Mushfiqur Rahman (mushfiqurniazzz)


Geek Repo

Location:Dhaka, Bangladesh

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Mushfiqur Rahman's repositories


This Login System is a fullstack web app thats authenticates user, with functionalities for saving a user with hashed password in DB, logging in a user by comparing the typed and hashed password and saves a token in the localstorage after login. It uses MYSQL as the database, Express.js for handling server-side logic, React.js for rendering UI.



This MERN app allows users to send emails to single or multiple users very , featuring functionalities for adding attachments,texts or paragraphs, and saving every single emails sent in MongoDB.



This MERN app allows users to create a account using their gmail account with the help of firebase. It has functionality for hashing the passwords with bcryptjs before saving in DB, saving cookies in local storage during login process with the help of jsonwebtoken and saving every single accounts created in MongoDB.



This MERN app allows users to answer few questions and finally be able to know about their feelings. It uses MongoDB as the database to store questions and answers, Express.js for handling server-side logic, React.js for building the user interface, and Node.js for server-side runtime environment.



This app allows users to manage a list of todos, featuring functionalities for adding new todos, marking todos as completed, and deleting todos. It uses MongoDB as the database to store todo data, Express.js for handling server-side logic, React.js for building the user interface, Firebase authentication method and Node.js for server-side runtime.



This MERN app allows users to perform simple calculations, featuring functionalities for adding,subtracting or multiplying, and also perform divisions with decimals saving every single calculation in MongoDB.



This app allows users to save users with name and email with specific id for everyone, featuring functionalities like create, read, update, delete. It uses MySQL as the database to store users, Express.js for handling server-side logic, React.js for building the user interface, and Node.js for server-side runtime environment.
