mvrhov / pomm-bundle

Symfony2 bundle for Pomm2

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Pomm2 bundle for Symfony

Build Status

Although this bundle usable already, it is a work in progress. New features will be added.

This bundle provides a pomm service to use the Pomm2 Model Manager with Symfony.


If you are looking for a bundle for Pomm 1.x then look up for pomm/pomm-bundle on packagist.


composer require pomm-project/pomm-bundle


Add the bundle in the app/AppKernel.php file:

<?php // app/AppKernel.php
// …
    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = [
        // other bundles
        new \PommProject\PommBundle\PommBundle(),
        // other bundles


In the app/config folder, store your db connection parameters in parameters.yml:

    db_port1: 5432
    db_name1: my_db_name
    db_user1: user
    db_password1: pass

#   etc.

Sensitive information such as database credentials should not be committed in Git. To help you prevent committing those files and folders by accident, the Symfony Standard Distribution comes with a file called .gitignore which list resources that Git should ignore, included this parameters.yml file. You can now refer to these parameters elsewhere by surrounding them with percent (%).

Add an entry in config.yml:

            dsn: 'pgsql://%db_user1%:%db_password1%@%db_host1%:%db_port1%/%db_name1%'
            pomm:default: true
            dsn: 'pgsql://%db_user2%:%db_password2%@%db_host2%:%db_port2%/%db_name2%'
            class:session_builder: '\PommProject\ModelManager\SessionBuilder'
        service: '@logger'

And in routing_dev.yml:

    resource: "@PommBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
    prefix:   /_pomm

Command line interface

The Pomm CLI is available through the app/console utility. It is possible to browse the database or to generate model files.

$ ./app/console pomm:generate:relation-all -d src -a 'AppBundle\Model' my_db1 student

Using Pomm from the controller

The Pomm service is available in the DIC as any other service:

    function myAction($name)
        $students = $this->get('pomm')['my_db2']
            ->findWhere('name = $*', [$name])


It is now possible to tune and create a model layer as described in the quick start guide.

Param converter

This bundle provide a param converter to convert request to a flexible entity. The converter search in the request the parameters with names matching primary key.

You can specify witch connexion use in the option:

 * @ParamConverter("student", options={"connection": "my_db2"})
public function getAction(Student $student)

By default, the model used for find the entity is deduce by adding Model to entity class name. If you have a different class name, you can use the model option:

 * @ParamConverter("student", options={"model": "StudentModel"})
public function getAction(Student $student)

This feature require sensio/framework-extra-bundle.


You can use the serializer component to serialize entities.

Property info

This bundle also provide property info support to retrieve flexible entity properties informations.


Symfony2 bundle for Pomm2


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