mwfj / Parallel_Architecture

This Repo is the assignments of Parallel Architecture

Repository from Github https://github.commwfj/Parallel_ArchitectureRepository from Github https://github.commwfj/Parallel_Architecture

This Repo is the assignments of Parallel Architecture
The home work compose with three parts:

  • ISPC: Shared address space and data parallelism, in this assignment. Particularly, you will use Pthreads and ispc, which support the two types of abstractions respectively. Through the assignment, you will develop an understanding of the parallel execution on modern multicore architectures.
  • CUDA Basic && Open MP: Data parallelism and shared address space, in this assignment. Particularly, you will use basic CUDA, CUDA library, unified virtual memory supported CUDA, and OpenMP. Through the assignment, you will develop an understanding of the parallel execution on general purpose GPU architectures.
  • SUMMA Algorithm: Implement the SUMMA algorithm for multiplying two dense matrices. SUMMA algorithm is used in practice in Scalapack and related parallel libraries.# Parallel_Architecture.


This Repo is the assignments of Parallel Architecture


Language:C++ 58.7%Language:Cuda 23.5%Language:C 10.9%Language:Makefile 6.7%Language:Shell 0.2%