mustafa kara (mustfkara)


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mustafa kara's repositories


A machine learning model has been developed to estimate the salary of baseball players, whose salary information and career statistics of 1986 are shared.



A machine learning model has been developed by performing data analysis and feature engineering steps that can predict customers who will leave the company.



A machine learning model was developed by performing data analysis and feature engineering steps that predict whether people have diabetes when their characteristics are specified.



10 movie recommendations were made for the user whose ID was given, using the item-based and user-based recommender methods.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:0Issues:0


Armut is an online service platform that brings together service providers and those who want to receive service. It is desired to create a product recommendation system with Association Rule Learning by using the data set containing the service users and the services and categories these users have received.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:0Issues:0


One of the most important problems in e-commerce is the correct calculation of the points given to the products after sales. The solution to this problem means providing greater customer satisfaction for the e-commerce site, prominence of the product for the sellers and a seamless shopping experience for the buyers. Another problem is the correct ordering of the comments given to the products. The prominence of misleading comments will cause both financial loss and loss of customers. In the solution of these 2 basic problems, while the e-commerce site and the sellers will increase their sales, the customers will complete the purchasing journey without any problems.



A company has introduced a new type of bid, 'average bidding', as an alternative to the existing bid type called 'maximum bid'. One of our clients,, decided to test this new feature and wants to do an A/B test to see if average bidding converts more than maximum bidding.



FLO wants to set a roadmap for sales and marketing activities. It is the study of estimating the potential value that existing customers will provide to the company in the future so that the company can make a medium-long-term plan.



In this project, I divided the customers of the online shoe store FLO into segments and determined the marketing strategies according to the behaviors of the customers



In this project, new level-based customer definitions (persona) and segments are created according to these new customer definitions based on the customer data of a game company. According to these created segments, it is estimated how much new customers can earn on average.
