mustardamus / ouroboros

Ouroboros is a collection of various JavaScript tools and frameworks which aims to speed up developing Single Page Applications. The application comes with a user registration and login system.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Ouroboros Framework

Ouroboros is a collection of various JavaScript tools and frameworks which aims to speed up developing Single Page Applications. The application comes with a user registration and login system.

oro Commands

First install Ouroboros globally to have access to the oro application (not published yet):

npm install -g ouroboros

Or get the latest code and link it:

git clone
cd ouroboros
npm install
npm link

oro new [project-name] (oro n [project-name]) - Create a new application

Creates a new folder project-name with all the things needed to start a new project. All NPM and Bower dependencies will be installed automatically.

oro start (oro s) - Start the development server

Using Foreman, it starts several processes at once (see ./Procfile):

  • mongod - Start MongoDB.
  • java -jar ./lib/selenium-server-standalone-2.48.2.jar - Start a Standalone Selenium Server to be used by Nightwatch for the end2end testing.
  • node ./node_modules/forever/bin/forever -c coffee -f -m 3 --watch --watchDirectory="server" server/ - Start the Express.js server located in ./server with Forever. Every time the code in ./server changes, the server will be restarted. Default port is 9991.
  • node ./node_modules/forever/bin/forever -c coffee -f -m 3 --watch --watchDirectory="lib" lib/ - Start the BrowserSync development server. Every time code in ./client changes, the application is freshly bundled and the browser reloads. Every time code in ./lib changes, the development server is restarted. Default port is 9990.

oro generate (oro g) - Generate components from templates

This command will prompt you with a list of templates to generate files from and variables used in these templates. Templates are located in ./templates and defined in ./templates/

oro pack (oro p) - Pack the application files for production

Minifies the JavaScript files ./public/libs.js and ./public/bundle.js with UglifyJS. The stylesheet ./public/bundle.css is minified with CSSO.

Run this command after releasing a new build on the server to reduce loading time and file sizes.

oro test (oro t) - Run the end2end tests

Define third party libs that are loaded as globals in ./client/ like so:

global ../node_modules/vue/dist/vue.js

window.Vue is then defined, for example. This makes building the bundle with browserify a billion times faster.

To exclude a global script, but still have the path available, just make then path invalid, with a # for example:

global #../bower_components/semantic/dist/components/accordion.js

Generate Top Navigation dynamically

If you set a menu param to a route, it will be automatically included in the Top navigation:

  name: 'users'
  component: require('../components/page-users')
    menu: { name: 'All Users', icon: 'users' }

Run all Tests

This will load the /tests/index.js file with will expand the test case with every spec*.coffee, can also be in a subdirectory.

npm install nightwatch -g

CRUD Requests with and without Authentication

Sending a request via @$crud, but without sending the authentication token along:


Sending a request with the authentication token:

@$crud(null, true).read()
@$crud(id, true).read()

Make sure you have the auth middleware included. This will remove the authentication token from the query built by CRUD, so it works properly:

auth = require('../middleware/auth')

class Route
  constructor: (@config, @app, @crud, @cm, @models, @io) ->
      .use auth(@config, @models)
      .pipe @cm.findOne(@models.user)


Ouroboros is a collection of various JavaScript tools and frameworks which aims to speed up developing Single Page Applications. The application comes with a user registration and login system.


Language:CoffeeScript 74.2%Language:HTML 18.9%Language:CSS 6.2%Language:JavaScript 0.7%