An interactive, visual and auditory exploration of Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency and Blockchain technology. A singular aim, to help bring about greater understanding of both Blockchain technology and the ever expanding (and contracting) Cryptocurrency marketplace.
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build
# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report
# Run Standard.js test over code
npm run test
Symphony as a scriptable API to navigate through the blockchain, focus on specific blocks and retrieve information about the blockchain.
Use orpheusApp.canRun
to detect WebGL.
if (!orpheusApp.canRun) {
console.log("No webgl support");
Create the Orpeus App and pass path
variable for Symphony static assets.
orpheusApp({ path: './static/assets/' }).then( app => { = app
Call setSize
to resize or adapt the canvas.
app.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight)
window.addEventListener('resize', () => app.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight))
Call setDate
to start from particular date.
Call goToPrevBlock
to navigate to previous block.
Call goToNextBlock
to navigate to next block.
Call resetDayView
cancel block selection.
Call destroy()
to stop the application and free memory. The app cannot be run after this.
Event called when day gets changed.
app.on('dayChanged', ({ date, input, output, fee }) => {
console.log('date: '+date+', input '+input+', output: '+output+', fee: '+fee+'');
Event called when a block is selected.
app.on('blockSelected', ({ bits, fee, feeToInputRatio, hash, height, input, n_tx, output, size, time }) => {
console.log('bits: '+bits+', fee '+fee+', feeToInputRatio: '+feeToInputRatio+', hash: '+hash+', height: '+height+', input: '+input+', n_tx: '+n_tx+', output: '+output+', size: '+size+', time: '+time+'');
Event called when a block is deselected.
app.on('blockUnselected', _ => {
Event called when a mouse pointer is over one block.
app.on('blockMouseOver', data => {
Event called when a mouse pointer leaves block.
app.on('blockMouseOut', _ => {
This repository uses standard
to maintain code style and consistency,
and to avoid style arguments. npm test
runs standard
automatically, so you don't have