mvanholsteijn / kong-plugin-upstream-basic-auth

A Kong API Gateway plugin for inserting a basic authentication header per consumer to the upstream service

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Kong plugin upstream-basic-auth

This repository contains a Kong plugin to insert a different basic authentication header per consumer to the upstream service. This plugin requires that a consumer is identified with the request.


Configuring the plugin is straightforward, you can add it on top of an API by executing the following request on your Kong server:

curl -X POST http://kong:8001/routes/{route}/plugins \
    --data "name=upstream-basic-auth" 

There are no configuration parameters for this plugin.


To use this plugin, create an API with some form of authentication:

curl -i -X POST \
    --url http://kong:8001/services/ \
    --data 'name=headers-service' \
    --data 'url='

curl -i -X POST \
    --url http://kong:8001/services/headers-service/routes \
    --data 'name=headers-route' \
    --data 'paths[]=/headers' \
    --data 'strip_path=false'

curl -X POST http://kong:8001/services/headers-service/plugins \
    --data name=basic-auth \
    --data config.hide_credentials=true

And a consumer:

curl http://kong:8001/consumers/ \
	--data username=aladdin

curl -X POST http://kong:8001/consumers/aladdin/basic-auth \
    --data username=aladdin \
    --data password=open-sesame

Now we can call the service:

curl --user aladdin:open-sesame http://kong:8000/headers

Now we can add the upstream basic authentication plugin:

curl -X POST http://kong:8001/routes/headers-route/plugins \
	--data name=upstream-basic-auth 

and add the credential to the consumer aladdin that we would like to pass to the upstream service:

curl -X POST http://kong:8001/consumers/aladdin/upstream-basic-auth \
    --data username=genie \
    --data password=of-the-lamp

Now you can call the service:

curl --user aladdin:open-sesame http://kong:8000/headers


To install the plugin, type:

luarocks install kong-plugin-upstream-basic-auth

And add the custom plugin to the kong.conf file (e.g. /etc/kong/kong.conf)

plugins = bundled,upstream-basic-auth

Create the required database tables, by running:

kong stop
kong migrations up
kong start

Compatibility matrix

The following matrix lists compatible versions of Kong and upstream-basic-auth plugin:

upstream-basic-auth 0.1.x 0.2.x
Kong 0.14.x
Kong 1.0.x

Release history


  • Fixed performance regression introduced in v0.2.0


  • Added compatibility with Kong 1.0.x
  • Added tests against Cassandra backend
  • Dropped compatibility with Kong 0.x
  • Dropped support for username as an alternative to entity id in /consumers/:consumers/upstream-basic-auth/:upstreambasicauth_credentials APIs
    • Those operation were error-prone since username is not unique
  • Performance regression in the Load upstream-basic-auth Credentials by Consumer ID operation caused by limitations of the new Kong DAO framework
    • Caching is still in place, however occasional DB Query is no longer an index lookup but rather a sequential scan
    • This is a temporary situation until Kong DAO framework is improved
    • There is also an option to bring performance back by introducing a synthetic cache_key field similarly to plugins entity
  • Updated Example section to use Service and Routes objects instead of APIs


  • Initial release
  • Compatible with Kong 0.14.x


A Kong API Gateway plugin for inserting a basic authentication header per consumer to the upstream service

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Lua 100.0%