REST-like API


git clone
cd http-cache
go build


./http-cache --help
Usage of ./http-cache:
  -addr string
    	address to listen on (default ":8080")
  -ttl int
    	default time-to-live of cache objects (default 4294967295)

Run with docker

Build a container

make docker

Start a container

docker-compose up -d


  • GET /cache/key - get value from cache stored by key
  • PUT /cache/key?ttl=seconds - put value in cache (ttl argument is optional, of ommited the default value is used)
  • DELETE /cache/key - delete value stored by key


  • Put a value:
curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: Content-type is also cached" http://localhost:8080/cache/Hello -d "World"
  • Get a value:
curl -v http://localhost:8080/cache/Hello
*   Trying ::1...
* Connected to localhost (::1) port 8080 (#0)
> GET /cache/Hello HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost:8080
> User-Agent: curl/7.54.0
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Content: Content-type is also cached
< Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2019 20:09:33 GMT
< Content-Length: 5
< Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
* Connection #0 to host localhost left intact

Note that the Content-Type header is also cached, so wichever contet-type is set when PUTting an object, the same will be set when GETting it.


PUT value in cache (this is the slowest method, since it's done in serial, not parallel)

go/bin/baton -u http://localhost:8080/cache/test -m PUT -b "HELLO" -t 60 -c 100
Configuring to send PUT requests to: http://localhost:8080/cache/test
Generating the requests...
Finished generating the requests
Sending the requests to the server...
Finished sending the requests
Processing the results...

=========================== Results ========================================

Total requests:                               1625914
Time taken to complete requests:       1m0.008456565s
Requests per second:                            27095

========= Percentage of responses by status code ==========================

Number of connection errors:                        0
Number of 1xx responses:                            0
Number of 2xx responses:                      1625914
Number of 3xx responses:                            0
Number of 4xx responses:                            0
Number of 5xx responses:                            0


GET value from cache:

go/bin/baton -u http://localhost:8080/cache/test -t 60 -c 100
Configuring to send GET requests to: http://localhost:8080/cache/test
Generating the requests...
Finished generating the requests
Sending the requests to the server...
Finished sending the requests
Processing the results...

=========================== Results ========================================

Total requests:                               2092374
Time taken to complete requests:       1m0.004429216s
Requests per second:                            34870

========= Percentage of responses by status code ==========================

Number of connection errors:                        0
Number of 1xx responses:                            0
Number of 2xx responses:                      2092374
Number of 3xx responses:                            0
Number of 4xx responses:                            0
Number of 5xx responses:                            0


GET not found key:

go/bin/baton -u http://localhost:8080/cache/NOT_FOUND -t 60 -c 100
Configuring to send GET requests to: http://localhost:8080/cache/NOT_FOUND
Generating the requests...
Finished generating the requests
Sending the requests to the server...
Finished sending the requests
Processing the results...

=========================== Results ========================================

Total requests:                               1855883
Time taken to complete requests:         1m0.0065943s
Requests per second:                            30928

========= Percentage of responses by status code ==========================

Number of connection errors:                        0
Number of 1xx responses:                            0
Number of 2xx responses:                            0
Number of 3xx responses:                            0
Number of 4xx responses:                      1855883
Number of 5xx responses:                            0



Pretty fast (~35k rps) in-memory cache with REST interface


Language:Go 79.3%Language:Dockerfile 11.8%Language:Makefile 8.9%