mvxt / circleci-demo-context-cli

Repository showcasing usage of CircleCI's new context CLI functionality

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CircleCI Contexts CLI Demo CircleCI

Repository showcasing usage of CircleCI's new context CLI functionality.

Prerequisites for this example project

  • Need to have the following env variables set, either project-level or context-level:
Variable Description
VCS Either "github" or "bitbucket"
CIRCLECI_CLI_TOKEN A personal API token for CircleCI. User must have org-level/admin permissions

What's happening in this example config?

  1. We use the CircleCI CLI Orb to install the client-side CLI and setup auth with the CIRCLECI_CLI_TOKEN variable.
  circleci-cli: circleci/circleci-cli@0.1.7

# ...
    # ...
      - circleci-cli/install
      - circleci-cli/setup
  1. Then we demonstrate the Context CLI functionality in multiple steps. Here are the commands showcased:
Command Description
circleci context list $VCS $PROJECT_USERNAME Lists all contexts for this organization (e.g. "project username")
circleci context create $VCS $PROJECT_USERNAME $CONTEXT_NAME Creates a new context under this organization
circleci context delete -f $VCS $PROJECT_USERNAME $CONTEXT_NAME Deletes a context under this org. Normally you can't delete contexts that contain keys, but -f will override. Use with caution, delete keys and contexts cannot be recovered.
circleci context show $VCS $PROJECT_USERNAME $CONTEXT_NAME Shows all of the keys (w/ masked values) of context
circleci context store-secret $VCS $PROJECT_USERNAME $CONTEXT_NAME $KEY_NAME Creates new KV pair in context
circleci context remove-secret $VCS $PROJECT_USERNAME $CONTEXT_NAME $KEY_NAME Deletes key in context

$VCS you should have set as a prerequisite, and $CIRCLE_PROJECT_USERNAME refers to the org name owning the current project.

Run circleci context or circleci context -h for more help and information on available commands.