mvaz / decentralized_corpus_manager

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Decentralized Corpus Manager

A CorDapp designed to facilitate the crowd sourcing of data used to build machine learning models.

In my medium article I discuss:

  • What common issues data scientists face when trying to build these models
  • How I solved these issues using Corda
  • Why Corda is the right choice for decentralized machine learning applications

Starting the Nodes

From the /decentralized_corpus_manager/CorDapp/ directory:

  • Create your nodes by running ./gradlew deployNodes.
  • Start your nodes by running the build\nodes\runnodes command.

Starting the Spring Webserver

  • Build the Spring jar file by running ./gradlew clients::bootJar command fromt the /CorDapp directory.
  • Start the server with: java -jar .\clients-0.1.jar --server.port:8080 --config.rpc.port=10006 --config.rpc.username=user1 --config.rpc.password=test from the /CorDapp/clients/build/libs directory

Starting the Flask Server

  • If you don't have Flask (and using a Windows machine), watch this video.
  • Copy the Classification API code to your flask application.
  • Run the activate command from the MyProject/Scripts/ directory to start up your virtual environment.
  • Start the server with flask run

Starting the Node Server

  • Run npm start from the decentralized-corpus-management\react_app directory

Spring Endpoints

  1. issueCorpus: An endpoint to issue a corpus using JSON.
  • @Param: corpus is a LinkedHashMap<String, String> where the Key is the data row and the value is the
  • @Param: algorithmUsed is a String describing the type of algo used to produce the model
  • @Param: classificationURL is a String which represents the Flask endpoint where the classification report can be created from.
  • @Param: participants is the list (Strings) of CordaX500 names for each party included on the TX.
  1. updateCorpus: An endpoint that allows a user to propose a new corpus for the model with the intent to improve it.
  • @Param: proposedCorpus is a LinkedHashMap<String, String> where the Key is the data row and the value is the label.
  • @Param: corpusLinearId is the LinearPointer used to query for the corpus state.
  1. updateClassificationURL: An endpoint for strictly modifying the URL that is used to build the classification report.
  • @Param: newURL is a String representing the new endpoint used to produce the classification report.
  • @Param: corpusLinearId is the LinearPointer used to query for the corpus state.
  1. transferOwnership: Only the owner of a corpus can "close" it or update its classification URL. This endpoint allows an owner to re-assign the ownership of a corpus.
  • @Param: newOwner is the party representing the new owner of the corpus.
  • @Param: corpusLinearId is the LinearPointer used to query for the corpus state.
  1. closeCorpus: An endpoint for the corpus owner to prevent any further changes to a corpus by pointing to the exit state.
  • @Param: corpusLinearId is the LinearPointer used to query for the corpus state.
  1. issueCorpusWithCSV: This endpoint gives the user has the option of using a CSV file delimited by "|" to use as a corpus for corpus state creation.
  • @Param: csvFile is a multipart file that is a "|" delimited utterance (data|label).
  • @Param: algorithmUsed is a String describing the type of algo used to produce the model
  • @Param: classificationURL is a String which represents the Flask endpoint where the classification report can be created from.
  • @Param: participants is the list (Strings) of CordaX500 names for each party included on the TX.
  1. corpusLookup: Retrieve the most recent version of a corpus state.
  • @Param: corpusLinearId is the LinearPointer used to query for the corpus state.

Postman Collection

Import the sample Postman requests

Demo Video

IssueCorpus, UpdateCorpus, IssueCorpusWithCSV



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