muye5 / YOLOv3

YOLOv3 implemented with distributed tensorflow including train and inference module.

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YOLOv3 implemented with distributed tensorflow including train and inference module.


1. generate anchors

put VOC 2007/2012 or custom files with VOC Annotation Format under data/ and run:

./ -a

data meta info and anchor output as below:

max_width = 500, max_height = 500, max_box_per_image = 39
iteration 1: dists = 256748.369356
iteration 2: dists = 10246.3258411
('\naverage IOU for', 9, 'anchors:', '0.68')
29,53, 61,94, 73,205, 134,119, 135,271, 218,329, 256,162, 342,247, 363,374

copy max_box_per_image and anchors into yolo_darknet53_voc.json or yourself config json file. max_width and max_height are used to be width and height when converting data to tfrecord.

2. convert data to tfrecord

convert VOC Annotation Format image and label into tfrecord under data/tfrecord/

./ -t
3. train

confirm all parameters in the config file before begining to train, refering to yolo_darknet53_voc.json
download the darknet53.conv.74 or tiny.weights from yolo homepage and put them under conf/init/.
of course you can train with random initialization, for my limited experience, it could get similar mAP if your problem is not very complex like coco. I got very similar mAP on my other tasks execpt for convergence speed.

./ -l

you must change the data path and model storage directory parameters and rewrite distributed_train() in, then replace -l with -r

4. convert checkpoint model to pb

convert checkpoint model to pb format for inference

./ -d
5. predict

predict the VOC2007 Test and output a single result file for every class.

./ -p
6. evaluate mAP
./ -e


Train Data Test Data Input Size Model Initialize mAP FLOPS
VOC2007+2012 VOC2007 Test 416*416 DarkNet53(YOLOv3) darknet53.conv.74 0.782 65.86
VOC2007+2012 VOC2007 Test 416*416 YOLOFLY tiny.weights 0.691 9.78
aeroplane       AP = 0.869675
bicycle         AP = 0.858369
bird            AP = 0.745337
boat            AP = 0.714346
bottle          AP = 0.656200
bus             AP = 0.852547
car             AP = 0.877897
cat             AP = 0.860574
chair           AP = 0.652006
cow             AP = 0.777205
diningtable     AP = 0.750408
dog             AP = 0.815225
horse           AP = 0.868844
motorbike       AP = 0.848694
person          AP = 0.837868
pottedplant     AP = 0.536273
sheep           AP = 0.725731
sofa            AP = 0.754855
train           AP = 0.847557
tvmonitor       AP = 0.782320
mAP = 0.781596517434


Thanks to experiencor for his great job of keras-yolo3


YOLOv3 implemented with distributed tensorflow including train and inference module.


Language:Python 96.3%Language:Shell 3.7%