musamamasood / jquery-validation-for-contact-form-7

Jquery Validation For Contact Form 7

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Jquery Validation For Contact Form 7

Contributors: dnesscarkey
Tags: contact form 7 js validation, jquery validation, contact form 7 jquery validation, form validation, contact form 7 us phone number validation, contact form 7 iban number validation, file extension validation, url validation, credit card validaton, minlength validation, range validation
Requires at least: 3.0
Tested up to: 4.3.1
Stable tag: 3.1

New standard of validation for Contact Form 7 plugin.


This plugin adds jquery validation to your contact form 7. You will be able to validate extra validation rules like: url, date, credit card, phone number in the contact form 7 fields.

Benefits you get from this plugins.

  • Adds Jquery Validation to Contact Form Fields.
  • More faster validation than of contact form core validation.
  • Allows field to be validated for url, date, credit card, number and more.
  • Field Highlight features for invalid field data types.
  • Error message for individual fields.
  • Easy to to add validation rules. Just add class in contact form 8 fields.
  • Interactive validation that your users love.
  • Works with multiple forms now.

Validation Methods available.

  • Required
  • Email
  • Url
  • Date
  • Number
  • Digit only
  • Credit Card
  • US Phone number
  • IBAN

Lite Version Demo

Additional Validation Methods available in PRO version.

  • Minimum Number - Makes the element require a given minimum.
  • Maximum Number - Makes the element require a given maximum.
  • Minimum Length - Makes the element require a given minimum length.
  • Maximum Length - Makes the element require a given maximum length.
  • Range Length - Makes the element require a given value range.
  • Range - Makes the element require a given value range.
  • Equal To - Requires the element to be the same as another one
  • Extension - Makes the element require a certain file extension
  • Require Group - Ensures a given number of fields in a group are complete.

Additional Features in Pro version.

Pro Version Demo

For Support Please Visit We don't respond to tickets created here.

Don't forget to check the instructions in the setting page of the plugin.


  1. Upload the plugin jquery-validation-for-contact-form-7 files to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the jquery-validation-for-contact-form-7 plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
  3. Select Jquery Validation For Contact Form 7 under Settings
  4. Don't forget to check the instructions in the setting page of the plugin.

Frequently Asked Questions

= Does it works with multiple contact form ? =

Yes, this plugin has been take care to handle multiple forms in a single page.


  1. Contact Form With extra jquery validation in front end.
    Screen Shot 1
  2. Setting and Instruction For Jquery Validation For Contact Form 7.
    Screen Shot 1
  3. Change Error Message
    Screen Shot 1
  4. Validation Error Theme 1 (Lite Version)
    Screen Shot 1
  5. Validation Error Theme 2 (Only Available in Pro Version)
    Screen Shot 1
  6. Validation Error Theme 3 (Only Available in Pro Version)
    Screen Shot 1
  7. Validation Error Theme 4 (Only Available in Pro Version)
    Screen Shot 1
  8. Validation Error None (Lite Version)
    Screen Shot 1


= 3.1.1 =

  • Added support for IBAN validation.

= 3.1 =

  • Fixed Contact Form 7 loading icon issue.

= 3.0.2 =

  • Tested with WP 4.2.3 and Contact Form 7 Ver 4.2.1.
  • Latest jquery validation plugin

= 3.0.1 =

  • Tested with WP 4.1.1 and Contact Form 7 Ver 4.1.1.
  • Added more validation rules.
  • Fixed PhoneUS validation.

= 2.0 =

  • Tested with 3.9

= 1.1 =

  • Multiple form issues fixed.

= 0.3 =

  • IE issues fixed.

= 0.2 =

  • Error Fixes

= 0.1 =

  • First Release


Jquery Validation For Contact Form 7


Language:PHP 50.4%Language:JavaScript 45.1%Language:CSS 4.5%