mutairibassam / biz

Telegram bot to send 4channel deleted threads, so you will never be behind.

Repository from Github https://github.commutairibassam/bizRepository from Github https://github.commutairibassam/biz


Telegram bot to send 4channel website deleted threads, so you will never be behind.

We are currently hosting the bot, so we don't need actually to host it or run it locally unless you have a reason. You are welcome to join our telegram group.

Bot message example:

Run using docker

docker pull mutairibassam/biz:v0.2-alpha
docker tag mutairibassam/biz:v0.1-alpha biz
docker run biz

Run using docker locally

git clone
cd biz
docker build -t biz .
docker run biz

Run using python

git clone
cd biz
python3 -m biz

Add your secrets

You should add your secrets regardless of any method you followed.

Create a new file with config.yml name in the root of the project. Paste the below snippet and replace xxx with valid values.

  token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  chat_id: -xxxxxxxx

Note: there is no output, the deleted ids will be sent to your telegram groups that associated with the chat id automatically.

Run test

pytest -v tests/ # run only tests
coverage run -m pytest -v tests/ # run tests with code coverage
coverage html # server coverage with html layout


Telegram bot to send 4channel deleted threads, so you will never be behind.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 99.3%Language:Dockerfile 0.7%