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Echo Electronic Magazine (Issue 1 - 29)

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Author: echo|staff || Online @ :: == ECHO|STAFF Documentation == ---| echo|zine issue #29 ( 1-4-14 )

  1. Introduction .............................................. echo|staff
  2. Pseudo-random ................................................. y3dips
  3. Exploiting echo2014 ctf teaser2 ............................ d.m0nk3y
  4. Dasar-dasar Keamanan Password ........................ Rizki Wicaksono
  5. USSD Attack dengan mr3020 auto rickroll ....................... SMRX86
  6. Running Raspberry Pi on Windows & Linux ................. jos_ali_joe
  7. NewComer Series ................................ m4d_d0g, joko tingkir
  8. Prophile on Rizki Wicaksono ................................... az001
  9. Local & International News ..................................... az001
  10. Hacker Log Book: Wireless Intrusion Detection System ......... lirva32

---| echo|zine issue #28 ( 11-12-13 )

  1. Introduction .............................................. echo|staff
  2. Pseudo-random ................................................. y3dips
  3. Pengantar untuk melakukan Pentest Aplikasi berbasis IOS ...... y3dips
  4. Crack Android 3x3 Pattern Lock ............................... smrx86
  5. Leonardo Da Ninja (LeoZero) - One Click Pwned! ........ budi khoirudin
  6. Android Forensic : Extracting Data From Memory Aquisition .. d.m0nk3y
  7. Panduan Praktis Dijital Forensik ......................... patusacyber
  8. Hacker Log Book: Tehnik Menyerang IP Camera .................. lirva32
  9. Bypass Transparent DNS: dadah dadah :p .... az001
  10. Local & International News ..................................... az001

---| echo|zine issue #27 ( 31-3-13 )

  1. Introduction .............................................. echo|staff
  2. Pseudo-random ................................................. y3dips
  3. SSH tunneling magic ........................................ d.m0nk3y
  4. Analisis Lock Screen pada Android Phone ................ farrel.mathew
  5. NewComer Series: "Pentest: Privilege escalation" .............. y3dips
  6. Local & International News .................................... az001
  7. Turn a Mobile Phone into a BTS .............................. d.m0nk3y
  8. Hacker Log Book: Abusing D-Link DWR-112 Shareport ............ lirva32
  9. (Non)Priv8 exploit collection ................................. y3dips

---| echo|zine issue #26 ( 12-12-12 )

  1. Introduction .............................................. echo|staff
  2. Pseudo-random ................................................. y3dips
  3. Local & International News .................................... az001
  4. Wireless Scanning dengan Scapy ................. Weeerrrrr~ | Din din!
  5. Windows Privileges Escalation ............................... d.m0nk3y
  6. Web Pentesting Logic ..................................... lonehacker
  7. NewComer Series: Introduction to SDR ........................ d.m0nk3y
  8. Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANET) .......................... patusa.cyber
  9. Bermain dengan celah backdoor pada VSFTPd 2.3.4 ............... y3dips
  10. Hacker Log Book: Exploiting Windows 7 via JAM ................... nimo
  11. HTRPi (Home Teather Raspberry Pi) ......................... rampuriezt
  12. w-g-o-e-f ...................................................... az001

---| echo|zine issue #25 ( 27-04-2012 )

  1. Introduction .................................................. y3dips
  2. Pseudo-random ................................................. y3dips
  3. Prophile on d.m0nk3y ........................................... az001
  4. Interview : Nyit-Nyit.Net (N3) Community ....................... az001
  5. Introduction to Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)...... rampuriezt
  6. Hacker Log Book: Attacking IP Camera 4 lulz ................ d.m0nk3y
  7. Secure Fax dengan PGP dan QRCode .......................... rampuriezt
  8. Mobile Pentesting Suite : Nokia N900 PwnPhone ......... budi khoirudin
  9. ROOTKIT: Renyah, Enak, dan Gurih .................. dextone & stnmrshx
  10. Wireless : Channel Jamming ................................... lirva32
  11. NewComer Series: Introduction to GSM Network and OpenBTS .... d.m0nk3y

---| echo|zine issue #24 ( 11-11-2011 )

  1. Introduction .................................................. y3dips
  2. Pseudo-random ................................................. y3dips
  3. Developing Blackberry Anti Spyware Application ................ y3dips
  4. RPM as Backdoor ...................................... Mulyadi Santosa
  5. Developing Openssh Backdoor for Fun and Sh*t .......... Monkey D Luffy
  6. Voip Hacking 101 ............................................. lirva32
  7. CTF Online IDSECCONF 2011 Write Up............................ the_day
  8. Hacker Log Book: WP TimThumb Exploitation ................ jos_ali_joe
  9. Local and International News ................................... az001
  10. NewComer Series: Introduction to Penetration Testing ... _patusa.cyber

---| echo|zine issue #23 ( 31-12-2010 )

  1. Introduction .................................................. y3dips
  2. Pseudo-random ................................................. y3dips
  3. Prophile on chainloader .........................................az001
  4. What`s goin on Echo Forum ........................... anonymous-co-ed
  5. Low Cost 3D Scanner........................................ rampuriezt
  6. In The Name Of Alternate Return Into the Path ...... Pachin Kuro Kuro
  7. Monitoring Suhu Ruangan berbasis TCP.IP ................... rampuriezt
  8. Stack Tracing di executable (linux binary).................. the_hydra
  9. Journal: JailBreaking............................................. rey
  10. Local & International News.. ................................... az001
  11. NewComer Series: Menganalisa Paket Jaringan dengan TCPDUMP .de_templar
  12. Hacker LogBook..........................................anton, lirva32

---| echo|zine issue #22 ( Mei 2010 )

  1. Introduction .................................................. y3dips
  2. Pseudo-random .............................................. anonymous
  3. Prophile on dfox ................................................az001
  4. What`s goin on Echo Forum ........................... anonymous-co-ed
  5. Cara Praktis Cracking Aplikasi Mac OS X ....................... grumpy
  6. Riding the XSS, Spr34c1 t3h Ph34r .......................... Cyberheb
  7. CTF ONLINE IDSECCONF 2009; Apa dan Bagaimana ................ the_day
  8. Gebuk Stack Protector ............................... BrazilianSubZero
  9. Exploitasi Captcha: Kebangkitan Sang Robot..................... y3dips
  10. Social Networking: Bot/Botnet Command & Control Center Channel.. az001

download compressed version issue #22 = 45.3 KB

---| echo|zine issue #21 ( September 2009 )

  1. Introduction .................................................. y3dips
  2. Pseudo-random .............................................. anonymous
  3. Prophile on Rey .................................................az001
  4. Newcomer series: Parameter argc dan argv[] ...................... Rey
  5. Web Security Yin Yang ......................................... gentoo
  6. Null Pointer Dereference: Theory, Bug, eksploit ............ Cyberheb
  7. What`s goin on Echo Forum ........................... anonymous-co-ed
  8. Local and International News ................................... az001
  9. Hacker Logbook: WEP-Buster : WEP Cracking Automator........... lirva32

download compressed version issue #21 = 45.3 KB

---| echo|zine issue #20 ( Pebruari 2009 )

  1. Introduction .................................................. y3dips
  2. Pseudo-random .............................................. anonymous
  3. Interview with Onno W Purbo......................................az001
  4. What`s goin on echo forum ............................anonymous-co-ed
  5. Intercepting Library Call ............................ mulyadi santosa
  6. Caesar Shift Cipher............................................... Rey
  7. ARPWall; Konsep dan Pembuktian ............................... y3dips
  8. Encryption: Algoritma Combo .................................... jackD
  9. Prophile on Jck.mrshl ................-----................. echostaff
  10. Enkripsi dan Dekripsi dengan Fungsi Mcrypt di PHP............ monqichi
  11. Salty Py; Password Salt Bruteforcer .. sheran gunasekera & selwin ong
  12. Anti-Forensic; Seek and Destroy .............................jck.mrshl
  13. Hacker LogBook....................................lirva 32; x-diamond1

download compressed version issue #20 = 52.5 KB

---| echo|zine issue #19 ( Agustus 2008 )

  1. Introduction .................................................. y3dips
  2. Pseudo-random .............................................. anonymous
  3. idsecconf ................................................. echo|staff
  4. Digital Signature secara gampangnya ......................... mamasexy
  5. cryptography : Simple a-symetric algorithm................. x-diamond1
  6. Prophile on CyberTank Prophile on lirva32 ....................................... echo|staff
  7. Whats Goin On Echo Forum ....................................... az001
  8. Bailiwicked DNS Attack (Cache Poisoning) .................... Cyberheb
  9. Scapy: obrak-abrik paket data ................................. y3dips
  10. Hacker LogBook ........................................ various artist

download compressed version issue #19 = 44 KB

---| echo|zine issue #18 ( Maret 2008 )

  1. Introduction .................................................. y3dips
  2. Pseudo-random .............................................. anonymous
  3. Prophile on az001 ......................................... echo|staff
  4. vmsplice() bug analysis ....................................... y3dips
  5. AuraCMS Security Code Exploitation in details .............. NTOS TEAM
  6. CSRF the Introduction ........................................... L41n
  7. Interview with "" .................. echo|staff
  8. Hack your Sense Of Humor ....................................... K-159
  9. Whats goin on echo forum ............................. anonymous-co-ed
  10. Hackers Logbook: Hands on hacking .................... various artist

download compressed version issue #18 = 31.5 KB

---| echo|zine issue #17 ( Jan - juli 2007 )

  1. Introduction .................................................. y3dips
  2. Pseudo-random ................................................. y3dips
  3. Prophile on Pushm0v ........................................ echo|stff
  4. How to make Your own AV [part2] .............................. Pushm0v
  5. Hardening Linux Configuration Files .......................... Ph03n1X
  6. Interview With KOSHA ................................. anonymous-co-ed
  7. Simple ActiveX for your breakfast ............................ Pushm0v
  8. Whats goin on echo forum ............................. anonymous-co-ed
  9. Simple Portknocking:Membuka Akses Firewall Melalui Network .... theday
  10. ICMP Tunneling pada Wireless Hotspot ........................... az001
  11. Hackers Logbook: Hands on hacking ........................ echo|staff 11a. Playin with HoneyWeb ................................. lirva32 11b. MD5 cracking ...................................... bl4ck_4n6el 11c. Flooding AP dengan Void11 ............................. lirva32 11d. Batch Script Collection ........................

download compressed version issue #17 = 43,4 KB

---| echo|zine issue #16 ( Sept 2006 - Jan 2007 )

  1. Introduction .............................................. y3dips
  2. Pseudo-random .......................................... anonymous
  3. Interview : virologi ............................. anonymous-co-ed
  4. Hash functions: dead or alive ............................ mey lee
  5. Mysql hack ................................................. az001
  6. Simple Password Generator ............................ mr hidrogen
  7. Whats goin on echo forum ......................... anonymous-co-ed
  8. Wireless Hotspot (Bagian I) ................. willhackforbandwidth

download compressed version issue #16 = 32 KB

---| echo|zine issue #15 (Echo special Issue) ( Jul - Sept 2006 )

  1. Introduction .......................................... echo|staff
  2. Pseudo-random ......................................... echo|staff
  3. Profile: EcHo ......................................... echo|staff
  4. Membangun Sebuah NIPS .................................... the_day
  5. Mengurangi kadar Impotensi Microsoft IIS ................. lirva32
  6. Strace untuk analisa eksekusi .................... anonymous-co-ed
  7. 101 A Bluetooth [in]Security .............................. y3dips
  8. Notes : Hackers , Fact n Fiction .......................... y3dips
  9. Hackers Logbook ----| 09a. Hijack Yahoo Account Dengan Trojan ................. lirva32

download compressed version issue #15 = 35 KB

---| echo|zine issue #14 ( Feb - Jun 2006 )

  1. Introduction .......................................... echo|staff
  2. Pseudo-random ......................................... echo|staff
  3. Profile: cyb3rh3b ..................................... echo|staff
  4. Algoritma Enkripsi One Time Pad .......................... cR45H3R
  5. Nemesis Attacks: TCP Hijacking dan Man-in-the-Middle ..... Ph0ni3x
  6. Psikologi Penulis Virus ................................ Spyro Kid
  7. Shellcode ............................................... Cyb3rh3b
  8. Message Authentication Code dan Implementasinya ...... Amri Shodiq
  9. Hackers Logbook ----| 09a. Tips PHP Injection ............................ XBOX360LIVE ----| 09b. Takeover Yahoo! Account atau account lainnya .... Spyro Kid

download compressed version issue #14 = 35 KB

---| echo|zine issue #13 ( Nov - Jan 2006 )

  1. Introduction ........................................... echo staff
  2. Pseudo-random .......................................... anonymous
  3. Interview: the_hydra ................................... echo staff
  4. Artificial Neural Network dan Security ................. Cyb3rh3b
  5. Dilema Etika IT Security Professional ................. an0maly
  6. 0second: Meet The Bugs ................................. y3dips
  7. SSH Private Key Cracker ................................ anonymous
  8. Network Security 101: Teori dan Prinsip ................ an0maly
  9. Simple Password Management ............................. digital junkie
  10. Hackers Logbook ........................................ (dR4GGy, anonymous, jomblo_keparat) download compressed version issue #13 = 62 KB

---| echo|zine issue #12 ( Mei - Agustus 2005 )

  1. Introduction .......................................... echo|staff
  2. Pseudo-random ......................................... echo|staff
  3. Hackers Profile (xnuxer, sakitjiwa) ................... echo|staff
  4. CDMA Cloning Pada Samsung SCH-N356 ......................... Fel_C
  5. Mengenal Algoritma Enkripsi RSA ........................ hornygeek
  6. Memanfaatkan Misconfigured SMTPServer SebagaiAgen DDoS hyponemesis
  7. Dashboard Widget Trojan............................ digital junkie
  8. Luhn Formula .............................................. 1411v
  9. Hackers Logbook ............................... (sakitjiwa, 1411v)

download compressed version issue #12 = 24 KB

---| echo|zine issue #11 (Maret - Mei 2005 )

  1. Introduction .......................................... echo|staff
  2. Pseudo-random ......................................... echo|staff
  3. echo|zine Article Guidelines .......................... echo|staff
  4. Digital Forensic: Investigasi Insiden Keamanan .......... Biatch-X
  5. Menyembunyikan IP Address Saat Browsing .................. Lirva32
  6. Netcat: Network Swiss Army Knife .................. digital junkie
  7. Menghapus Backdoor SShDoor/ShV4 .......................... the_day
  8. w[x]f Project ............................................. y3dips
  9. Simple Encryption/Decryption Menggunakan OpenSSL ..... hyponemesis

download compressed version issue #11 = 28 KB

---| echo|zine issue #10 (Januari - Februari 2005 )

  1. Intro ................................................. echo|staff
  2. Interview Dengan negative ............................. echo|staff
  3. Si Kabayan Belajar Windows Registry ..................... Al_k_000
  4. Virus Assembly Menggunakan TASM dan TLINK ................. dR4GGy
  5. Keyboard Hacking Pada Windows ............................ lirva32
  6. Modifikasi Virus Friday 13H ........................... familycode
  7. HTTP Fingerprint / Banner Grabbing ....................... the_day
  8. Windows Malware Removal .................................... vladb
  9. Google Hacking ............................................. Zylon
  10. Exploitasi Windows XP (Fat32) .............................. [mRt]

download compressed version issue #10 = 31 KB

---| echo|zine issue #9 ( Nopember - Desember 2004 )

  1. INTRO ................................................. echo|staff
  2. Trojan And Their Future .................................. @difigo
  3. CrackAdmin Password (Mac OS x)................................ AgD
  4. Nokia Bug COde ............................................. Al_k
  5. Lebih lanjut di Security Postfix [Part 1]............ antonrahmadi
  6. REMOTE "BACKSHELL" dengan NETCAT ........................... az001
  7. Network Security (hacking) : Fun or Profit ? ............ Biatch-x
  8. Trik Mendapatkan Password email dengan PHP+MySQL ........... Comex
  9. Cara membuat program perusak (Seperti Virus)........... familycode
  10. Phreaking Di TUCs (Telepon Umum Coin)....................... Fel_c
  11. VMS Basic Commands ........................................ ramius
  12. Ezine st0ry ............................................... y3dips
  13. ECHO Skrapt 2004 ................................ y3dips && K-159
  14. Interview With ............................................. Comex

download compressed version issue #9 = 60 KB

---| echo|zine issue #8 (September - Oktober 2004)

  1. INTRO .................................................. echo|staff
  2. Show hidden File n folder on Mac OS X ......................... AgD
  3. Social Reverse-Engineering ............................... Biatch-X
  4. Webdav Mass Scanner ......................................... bima_
  5. SQL (Structured Query Languange) Part I ................... Bithedz
  6. Mengelabuii Nmap OS Fingerprinting ........................ \conan\
  7. DDOS dengan TRIn00 ................................... hilman_hands
  8. Mendapatkan IP dari Internet Messengers .................... idkhai
  9. Diskless K12LTSP base on REDHAT 9 #1 ...................... lirva32
  10. Diskless K12LTSP base on REDHAT 9 #2 ...................... lirva32
  11. Exploitasi WEB SERVER dengan XSS .............................. mrt
  12. Basic vi commands ....................................... SakitJiwa
  13. Online lewat IRC dengan IPV6 ............................ SakitJiwa
  14. Instalasi PGP dan cara memakainya ....................... SakitJiwa
  15. Merakit Telnetd / rlogin ................ syzwz/bosen/SakitJiwa/1st
  16. Tutorial singkat BitchX ................................. SakitJiwa
  17. IRC melalui TELNET ......................................... sandal
  18. Exploit 4 Becommunity (Testing Only) ...................... y3dips
  19. Membuat program kecil untuk Flashdisk ...................... y3dips
  20. F.A.Q for NEWBIES Version 1.0 .............................. y3dips
  21. Full Path Disclosures review ............................... y3dips
  22. Bug Telkomsel full ......................................... yudhax
  23. Tutorial John The Ripper (JTR) .............................. zylon

download compressed version issue#8 = 88 KB

---| echo|zine issue #7 (Juli - Agustus 2004)

  1. Intro................................................... echo|staff
  2. Menjadi Admin Forum PHP nuke 7.2.0 ....................... Andr3^81
  3. Comersus Shopping Cart 5.098 XSS Vul ........................ az001
  4. IHACK#01.e-Zine .......................................... basher13
  5. IHACK#02.e-Zine .......................................... basher13
  6. Linux Security On-The-Fly ( Part I )...................... biatch-x
  7. Automatically post comment to Jasakom ....................... bima_
  8. Melindungi password admin XP ............................... Frendy
  9. Membuat fullscreen webpage iseng ........................... Frendy
  10. Stacheldraht"DDOS" ................................... Hilman_hands
  11. Hacking_Motherboard_Socket_7 ............................ Hyp3rlink
  12. Proteksi Web Dari SQL Injection ........................... inue_99
  13. Tutorial Enkripsi vbsworm[1] ................................. knot
  14. Tutorial Enkripsi vbsworm[2] ................................. knot
  15. Instalasi psyBNC2.3.1 For Windows ....................... Lieur-Euy
  16. Trik menghemat ADSL ....................................... lirva32
  17. Hentikan infeksi virus myheart2 .......................... Newbeast
  18. Implementasi IPv6 pada OS linux ..................... pangeran_biru
  19. Pengenalan IPv6 ..................................... pangeran_biru
  20. Hacking Situs E-Gold ......................................... rrrr
  21. Mengaktifkan sendmail pada mac OSX ...................... SakitJiwa
  22. Tutup port Anda .............................................. S'to
  23. Trik Meningkatkan Security Linux Box ...................... /conan/
  24. Pentingnya perintah echo dan karakter '>' ................... y1h44
  25. Virtual Local Area Network ................................. y3dips
  26. Trik telepon gratis ........................................ yudhax

download compressed version issue #7 = 129 KB

---| echo|zine issue #6 (Mei - Juni 2004)

  1. INTRO .................................................. echo|staff
  2. DEFACING WiTH ...................... m_beben (#kartubeben)
  3. DEFACING WiTH WEBFOLDER ..................... m_beben (#kartubeben)
  4. Scanning with Nmap ................................. Auth: Biatch-X
  5. Hacking Net Bios Windows 2000 sp 1 ................... inue_99 Csrg
  7. Jenis-Jenis Backdooring Pada WebServer || ................. the_day
  8. Exploit Mandrake 9.0 Local root ............................the_day
  9. Teknik Remote Connect-Back Shell .......................... the_day
  10. BUG SMS SATELINDO ......................................... yudhax
  11. Mail Palsu dengan PHP .................................... Andr3^81
  12. IntervieW [*NEW] with [echo|staff] K-159-prophile.txt S'to-prophile.txt download compressed version issue #6 = 43 KB

---| echo|zine issue #5 (Maret - April 2004)

  1. INTRO .................................................. echo|staff
  2. StarDawn#1 ............................................... Basher13
  3. StarDawn#2 ............................................... Basher13
  4. Perkenalan CMS+portal GPL ................................... comex
  5. MIMA ...................................................... Fleanux
  6. My Gallery Injection .................................... Juventini
  7. Pengenalan Port ......................................... Juventini
  8. Anonmailer ................................................... m0by
  9. Gabung Kamus Kata 4 BFA .................................... Sandal
  10. Hack-ling in d' Mall ....................................... Sandal
  11. Rental chaosing ............................................ Sandal
  12. Backdooring Windows XP ..................................... y3dips
  13. Securing windows XP ........................................ y3dips
  14. Trace RPC Exploits ......................................... y3dips
  15. Kompilasi Kernel 2.6.x ................................... z3r0byt3
  16. Hack at web Design Competition .......................... Hyperlink
  17. Seni menebak password ........................................ m0by
  18. IntervieW [*NEW] with (echo|staff) y3dips-prophile.txt the_day-prophile.txt moby-prophile.txt

download compressed version issue #5 = 74 KB

---| echo|zine issue #4 (Januari - Pebruari 2004)

  1. INTRO ................................................... echostaff
  2. open relay mail server .................................... the_day
  3. XSS ....................................................... the_day
  4. mengatasi worm agobot ..................................... the_day
  5. hacking windows 2000 ...................................... the_day
  6. firewall ................................................... y3dips
  7. virus komputer ............................................. y3dips
  8. tarballz ................................................... y3dips
  9. password : tips + trik ..................................... y3dips
  10. defacing ; all about (v 1.0) ............................... y3dips
  11. instalasi dan konfigurasi DJBDNS ......................... z3r0byt3

download compressed version issue #4 = 38 KB

---| echo|zine issue #3 (Desember 2003)

  1. INTRO ................................................... echostaff
  2. teknik pencariian pada search engine ........................ de^wa
  3. tips penggunaan wget ........................................ de^wa
  4. BUGs pada dan ....................... kamesywara
  5. Algoritma sederhana untuk menjadi Hacker ..................... moby
  6. seni dan filsavat hacking v.01 .............................. moby
  7. hacker hall of fame .......................................... moby
  8. tingkat masyarakat hacker .................................... moby
  9. analisa jaringan dengan ping dan traceroute ................ samuel
  10. membuat proxy server ....................................... samuel
  11. membuat server dial-in ..................................... samuel
  12. mengenal batch proraming ................................... y3dips
  13. tips&&trick di warnet ...................................... y3dips
  14. jaringan [QUESTION] ........................................ y3dips
  15. interogasi email anda ...................................... y3dips
  16. deteksi penyusup jaringan ................................. the_day
  17. main dengan registry windows .............................. the_day
  18. spamming ................................................ z3r0byt3

download compressed version issue #3 = 48 KB

---| echo|zine issue #2 (nopember 2003)

  1. pengantar echo-zine 02 ................................. echo staff
  2. new hacker manifesto ................ phrack staff (
  3. sekelumit dunia linux [bagian 2] ........................... y3dips
  4. open source definition ..................
  5. kenapa aku tidak mau jadi Script Kiddies ................... y3dips
  6. ddos ......................................................... moby
  7. pengenalan jaringan [bagian 2] ............................. y3dips
  8. virus [bagian 2] .......................................... the_day
  9. dos pada apache ............................................ y3dips
  10. kenalan dikit sama perl .................................... y3dips
  11. hacking unix 4 newbies .................................... the_day
  12. netsend bomberz ............................................ y3dips
  13. SQL injection[1] .......................................... the_day

download compressed version issue #2 = 39 KB

---| echo|zine issue #1 (oktober 2003)

  1. perkenalan tentang ezine ............................... echo staff
  2. profhile on ................................. echo staff
  3. sekelumit dunia linux [bagian 1] ........................... y3dips
  4. sedikit tentang open source samuel (
  5. all about hacking .................................... from outside
  6. all about hacking ............................................ moby
  7. pengenalan jaringan [bagian 1] ............................. y3dips
  8. virus [bagian 1] ........................................... y3dips
  9. W32.welchia.worm .......................................... y3dips
  10. blaster kode ...................................

download compressed version issue #1 = 37 KB

echo|zine issue 1-29, 1/14/14. ISSN IDUN-CARE Copyright (c) 2003-2014 echo|zine. All right reversed.

echo|zine -- dari staff (contributors), oleh staff (lazy editors),
untuk SEMUA (You! YES, YOU!)


Echo Electronic Magazine (Issue 1 - 29)