mwhahaha / tripleo-f28-testbed

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



  1. You have a tenant account on an OpenStack cloud appropriate clouds.yaml configuration for the user executing the playbook. (e.g. ~/.config/openstack/clouds.yml)
  2. By default, the roles assume that your OpenStack tenant has two networks (private, provision) created (configurable) and one valid floating IP address already configured (set in config.yml)
  3. Ansible 2.4 or greater

How to run (pre-provisioned node)

  1. Have inventory.yml

    Must have a 'node' designated.

  2. Run the following ansible-playbook

ansible-playbook.yml -i inventory.yml --extra-vars "@config.yml" --extra-vars "@tripleo-dlrn-data.yml"

How to run (provision cloud node automagically)

  1. Modify config.yml
    1. Set the os_cloud to a valid clouds.yaml cloud name.
    2. Set the node_floating_ips to a valid floating ip pre-configured for your cloud.
    3. Update node_image_create to false if you do not wish to have the fedora image uploaded to your cloud by the playbook. See provision-node role for more options.
    4. Update node_image_download_location to a valid local path if you want the playbook to handle the fedora image uploading to your cloud (if node_image_create is True)
  2. Run the following ansible-playbook
ansible-playbook provision.yml --extra-vars "@config.yml" --extra-vars "@tripleo-dlrn-data.yml"

Basic OpenStack tenant configurations

openstack keypair create default --public-key ~/.ssh/
# needed to launch the instances for ovb
openstack network create --internal private
openstack subnet create private-net --subnet-range --network private
# needed for the 2nd interface for undercloud/standalone
openstack network create --internal provision
openstack subnet create provision-net --subnet-range --network provision
# need router for internets access/floating ips
openstack router create internets
openstack router set internets --external-gateway CHANGE_TO_YOUR_PUBLIC_NETWORK
openstack router add subnet internets private-net
# allow ssh/icmp
openstack security group rule create --protocol tcp --dst-port 22:22 --remote-ip default
openstack security group rule create --protocol icmp default
# create a floating ip
openstack floating ip create CHANGE_TO_YOUR_FLOATING_IP_NETWORK


License:Apache License 2.0