mvdbeek / dagobah-training

Galaxy admin trainings for aspiring Skywalkers

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Galaxy Administrators Course

What is this?

This repository is a framework and a guide for delivering Galaxy Administration Trainings.

What can I do with it?

  1. You can learn using the materials present.
  2. You can deliver a training based on these materials.

What is available?

The built slides from all past trainings are available at index.

Moreover each training has its own branch within this repository with the slides' sources and additional materials:

How to approach this for learning?

Examine the trainings readme files in the dedicated branches and browse through the slides and exercises linked from there.


How to approach this for teaching?

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Choose a model branch that is the most recent or the closest to your target material.
  3. Create your own branch based on your model.
  4. Use the provided framework to create and host your materials using GitHub pages.
  5. Deliver your training.
  6. Open a PR with your branch against this repository to allow others to stand on your shoulders.

Past Instructors

Name Twitter Affiliation
(N)ate Coraor @natefoo Galaxy Project, BMB, Penn State University, USA
(S)imon Gladman @SimonGladman1 VLSCI, University of Melbourne, Australia
(D)an Blankenberg @DBlankenberg Galaxy Project, BMB, Penn State University, USA
(M)artin Čech @martenson Galaxy Project, BMB, Penn State University, USA
Dave (C)lements @tnabtaf Galaxy Project, Department of Biology, Johns Hopkins University, USA
(E)nis Afgan @EnisAfgan Galaxy Project, Department of Biology, Johns Hopkins University, USA
(B)jörn Grüning @bjoerngruening Head of Freiburg Galaxy Team, University of Freiburg, Germany
(R)oss Lazarus Galaxy Project and formerly of Baker IDI, Australia.

Reporting bugs and issues

Please create an issue in GitHub.

dagobah - The Solar System for Galaxy Training

"The planet shown in Dagobah, in the Sluis sector, is a world of murky swamps, steaming bayous, and petrified forests."


Galaxy admin trainings for aspiring Skywalkers