muskansawa / mask_monitor

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Project Overview


The aim of this project is to detect whether a person is wearing a face mask or not by capturing input from the camera and testing it on a Face Mask detection Model. If our model detects a face without a mask, it will capture the image and store it in a database for record. After doing all this, if time permits, then the next improvement will be identifying the defaulters by using the data stored previously.

Flow of the project:


Resources and Dependencies

  • python installed
  • anaconda ide or a virtual env with python and other dependencies.
  • mySQL
  • OpenCV , MySQL Connector, NumPy , keras and tensorflow python libraries.
  • Haarcascade frontal_face.xml file
  • CPU or a GPU(fast compute preferred).
  • large dataset for training


Real time mask detection


data preprocessing

  • here we will load the data from our dataset to organise and convert them into a format which can be given as an input to our CNN
  • tf.keras.applications.vgg16.preprocess_input is used to preprocess our data to send into our VGG16 model image


  • i used 12K dataset from kaggle and trained my model on 10000 images
  • val_accuracy: 0.9975


Check for the accuracy using a confusion matrix and plotting it using matplotlib’s pilot module. image

Updating the database with labelled images from our local directory:

  • we can move on to loading the image into our model and classifying a face as with or without mask and store the labels
  • the image of a person without a mask is captured and saved in our local directory. After regular intervals we send that data from the local directory to our MySQL database by running our python script
  • The name of our table is pic
  • It stores 3 parameters (the id of defaulter, name if known, the image captured).





Language:Jupyter Notebook 100.0%