mvc-labs / mvc-cli

A command tool for mvc blockchain utilities, including token transferring, getting balance and so on

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



This is a simple CLI tool to operate MVC cli wallet.



You need to install Node on your computer first. Open your terminal and run the command node -v. If the console prints 'v18.14' or a similar version number, it indicates that Node.js has been successfully installed on your computer. The exact version may vary depending on the specific Node version you have installed. If nothing shows, it means you haven't installed Node. We recommand using nvm to finish this setup.


With Node environment successfully set, you can install our cli tool as follows:

npm install -g @mvc-org/mvc-cli


Step by Step Basic Config(Must Do!!!)

Step1: Config your account

Open the terminal at your current working directory and run mvc-cli init and answer the next series of questions, this will generate cli-config.json file at your current working directory.

// cli-config.json file
  "memonic": "abc edf",
  "accountPath": "m/44'/10001'/0'/0/0",
  "network": "mainnet",
  "apiHost": "localhost:8000"

Step2: Register usual fungible tokens

Open terminal, at your current working directory, run mvc-cli ft-usual-register , this will generate tokenRegister.json file at your current working directory.

// tokenRegister.json file
    "name": "msp",
    "genesis": "b2d75931958114e48c9927160f80363eae78e2dc",
    "decimal": "1e8",
    "codehash": "a2421f1e90c6048c36745edd44fad682e8644693"

Note: If you are using a Windows system, running this command may encounter a display format error prompt. As a result, the result file may not be generated correctly. You can manually input and create the JSON file using the format provided above.


mvc-cli [command] [options]


  • -h, --help display help for command
  • -tk, --tokens <tokens...> You can choose what tokens you want to check(Note1:token name should tranform to lowercase, Note2: this option is for get-ft-balance and get-nft-balance command, Note3, for ft token is symbol, for nft token is genesis id)


command description
send <address> <amount>
for space transferring
get-balance for getting space amount of current account
get-address for getting address of current account
get-ft-balance -tk, --tokens <tokens...> for getting fungible token balance of your account
get-nft-collection -tk, --tokens <tokens...> for getting non-fungible token collection of your account
ft-transfer <token> <address> <amount> for transferring your fungible token to target address
ft-usual-register this is a must-do command.
ft-register for registering a new fungible token, just answer the following series of questions.


get help text for a specific command

mvc-cli send --help

transfer 0.01 space to target address

mvc-cli send 12ecgYPjeZh3mv6izoVuBSaa1Dxxwv2J1G 0.01

transfer 0.88 MSP ft token to target address

mvc-cli ft-transfer msp 12ecgYPjeZh3mv6izoVuBSaa1Dxxwv2J1G 0.88
// or
mvc-cli ft-transfer b2d75931958114e48c9927160f80363eae78e2dc 12ecgYPjeZh3mv6izoVuBSaa1Dxxwv2J1G 0.88
// b2d.... is token MSP's genesis code

register new fungible tokens

Open the terminal at your current working directory, then run mvc-cli ft-register and answer the next series of questions, this will generate tokenRegister.json file at your current working directory.

// tokenRegister.json
    "name": "msp",
    "genesis": "b2d75931958114e48c9927160f80363eae78e2dc",
    "decimal": "1e8",
    "codehash": "a2421f1e90c6048c36745edd44fad682e8644693"

Note: If you are using a Windows system, running this command may encounter a display format error prompt. As a result, the result file may not be generated correctly. You can manually input and create the JSON file using the format provided above.

get balance

get mvc space

mvc-cli get-balance

get ft balance

mvc-cli get-ft-balance  // this will get all ft's balance
mvc-cli get-ft-balance --tokens msp mc // get specific tokens' balance, msp mc is tokens's symbol(!!remember transfer to lowercase!!)

get nft collection

mvc-cli get-nft-collection  // this will get all nft collection
mvc-cli get-nft-collection --tokens b2d75xxxxxxx  efd75xxxxxxx/ / get specific nfts' information, b2d75xxxxxxx is token's genesis id



A command tool for mvc blockchain utilities, including token transferring, getting balance and so on


Language:TypeScript 95.9%Language:JavaScript 4.1%