mvdkleijn / jetporch-examples

JetPorch automation examples and test content

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JetPorch Examples

This repository contains some examples and guides I wrote to learn and test out JetPorch, a fast and robust infrastructure automation tool.

Installing JetPorch

Currently, JetPorch is in 'Tech Preview' release, so no official packages are available. You need to follow the source install directions to install JetPorch on your control machine.

On my Mac, that meant:

  1. Install Rust: curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
  2. Install dependencies: brew install gcc openssl
  3. Clone JetPorch: git clone
  4. Build JetPorch: cd jetporch && make
  5. Add the jetp binary to your $PATH so you can execute it: export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)/target/release/

Note: If you get an error like command not found: cargo when you build JetPorch, make sure you have added ~/.cargo/bin to your $PATH.

Test to make sure JetPorch is working:

$ jetp --version

│jetp │                     │
│     │(C) Michael DeHaan + contributors, 2023      │
│     │                                             │
│     │Thu Oct  5 07:52:19 CDT 2023                 │
│     │usage: jetp <MODE> [flags]                   │

Setting up test VMs

TODO: See this comment.


Currently the easiest way to get a local Linux VM up and running with SSH access from the host on my Mac is via UTM.

Assuming you have Homebrew installed and have a copy of the Ubuntu 22.04 Server for arm64 ISO, here are the steps to build a VM for JetPorch testing:

  1. brew install --cask utm
  2. Link the utmctl CLI utility somewhere you can use it: sudo ln -sf /Applications/ /usr/local/bin/utmctl
  3. Open UTM, create a new VM, and select the Ubuntu Server ISO.
  4. Follow the Ubuntu server setup wizard and get it set up with a user account you'd like to use.
  5. Once installation is complete, make sure you eject the ISO and reboot.

Note: Currently sudo password support is missing in JetPorch. For now, you need to run visudo and make sure the user account you're using for access has passwordless sudo enabled.

On an Ubuntu system, this means you need to run visudo and make sure the %sudo line looks like:


Run the command ip a to find the IP address of your UTM Linux VM, and use that in your inventory file to connect to the VM. (In my case,


GPLv3 or later


Jeff Geerling, author of JetPorch Automation.


JetPorch automation examples and test content