mwhahaha / ansible-ovb

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


using ansible to deploy ooo on ovb setup environments. These playbooks assume

  1. baremetal nodes already exist and are configured for your tenant.
  2. you have a nodes.json already constructed (see #1).
  3. you have a floating ip

This version uses os-cloud-config to load the cloud credentials. You can configure the appropriate cloud in host_vars/localhost. Additionally you'll want to configure the flavor/image/etc in host_vars/localhost as well.


  • undercloud.yml - provisionin an undercloud node and install the undercloud
  • overcloud-deploy-prep.yml - loads OVB inventory, introspection and overcloud image build (DOES NOT RUN OVERCLOUD DEPLOY)

Running all at once to end up with an undercloud ready to do an 'openstack overcloud deploy':

ansible-playbook undercloud.yml overcloud-deploy-prep.yml --extra-vars "flavor centos version=passed-ci inventory_file_source=nodes.json"


License:Apache License 2.0