musicjae / causal-text-papers

Curated research at the intersection of causal inference and natural language processing.

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Papers about Causal Inference and Language

A collection of papers and codebases about influence, causality, and language.

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Table of Contents

  1. Datasets and Simulations
  2. Learning resources and blog posts
  3. Causal Inference with Text Variables
    1. Text as treatment
    2. Text as mediator
    3. Text as outcome
    4. Text as confounder
  4. Causality to improve NLP
    1. Causal interpretations and explanations
    2. Sensitivity and rhobustness
  5. Applications in the Social Sciences
    1. Linguistics
    2. Marketing
    3. Persuasion & Argumentation
    4. Mental health
    5. Psychology
    6. Economics
    7. Bias and Fairness
    8. Social Media
    9. Law
    10. Online Hate Speech
  6. Potential Connections to Language
    1. Vectorized treatments

Datasets and Simulations

Type Description Code
Semi-simulated Given text (amazon reviews), extracts treatments (0 or 5 stars) and confounds (product type), then samples outcomes (sales) conditioned on the extracted treatments and confounds. git
Fully synthetic Samples outcomes, treatments, and confounds from binomial distributions, then words from a uniform distribution conditioned on those sampled variables. git

Learning resources and blog posts

Title Description Code
Text and Causal Inference: A Review of Using Text to Remove Confounding from Causal Estimates
Katherine A. Keith, David Jensen, and Brendan O’Connor
Survey of studies that use text to remove confouding. Also highlights numerous open problems in the space of text and causal inference.
Text Feature Selection for Causal Inference
Reid Pryzant and Dan Jurafsky
Blog post about text as treatment (operationalized through lexicons) git
Econometrics Meets Sentiment: An Overview of Methodology and Applications
Andres Algaba, David Ardia, Keven Bluteau, Samuel Borms, and Kris Boudt
Survey summarizing various methods to transform alternative data (with a focus on text) into a variable, and use it in econometric models. Includes applications throughout. git

Causal Inference with Text Variables

Text as treatment

Title Description Code
Causal Effects of Linguistic Properties
Reid Pryzant, Dallas Card, Dan Jurafsky, Victor Veitch, Dhanya Sridhar
Develops an adjustment procedure for text-based causal inference with classifier-based treatments. Proves bounds on the bias git
Challenges of Using Text Classifiers for Causal Inference
Zach Wood-Doughty, Ilya Shpitser, Mark Dredze
Looks at different errors that can stem from estimating treatment labels with classifiers, proposes adjustments to account for said errors git
Deconfounded Lexicon Induction for Interpretable Social Science
Reid Pryzant, Kelly Shen, Dan Jurafsky, Stefan Wager
Looks at effect of text as manifested in lexicons or individual words, proposes algorithms for estimating effects and evaluating lexicons git
How to Make Causal Inferences Using Texts
Naoki Egami, Christian J. Fong, Justin Grimmer, Margaret E. Roberts, and Brandon M. Stewart
(Also text as outcome). Covers assumptions needed for text as treatment and concludes that you should use a train/test set.
Discovery of treatments from text corpora
Christian Fong, Justin Grimmer
Propose a new experimental design and statistical model to simultaneously discover treatments in a corpora and estimate causal effects for these discovered treatments.
The effect of wording on message propagation: Topic and author-controlled natural experiments on twitter
Chenhao Tan, Lillian Lee, and Bo Pang
Controls for confouding by looking at Tweets containing the same url and written by the same user but employing different wording.
When do Words Matter? Understanding the Impact of Lexical Choice on Audience Perception using Individual Treatment Effect Estimation
Zhao Wang and Aron Culotta
Measure effect of words on reader's perception. Multiple quasi-experimental methods compared. git

Text as mediator

Title Description Code
Adapting Text Embeddings for Causal Inference
Victor Veitch, Dhanya Sridhar, and David Blei
(also text as confounder) Adapts BERT embeddings for causal inference by predicting propensity scores and potential outcomes alongside masked language modeling objective. tensorflow
Operationalizing Complex Causes: A Pragmatic View of Mediation
Limor Gultchin, David Watson, Matt Kusner and Ricardo Silva
(can also be viewed as text as treatment) Develops a notion of pragmatic mediation which helps make causel effect estimation when complex objects, such as text, image or genomics are involved, across various intervention regimes. Identification of prgamtic mediators has an interpretability benefit which could guide the development of new interventions. git

Text as outcome

Title Description Code
Estimating Causal Effects of Tone in Online Debates
Dhanya Sridhar and Lise Getoor
(Also text as confounder). Looks at effect of reply tone on the sentiment of subsiquent responses in online debates. git
How Judicial Identity Changes the Text of Legal Rulings
Michael Gill and Andrew Hall
Looks at how the random assignment of a female judge or a non-white judge affects the language of legal rulings.
Measuring semantic similarity of clinical trial outcomes using deep pre-trained language representations
Anna Koroleva, Sanjay Kamath, Patrick Paroubek

Text as confounder

Title Description Code
Text and Causal Inference: A Review of Using Text to Remove Confounding from Causal Estimates
Katherine A. Keith, David Jensen, and Brendan O’Connor
Survey of studies that use text to remove confouding. Also highlights numerous open problems in the space of text and causal inference.
Adjusting for confounding with text matching
Margaret E Roberts, Brandon M Stewart, and Richard A Nielsen
Estimate a low-dimensional summary of the text and condition on this summary via matching to remove confouding. Proposes a method of text matching, topical inverse regression matching, that matches on both on the topical content and propensity score.
Matching with text data: An experimental evaluation of methods for matching documents and of measuring match quality
Reagan Mozer, Luke Miratrix, Aaron Russell Kaufman, L Jason Anastasopoulos
Characterizes and empirically evaluates a framework for matching text documents that decomposes existing methods into: the choice of text representation, and the choice of distance metric.
Learning representations for counterfactual inference
Fredrik Johansson, Uri Shalit, David Sontag
One of their semi-synthetic experiments has news content as a confounder.

Causality to Improve NLP

Causal interpretations and explanations

Title Description Code
CausaLM: Causal Model Explanation Through Counterfactual Language Models
Amir Feder, Nadav Oved, Uri Shalit and Roi Reichart
Suggested a method for generating causal explanations through counterfactual language representations. git
Causal Mediation Analysis for Interpreting Neural NLP: The Case of Gender Bias
Jesse Vig, Sebastian Gehrmann, Yonatan Belinkov, Sharon Qian, Daniel Nevo, Yaron Singer and Stuart Shieber
Uses causal mediation analysis to interpret NLP models. git

Sensitivity and Robustness

Title Description Code
Robustness to Spurious Correlations in Text Classification via Automatically Generated Counterfactuals
Zhao Wang and Aron Culotta
Matching to identify causal terms, then generate counterfactuals for training. git
Identifying Spurious Correlations for Robust Text Classification
Zhao Wang and Aron Culotta
Matching to identify spurious word features git
Discovering and Controlling for Latent Confounds in Text Classification Using Adversarial Domain Adaptation
Virgile Landeiro, Tuan Tran, and Aron Culotta
Control for unobserved confounders in text classification
Robust Text Classification under Confounding Shift
Virgile Landeiro and Aron Culotta
Control for changing confounders in text classification git

Applications in the Social Sciences


Title Description Code
Decoupling entrainment from consistency using deep neural networks
Andreas Weise, Rivka Levitan
Isolated the individual style of a speaker when modeling entrainment in speech.
Estimating causal effects of exercise from mood logging data
Dhanya Sridhar, Aaron Springer, Victoria Hollis, Steve Whittaker, Lise Getoor
Confouder: Text of mood triggers. Confounding adjustment method: Propensity score matching


Title Description Code
Predicting Sales from the Language of Product Descriptions
Reid Pryzant, Young-Joo Chung, and Dan Jurafsky
Found features of product descriptions most predictive of sales while controlling for brand & price. git
Interpretable Neural Architectures for Attributing an Ad’s Performance to its Writing Style
Reid Pryzant, Kazoo Sone, and Sugato Basu
Found features of ad copy most predictive of high CTR while controlling for advertiser and targeting. git

Persuasion & Argumentation

Title Description Code
Influence via Ethos: On the Persuasive Power of Reputation in Deliberation Online
Emaad Manzoor, George H. Chen, Dokyun Lee, Michael D. Smith
Controls for unstructured argument text using neural models of language in the double machine-learning framework.

Mental Health

Title Description Code
The language of social support in social media and its effect on suicidal ideation risk
Munmun De Choudhury and Emre Kiciman
Confouder: previous text written in a Reddit forum. Confounding adjustment method: stratified propensity scores matching.
Discovering shifts to suicidal ideation from mental health content in social media
Munmun De Choudhury, Emre Kiciman, Mark Dredze, Glen Coppersmith, Mrinal Kumar
Confouder: User’s previous posts and comments received. Confounding adjustment method: stratified propensity scores matching


Title Description Code
Increasing vegetable intake by emphasizing tasty and enjoyable attributes: A randomized controlled multisite intervention for taste-focused labeling
Bradley Turnwald, Jaclyn Bertoldo, Margaret Perry, Peggy Policastro, Maureen Timmons, Christopher Bosso, Priscilla Connors, Robert Valgenti, Lindsey Pine, Ghislaine Challamel, Christopher Gardner, Alia Crum
Did RCT on cafeteria food labels, observing effect on how much of those foods students took.
A social media study on the effects of psychiatric medication use
Koustuv Saha, Benjamin Sugar, John Torous, Bruno Abrahao, Emre Kıcıman, Munmun De Choudhury
Confounder: users' previous posts on Twitter. Confounding adjustment method: Stratified propensity score matching.


Title Description Code
A deep causal inference approach to measuring the effects of forming group loans in online non-profit microfinance platform
Thai T Pham and Yuanyuan Shen
Confounder: Microloan descriptions on Kiva. Confounding adjustment method: A-IPTW, TMLE on embeddings.

Bias and Fairness

Title Description Code
Unsupervised Discovery of Implicit Gender Bias Propensity score matching and adversarial learning to get a model to focus on bias instead of other artifacts.
Tweetment Effects on the Tweeted: Experimentally Reducing Racist Harassment
Kevin Munger
Did RCT sending de-escalation messages to racist twitter users, changing the "from" user and observing effects on downstream behavior.

Social Media

Title Description Code
Estimating the effect of exercising on users online behavior
Seyed Amin Mirlohi Falavarjani, Hawre Hosseini, Zeinab Noorian, Ebrahim Bagheri
Confounder: Pre-treatment topical interest shift. Confounding adjustment method: Matching on topic models.
Distilling the outcomes of personal experiences: A propensity-scored analysis of social media
Alexandra Olteanu, Onur Varol, Emre Kiciman
Confounder: Past word use on Twitter. Confoundig adjustment method: Stratified propensity score matching.
Using longitudinal social media analysis to understand the effects of early college alcohol use
Emre Kiciman, Scott Counts, Melissa Gasser
Confounder: Previous posts on Twitter. Confounding adjustment method: Stratified propensity score matching.
Using Matched Samples to Estimate the Effects of Exercise on Mental Health from Twitter
Virgile Landeiro and Aron Culotta
Confounder: Gender, location, profile. Confounding adjustment method: Matching. git


Title Description Code
Everything Has a Cause: Leveraging Causal Inference in Legal Text Analysis
Xiao Liu, Da Yin, Yansong Feng, Yuting Wu, Dongyan Zhao
Built causal graphs from legal descriptions automatically, and disambiguated similar charges with the built graphs. Treatment & Confounders: factors from legal descriptions. git

Online Hate Speech

Title Description Code
A Survey of Online Hate Speech through the Causal Lens
Antigoni M. Founta, Lucia Specia
A survey of studies that measure causal effects related to online hate speech. The survey also highlights potential knowledge gaps and issues, and provides suggestions on how to further extend the causal perspective of hate speech.
Robust Cyberbullying Detection with Causal Interpretation
Lu Cheng, Ruocheng Guo, Huan Liu
Proposes a principled framework to identify and block the influence of plausible latent confounders on cyberbullying detection.
Prevalence and Psychological Effects of Hateful Speech in Online College Communities
Koustuv Saha, Eshwar Chandrasekharan, Munmun De Choudhury
Measure psychological effect of exposure to hate speech on Reddit communities, as increase in levels of stress. Confounders: Subreddit & User activity. Confounding adjustment method: Propensity score matching.

Potential Connections to Language

Vectorized treatments

Title Description Code
Graph Intervention Networks for Causal Effect Estimation
Jean Kaddour, Qi Liu, Yuchen Zhu, Matt J. Kusner, Ricardo Silva
Generalizes the Robinson decomposition, as used in R-learner or generalized random forests, to vectorized treatments (e.g. text, images, graphs). git


Curated research at the intersection of causal inference and natural language processing.